Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Protect the right to life considering the dignity of women who do not have access to a toilet
How Mumbai tackles its situation of sanitation and water: finds out Jan Jagruti Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 10:26 AM

Sanitation - a big problem in India, as half the population of our country do not have access to this facility. Mumbai is one of the biggest cities in the world and advanced in terms of its commercialization. However, sanitation is one of the most common issues neglected. Our team of women from Jan Jagruti went into the lanes of 3 areas Azad Mohala, Bharatiya Kamla Nagar, Vijay Nagar and spoke to women to understand the severity of the sanitation issue prevailing. These areas have severe problems with public health, due to improper sanitation infrastructure and insufficiency of toilet facilities, compounded by numerous issues of flooding during the monsoon season. Khaaddi, a local area/dumping ground, is widely used by local residents for urination and defecation, leading to the spread of contagious diseases. Though women use paid toilets, the issue of cleanliness and waiting in long queues are the most common problem before them. It is very insecure for them when they use open spaces for defecation.

BBC World Challenge Award 2010
Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 07:10 AM

Content and Image Courtesy: BBC World News

BBC World News

The finalists of World Challenge will be profiled on BBC World News in six 30 minute programmes. You can vote for your favourite project/business on this website. Voting will open on 27th September 2010 and will close at midnight (GMT) on 12th November 2010.

Field experiences by Avinash Krishnamurthy, BIOME Solutions
Drawing inspiration from the oldest "people's electricity" systems Posted on 29 Sep, 2010 11:04 AM

One of the oldest "People's electricity" systems I have ever seen (Please read the notes for each of the videos).  Of course this trip had even better high points - wine made from Gooseberry and Nutmeg - all locally brewed.  So travelling in the midst of hills, sipping local wine, seeing some great work, (and providing perspectives for someone-else to write - is this work or what?

Water law and policy in India - Capacity building workshop for women in Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh
User the 'key players" in the management and development in water. The key player's awareness stands at bare minimum or nil. Posted on 27 Sep, 2010 03:30 PM

Water law and policy framework in India has undergone significant changes in the last couple decades. Given the complex nature of the law and policy framework, the awareness among common people is minimal or nil. This is an irony given the fact that recent law and policy changes call for ‘users’ to be as a key player in the management and development of water.

The deepest cut: Political ecology in the dredging of a new sea mouth in Chilika lake - Orissa (India)
Dredging a new sea mouth at the Chilka lake: Government of Orissa. The paper reassess and debates the sanity of this proposition. Posted on 21 Sep, 2010 09:19 AM

This paper published in the journal Conservation and Society reassesses/debates the decision taken by the government to dredge a new sea mouth in the Chilika Lake in Orissa, India, which was based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) studies.

The paper argues that decisions such as these need to be understood and evaluated by taking into consideration not only the underlying technical aspects, but by also exploring the political and historical contexts in which decisions are taken. 

Save agriculture in Narmada valley
Demand exclusion of canal network from irrigated villages Posted on 20 Sep, 2010 04:44 PM

Narmada valley is facing yet another crisis beyond the gigantic dams, which has arisen due to the huge canal network of the Indira Sagar and Omkareshwar canals. The canals of these two dams are not yet fully planned, yet certain estimates, which are not yet final by the Narmada Valley Development Authority show that not less than 10,000 hectares of agricultural land is to be acquired, but a larger acquisition is yet to come up in numerous villages, where even a basic socio-economic survey of the affected land and families is yet to be undertaken.

Workshops for NGO Professionals on Fund Raising, Pentagon Consultants, Pune
Posted on 16 Sep, 2010 04:25 PM

Pentagon Consultants

Organizer: Pentagon Consultants


Draft paper on 'Monitoring Compliance of Environment / CRZ clearance conditions A New Approach'
Calling for careful scrutiny and attention in attending to the serious gaps and inconsistencies in enforcing environmental, CRZ and forest clearances. Posted on 16 Sep, 2010 03:26 PM

Environment Support Group (ESG)

Please consider signing this online petition drafted by the Environmental Support Group, who have been AID's partner for 10 years now (esgindia.org). This letter is regarding a 'Draft Paper' on 'Monitoring Compliance of Environment/CRZ clearance Conditions – A New Approach' drafted by an in-house Review Committee constituted on 25th August 2010 by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.

Manual on water supply and treatment - CPHEEO (MoUD)
A balancing act: providing adequate water and other amenities to the growing urban population Posted on 15 Sep, 2010 11:17 PM

This manual has been developed by the Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), a department under the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) and  serves as a standard guide in public health engineering by providing a code of day to day practice for public health engineers to follow.
