
Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
November 21, 2019 A report by NIUA brings to light the chinks in Jaipur's sewage system and suggests some solutions.
Routine check done by the sewage treatment plant staff in Delawas, Jaipur. The plant is part of the ADB best practices projects list. (Image: Asian Development Bank, Flickr Commons)
November 15, 2019 On World Toilet Day, we bring to light the labour of India’s sewer workers - those who do the unclean work that a Clean India relies on.
Photo credit: Sharada Prasad
October 28, 2019 Study identifies 5,000 illegal e-waste units in Delhi operating without health and environmental safeguards.
Most of the operations in these units were found to be manual and rudimentary (Image: Toxics Link)
October 25, 2019 Groundwater use has doubled in Pune. Comprehensive mapping of groundwater resources and better management and governance is the need of the hour.
Groundwater, an exploited resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 6, 2019 India needs to come up with a regulation on use of toxic chemicals in detergents.
Nonylphenol, a toxic chemical found in detergents is known to enter the water bodies and even the food chain, where it bio-accumulates and can pose serious environmental and health risks (Image: Toxics Link)
Is your neighbourhood a 'dirty picture' ?: The growing garbage crisis and 10 ways in which you can help
Have you wondered what happens to all the garbage that your home disowns every morning ? Where does all the stuff that you throw away go ? Where does it end ? Does your neighbourhood portray its own 'dirty picture'? Can this 'trashy' image be altered ?
Travel along the litter route, measure the waste you produce and along with some tips and tricks , check out our ‘waste-o-meter’ to find a few answers to this conundrum !
Posted on 06 Jan, 2013 02:13 PM

‘A potato peel, a piece of paper and a plastic packet’: The story of garbage

Let’s begin with a story of the journey of our junk, in a typical Indian city.

An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development
An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development Posted on 04 Jan, 2013 07:27 PM

This document by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation , Ministry of Urban Development, is an analysis of 2011 census data on of the drinking water and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country.

Survey of the environment 2012 - A publication by The Hindu
This report published by The Hindu focuses on the issues related to the environment, nature, conservation and biodiversity and includes contributions from leading experts who talk about a variety of issues ranging from medicinal plants to shrinking wetlands, the threats to coastal ecosystems, the mining crisis, the dying rivers of India and threats due to urbanisation Posted on 31 Dec, 2012 09:59 AM

The report includes the following articles under separate sections:

The section on biodiversity includes four articles:

Solid and liquid waste management - Proceedings of the Kerala Environment Congress organised at Thiruvananthapuram, 24th to 26th June 2010
This document includes the proceedings of the Kerala Environment Congress organised at Thiruvanathapuram that included twenty three presentations that focused on the issue of solid and liquid waste management Posted on 24 Dec, 2012 04:06 PM

This document published by the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) includes the proceedings of the Kerala Environment Congress 2010  jointly organised by the Centre for Environment and Development (CED), Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Fo

Sustainability and financial viability of urban water supply and sanitation in dryland areas in India - Case study of Indore city
The simultaneous attainment of financial, environmental and social sustainability of urban services is an important requirement of development. Given the huge investments that are being made in the improvement of urban infrastructure and services in India, it is of the utmost importance that these investments are made in a manner that brings about the greatest good of the greatest number in a sustainable manner. Within urban infrastructure the supply of water and its disposal after use in cities has become one of the most problematic aspects of planning and management. Posted on 22 Dec, 2012 02:14 PM


Slum area in Indore 

Image courtesy: http://www.ugo.cn/photo/nn/pt/48743.htm

Ajit Pawar reinstated as Maharashtra deputy CM, despite being involved in a multi-crore irrigation scam - Roundup of the week's news (December 10 – 16, 2012)
The newsroundup this week informs of reducing water level in the Cauvery basin, pollution of rivers in Odisha, Punjab and Kerala, green signal given by the cabinet to the land aquisition bill and the decision made by the Karnataka government for the need to seek permission from the water board for drilling borewells or dugwells in Bangalore city Posted on 17 Dec, 2012 09:42 PM

Ajit Pawar reinstated as deputy CM of Maharashtra  

Lessons learnt while addressing the water-energy nexus: Evaluation of USAID/India's DRUM(Distribution Reform, Upgrades, and Management) and WENEXA (Water and Energy Nexus) programs
This report is an evaluation of two programs undertaken jointly by USAID and India to reform its energy situation, especially in terms of distribution. The report evaluates the relevance, effectiveness, impacts and lessons learnt from the experience. Posted on 16 Dec, 2012 02:50 PM

1. Background
In 2004, DRUM was initiated with the following goals:

India water expo, Ahmedabad, February 1-3, 2013
Posted on 09 Dec, 2012 12:01 PM

India water expo - Logo

Highlights from the 10-year water policy research programme of the International Water Management Institute and the Sir Ratan Tata Trust discussed at the IWMI - TATA Annual Partners' Meet at Anand, between 28-30 November, 2012
IWMI -Tata water policy research programme aims to draw upon research carried out throughout the country to identify solutions for India's water stress and present these as policy recommendations Posted on 05 Dec, 2012 02:06 PM

IWMI-Tata water policy research programme is a collaborative initiative between the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT). 
