Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis - Human Development Report (2006)
The Human Development Report 2006 looks at power, poverty and the global water crisis, an issue that profoundly influences human potential and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 02:32 PM

The Human Development Report 2006 rejects the view that the global water crisis is about absolute shortages of physical supply. It argues that the roots of the crisis in water can be traced to poverty, inequality and unequal power relationships, as well as flawed water management policies that exacerbate scarcity. 

International summit on "Water Governance- Critical Issues For All" by ASSOCHAM
ASSOCHAM under its Cool The Earth , Initiative is organizing International Summit on "Water Governance , Critical Issues For All" Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 09:57 AM

Guest Post by: D. S. Rawat,ASSOCHAM

Image and Content Courtesy: ASSOCHAM It is our great privilege to inform you that ASSOCHAM under its Cool The Earth , Initiative is organizing International Summit on "Water Governance , Critical Issues For All"at 9.00 a.m. on June 24, 2009 at ASSOCHAM House, New Delhi. Our initiative is supported by the Ministry of Water Resources, UNESCO, International Water Management Institute, and Water Technology Centre, (IARI), KPMG (as knowledge partner) and other prominent organizations in water sector. As is evident, Water is going to be of increasing critical importance to countries like India in the coming years. ASSOCHAM has been carrying out special studies and surveys on water conservation and related issues. Our view is that water is going to be as integral part of whole infrastructure system as roads, power, etc in the development process in future. During informal consultations with government officials, experts and NGO's, we have been advised to raise awareness about water management among the consumers, industrial houses, agriculturists, environmentalists, NGO's, media, etc. so as to generate priority concern for all and to help find right solutions.

Regional meeting - "Mazhapolima", Thrissur
Regional meeting to discuss the effects of the Mazhapolima program. Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 09:22 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by: Nitya Jacob, UN

Dr Kurien Baby, District Collector of Trissur, Kerala, and Solution Exchange Water Community are organizing a regional meeting to discuss the effects of the Mazhapolima program. The dates are 16-17 June 2009, and it will be held in Trissur.


Kerala has among the highest well densities in India, and 71% of the population depends on them for drinking water. The aggregate household investment in the state on wells is pegged at Rs 1800 crore and they have a combined yield potential of 6.6 million cu m per day. That works out to a water availability of 197 litres of water per capita per day (lpcd), well above the government's prescribed norm of 140 lpcd. These wells are threatened. Despite an annual rainfall of 3,000 mm, 70% go dry in summer. The surface runoff is heavy, and therefore groundwater levels in several blocks have fallen sharply, and coupled with saline intrusion at an accelerated pace, have led to water quality problems.

Water security for residents of apartments & gated communities in Bangalore - An article by SS Ranganathan
Bangalore has grown phenomenally over the last 25 years and the pleasant ‘rural scenery’of what once were the ‘outskirts’ of Bangalore has given way to forests or jungles of concrete. These are the multi-storeyed apartment complexes which have mushroomed all over, with gated communities making a break in this concrete jungle. One wonders where the residents of these complexes and communities will find the water to live a reasonably normal life. Posted on 29 May, 2009 04:27 PM

Mr. S.S. Ranganathan, author of this guest post, is a retired senior executive of Ion Exchange and currently a consultant based in Bangalore.

He can be reached at: ss.ranganathan@gmail.com , +91-9343734229


The right to water - an overview of the Indian legal regime (2006)
The paper gives a broad overview of the laws relating to water and right to water in India with reference to the constitutional and statutory provisions and decisions of the courts Posted on 27 May, 2009 03:46 PM

This paper published on the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) site begins with outlining the specific provisions of the Constitution of India and some of the significant statutes that help understand the position of the right to water.

JUSCO debate : Change of management of Mysore's water supply
This post is a consolidation of JUSCO debate taking place at various places, submitted by CS Sharada Prasad. Posted on 26 May, 2009 08:24 PM

History of Water Privatisation in India

Failure of the public sector to provide water to all or to regulate its use that has formed the basis for those who argue that like other resources, water too must be more efficiently utilised.

National Water Policy 2002

Private sector participation should be encouraged in planning, development and management of water resources projects may help in introducing innovative ideas, generating financial resources and introducing corporate management and improving service efficiency and accountability to users.

Where the debate actually gets polarized is whether bringing in efficiency also means bringing in the private sector? Supporters of privatisation argue private companies are better placed to increase efficiency. Critics say private companies will raise tariffs making water unaffordable.

History of Jusco

Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (Jusco) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Steel, the flagship company of the Tata group, formed in 2003. It is the Tata vehicle in the emerging water sector in the country having the experience of managing water service in Jamshedpur city for over nine decades. According to the JUSCO website (juscoltd.com), JUSCO has been managing the water supply of Jamshedpur for the last 102 years. In addition to Jamshedpur and Mysore, it has water supply operations in Bhopal, Gwalior, Calcutta, Haldia, Muzaffurpur and Chennai. Mysore project is the third consecutive prestigious water project it has won (in 2008) — the other two are both build and operate (BOT) projects in Salt Lake Sector-V, Kolkata and the industrial city of Haldia. These three projects coupled with Jamshedpur have enhanced Jusco's credentials as the largest water supply developer and operator in the country. According to the website jipm.or.jp of the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, a public corporation under Japan's Ministry of Economics, Trade & Industry, JIPM gave out Total Productive Maintenance Excellence awards in 2008 to fifty companies all over the world and JUSCO was one of the awardees. According to the website globalwaterawards.com, JUSCO was one of just 4 nominees for the 2008 Water Company of the Year global award.

Problems with existing Vani Vilas Water Works in Mysore: (Source: http://www.mygrapa.blogspot.com/)

Mysore city water supply is suffering from many serious problems. A significant portion of customers do not have meters. Most of the meters are not working properly. There is plenty of leakage all over the city. As a result of these factors, only a small fraction of the water pumped into the city gets billed. Many customers do not pay their water bills. So MCC is collecting only a fraction of the amount due to it. Due to lack of revenue, maintenance of the system is not possible. In many localities, water is supplied once in few days. When it is supplied, the pressure is low. Quality of water supplied is also poor. So poor that one can not help wondering why we are not having epidemics every day! No one knows where all the underground pipes and valves are. As a result, in many cases, one can not even localize the problem. These problems are getting worse with time. After spending Rs. 130 crores of ADB loan to provide 24x7 water supply, we are pumping twice the water into Mysore, but the water problem is increasing. Neither MCC nor the Water Board seem to have the technical expertise required to run the water supply system efficiently. MCC does not have the determination to collect its dues in the face of political pressure. Without outside intervention, the situation will soon become irreparable. It is in need of emergency treatment. The only way out seems to seek the help of competent and experienced professionals. But such help does not come cheap.

Reliance Energy undertakes watershed management programmes with the community in Dahanu, Maharashtra (2007)
This presentation describes the initiative undertaken by Reliance Energy at establishing watershed development programmes at the community level in Dahanu, Maharashtra Posted on 25 May, 2009 12:20 PM

Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) supplies electricity to Mumbai. Dahanu is a predominantly tribal area located along the Arabian Sea coast with 185 villages and a total population of over 300,000. The area is rain fed, has lacked storage facilities and, being coastal, suffers from periodic salinity ingress problems.

IAPMO and Indian Plumbing Association roll out plumbing education to employment program
"90 % of the Plumbing industry workforce in India not professionally trained" "Lack of professionally trained plumbers a major drawback for country's construction sector" Posted on 25 May, 2009 12:18 PM

Forwarded to the Portal by: Arun Tharakan

"90 % of the Plumbing industry workforce in India not professionally trained" "Lack of professionally trained plumbers a major drawback for country's construction sector"

The lack of plumbing infrastructure and a trained, certified workforce has long plagued the citizens of India, for whom 7.5 percent of deaths each year can be directly attributed to water and sanitation issues. In response, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Engineers(IAPMO) is working with the Indian Plumbing Association (IPA) and its training arm, the Indian Institute of Plumbing (IIP), to help the nation make big strides forward in both areas of need. IAPMO- Having already jointly developed the Uniform Plumbing Code-India (UPC-I), an extensive code of plumbing practice (published in February 2008) that will serve the construction sector in India for years to come, the organizations subsequently turned their focus to education and training. The ambitious Plumbing Education to Employment Program-PEEP is a comprehensive industry focused program with structured courses of study to develop plumbing design engineers, plumbing construction managers/supervisors and plumbing installers/repairers.

Training on result oriented approach to livelihood projects by Development Alternatives
As part of the Capacity Building Series (2009- 10) Development Alternatives is organizing training on 'A Result Oriented Approach to Livelihood Projects' Posted on 25 May, 2009 11:20 AM

Image and Content Courtesy: Development Alternatives As part of the Capacity Building Series (2009- 10) Development Alternatives is organizingA Result Oriented Approach to Livelihood Projects from 12-14 June 2009. The training is organized by the TARA Livelihood Academyand will be held at the Institute of Social Science, 8 Nelson Mandela Road, New Delhi. Complete information regarding the subjects covered, detailed plans & nomination formats can be accessed here:

Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha (JSYS) - nodal agency for community based tank management in Karnataka
The site provides basic information about tank management project and various project components, steps in tank development cycle, administrative sections and some project highlights Posted on 22 May, 2009 04:01 PM

This page provides information on the Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha (JSYS) site developed by Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Karnataka.
