IUCN, with Zoo Outreach Organisation, have today published a new report, 'The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the Western Ghats'.
More information on the project can be seen on IUCN's website.
Key Outcomes
The Western Ghats hotspot, originally designated for its plant species, is confirmed as a globally significant centre of diversity and endemism for freshwater species
Close to 16% of the 1,146 freshwater taxa assessed are threatened with extinction, with a further 1.9% assessed as Near Threatened. Approximately one-tenth of species were assessed as Data Deficient
Within the Western Ghats, catchments in the southern part of the region in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and southern Karnataka have the highest freshwater species richness and levels of endemism, but also contain the highest number of threatened species
Although many protected areas are located within or near areas of the richest freshwater diversity, the southern Western Ghats region also experiences the highest level of threat to freshwater species
The northern Western Ghats region within Maharashtra has a lower recorded freshwater diversity than the southern region. Although this trend supports the expected relationship between species richness and rainfall, the lower diversity is probably due to inadequate surveys in the freshwater ecosystems of the west flowing rivers of the northern Western Ghats.
Aquatic plants and fishes are the most heavily utilized freshwater groups in the Western Ghats. Twenty-eight percent of aquatic plants are harvested for medicinal purposes, and 14% and 13%, as food for people and animals, respectively. More than half of all fish species are harvested for human consumption, and a growing percentage (37%) of species are captured for the aquarium trade. Eighteen percent of mollusc species are used as food for humans
The main threats impacting freshwater biodiversity in the Western Ghats include pollution (with urban and domestic pollution ranking as the worst threats followed by agricultural and industrial sources of pollution), species use (including fishing and collection for the aquarium trade), residential and commercial development, dams and other natural system modifications, alien invasive species, agriculture and aquaculture, energy production and mining
Key recommendations / conclusions
Taxonomic studies, inventories and monitoring of freshwater fauna and flora of the Western Ghats are urgently needed
Many species are narrowly distributed within the Western Ghats, where destruction or alteration of a small catchment may lead to their extinction. Actions required include protection of key habitats, prevention of flow modifications where possible, conservation of specialized ecosystems such as Myristica swamps, prevention of agrochemical use in upper catchments, and regulation of tourism in critical habitats
Improved enforcement of pollution laws is needed along with effective effluent treatment and better solid waste disposal protocols
Investigations into the spread and impact of invasive alien fish and plant species are an immediate priority. A national policy on the introduction of alien species and their management is required
Environmental impact assessment of development activities must be evaluated for their impacts to freshwater ecosystems
Awareness programmes promoting better understanding of the values, sustainable use, and management of wetlands and rivers are crucial to eliminate public perception of wetlands as wastelands
Given the rapid rate of development across the region, politicians, legislators and other relevant stakeholders must be given access to key biodiversity information for freshwater ecosystems and this should be integrated within decision-making and planning processes
Legislation to protect species and habitats exists across the region, but implementation and enforcement need to be more effective. Threatened and endemic species of freshwater fish of biological and socio-economic importance should be included within the National Wildlife Protection Act
Workshops involving local and regional stakeholders should be carried out to identify and prioritise a set of Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) based on the potential KBAs identified in the current study. Management plans for these areas can then be implemented to benefit both the many dependant people and the rich biodiversity that these areas support.
Contact Details
Dr Sanjay Molur
Executive Director, Zoo Outreach Organisation (ZOO) Trust Email: herpinvert@gmail.com t. +91 422 256 1087 m. +91 93676 19991
Kevin Smith
Freshwater Biodiversity Unit, Species Programme IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature Email: kevin.smith@iucn.org