Amita Bhaduri

Transdisciplinary method for water pollution and human health research – A working paper by Peter Mollinga
This paper discusses how to go about designing an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research project or programme, with ZEF’s research initiative on ‘water pollution and human health’ in India as the background of the presentation. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 6 months ago
Formation of glacial lakes in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas and Glacial Lake Outburst Flood risk assessment - A report by ICIMOD
Assessing the threat facing the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region: rapid formation of meltwater lakes on the surface or at the end of a large number of the region’s glaciers owing to current climate warming. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 6 months ago
Himalayi Jan Goshnapatra: Himalayi Niti Ka Prarup – A report in Hindi by the Gandhi Peace Foundation
The Himalayan People's Manifesto has been brought out with the help of various documents prepared by various people and organisations at different times, which demands the government to frame a policy to protect the region. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
National Factsheet – Coverage evaluation survey by UNICEF (2009)
Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Mine the gap: Connecting water risks and disclosure in the mining sector – A report by the World Resources Institute
This paper addresses the problem of how water issues and trends may create potentially costly water-related risk for companies and provides tools, questions, and information for financial community to better evaluate water risks in the mining sector Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Water management across space and time in India – A working paper by the University of Bonn
This paper links development of water management and its practices with social, religious, economic development with the rise and fall of the ruling regime. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Users handbook on Solar Water Heaters by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Confused about Solar water heaters? This handbook draws guidelines for selecting solar water heaters and making informed choices. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
The wealth of waste: The economics of wastewater use in agriculture - A report by FAO
It presents an economic framework for the assessment of the use of reclaimed water in agriculture for a more economically efficient and sustainable water utilization. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Water footprint assessments of dehydrated onion products of Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd – A report by IFC
Documenting the water consumption in Jain Irrigation Systems Limited’s (JISL) production of dehydrated onions and of micro-irrigation systems. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Development of an area based Energy Service Company (ESCO) model for solar water heating (SWH) in India
In the recent years, India has witnessed considerable progress in SWH development, but is still far from its full potential. This report explores design innovation and service delivery mechanisms to leverage SWH investments Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
National Rural Livelihoods Mission – Framework for implementation by Ministry of Rural Development
The key challenge, in India is to ensure that the economic growth is inclusive and leads to significant reduction of rural poverty. This document presents the framework for implementation of National Rural Livelihoods Mission. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Drought 2009: Overview and management – A report by the Ministry of Agriculture
This document on the management of drought during 2009 published by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture presents the deficiency and erratic behavior of rainfall, impact of drought, mitigation efforts initiated and their results. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Farmers experiences on System of Rice Intensification in India – A report by ICRISAT-WWF
From technology to real world; farmers pioneer SRI method, experiment in their own way, and articulate their point of view on the method. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Groundwater quality in shallow aquifers of India – A report by the Central Ground Water Board
Summarizing various aspects of Ground water quality with a special reference to six parameters - salinity, chloride, arsenic, fluoride, iron and nitrate. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Uniform protocol on water quality monitoring by Ministry of Environment and Forests (2005)
Uniformity in procedure for water quality monitoring mechanism by all monitoring agencies, and agencies in order to draw water related Action Plans Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Mitigation and remedy of groundwater arsenic menace in India: A vision document by NIH and CGWB (2010)
What should be gaps, focal areas of research, immediate measures to be taken up to provide arsenic safe potable water to the people? This document details and outlines Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Report of Working Group to advise Water Quality Assessment Authority on the minimum flows in the rivers
This report outlines the principles behind environmental flow assessments, provides a description of methods and highlights the features that ensure these flows Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Approach paper on water quality issues in islands – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep by Central Ground Water Board
Assessing the water quality of the two big Indian Islands, detailing basic information pertaining to each group of islands separately. Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules by Ministry of Environment and Forests (2010)
Ensuring better conservation and management and to prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India, Ministry of Environment and forests notifies Wetlands Rules Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago
Farm Innovators – A compilation by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010)
Ideas and Techniques generated by rural youth and farmers largely go unnoticed, this publication attempts to share such and recognise Talent and Scientific Innovation Amita Bhaduri posted 13 years 7 months ago