Society, Culture, Religion and History

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January 13, 2022 The water structures constructed during the Gond period continue to survive the test of time and provide evidence of the water wisdom of our ancestors.
Kundeshwar lake, Kundam in Jabalpur (Image Source: K G Vyas)
January 2, 2021 Lack of community ownership and local governance are spelling doom for the once royal and resilient traditional water harvesting structures of Rajasthan.
Toorji Ka Jhalara, Jodhpur (Image Source: Rituja Mitra)
December 7, 2020 The new farm related bills will spell doom for women workers who form the bulk of small and marginal sections of Indian agriculture, warns Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (MAKAAM).
Farm women, overworked and underpaid (Image Source: India Water Portal)
December 11, 2019 Dry toilets have long been hailed as a sustainable solution to the sanitation and waste management crisis facing India today, but have been overshadowed by more modern toilet designs.
A traditional dry toilet. Image: India Science Wire
December 4, 2019 To adapt well & build resilience, climate change strategies need to factor in efforts towards water security, writes Vanita Suneja, Regional Advocacy Manager (South Asia), WaterAid.
Image credit: WaterAid/Prashanth Vishwanathan
December 2, 2019 Water stewardship is an approach predicated on the concept that water is a shared resource and so water risks are also shared risks that everyone in a catchment will face
Picture credit: Romit Sen
Traditional fishing techniques of tribes in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh – A paper in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
This paper presents the wealth of knowledge available to tribals in the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh on traditional fishing techniques. Posted on 20 Apr, 2011 07:52 AM

Tribal habitat and rich primitive culture covers many traditions and fish is an integral part of the tribal food habit since times immemorial in this region. The life of tribes mainly depends on naturally available foods which can rarely be reaped in other places. The fishing techniques are specialized according to structure, size of stream, season and species of fishes intended to be harvested.

Development of training module for water safety plan in urban areas - A document by ESCI
A new Risk Management tool to improve Water Safety Plan
Posted on 20 Apr, 2011 03:48 AM

A Water Safety Plan (WSP) is an improved risk management tool designed to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water. It identifies hazards, means to control them, means and actions to identify loss of control and its restoration. It comprises system assessment and design, operational monitoring and management plans (including documentation and communication). Water quality guidelines have been issued by the WHO.

The effects of agricultural water and landholdings to rural livelihoods in Indo-Gangetic basin – Research analysis by IWMI and ICAR with an emphasis on Bihar
Water use and landholding factors are widely acknowledged as major determinants of agricultural development and hence rural wealth in IGB basin and Bihar. Posted on 18 Apr, 2011 11:56 PM

IWMI PaperThe current research analysis by International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in cooperation with ICAR Resear

Lives wasted in gutters - A film from Video Volunteers
Two manual scavengers were killed while working without any safety masks or gloves which necessarily have to be provided by the government. Posted on 18 Apr, 2011 12:26 PM


Bhisti community in Kolkata usurped by taps - A film from Video Volunteers
Bhisti Community, who used to provide water to Kolkata’s inhabitants, is slowly disappearing. Posted on 18 Apr, 2011 12:15 PM



Indigenous pest management practices prevalent among hill farmers in Uttarakhand – A paper in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Indigenous pest management practices were used before the arrival of chemical pest management and were location and pest specific besides being cheap. Posted on 17 Apr, 2011 04:57 PM

This paper in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge aims to describe indigenous pest management (IPM) practices being followed by farmers of Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand and their belief behind following them.With those practices, farmers would manage pests effectively without deteriorating environment. These practices could be very important if incorporated into integrated pest management research to enrich the research process and make it more relevant for the farmers. 

Transparent & participatory governance in functioning of the decision-making committees on water resources
This article presents the text of an open letter to Ministry of Water Resources from a group of civil society representatives, 13 April 2011 Posted on 16 Apr, 2011 03:46 PM

Shri Salman Khurshid,
Union Minister of Water Resources,
Shramshakti Bhawan,
Rafi Marg,
New Delhi - 110001

2. Secretary, Union Ministry of Water Resources
3. Chairman, Central Water Commission
4. Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
5. Member (Water), Planning Commission
6. Ms Aruna Roy, Chairperson, Working Group on Transparency, Accountability, Governance at National Advisory Council

Demography and development: Preliminary interpretations of the 2011 Census - EPW Articles
The pace at which India’s population is growing is slowing, but not as rapidly as expected; India will become the largest country in the world sooner than earlier forecast Posted on 16 Apr, 2011 11:34 AM

Literacy rates have increased sharply between 2001 and 2011; some of the low performing rates have shown strong improvements, the others have not. The dismal picture in the 2011 Census is that even as the overall sex ratio has improved due to better adult female mortality that of the child sex ratio has further deteriorated.

"I want my father back" - A 50-min film by Suma Josson on farmers' suicides in Vidarbha
I Want My Father Back' is a 50 minutes film on the suicide of farmers in Vidarbha. Vidarbha is in the eastern region of Maharastra State in India. Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:23 PM



Let Pinder river flow free - Thousands gather in people's public hearing and vow to oppose the dam
"There is no place like our Pinder valley. What is Rs. 10- 20 lakhs to us? Have you ever thought about the lakhs worth of salt and grains that you have eaten from this land? Posted on 15 Apr, 2011 05:16 PM

 I pray to all my friends, brothers and sisters to not join the company in turning this valley into a monstrosity!” These are the powerful words by Narmada Devi from Village Padmallah that marked the flavor of a peoples' public hearing on the Devsari HEP.

This public hearing on the 3 April 2011 saw strength of 2000 people from all proposed Devsari HEP affected and surrounding villages of the Pinder valley. The hearing was organized by Bhu Swami Sangharsh Samiti and Matu Jan Sangathan and took place at the Sangam Maidan of Block Deval, Tehsil Tharali, District Chomoli, Uttarakhand. Public hearing at Deval was a peoples' response to the project proponent hearing at Chepdu on 20 January 2011.


