Shallow Aquifers

Featured Articles
July 11, 2022 The Chauka system of Rajasthan can not only provide a sustainable way to manage water resources in water stressed regions, but also support livelihoods through development of pastures.
Can greening of barren lands happen? (Image Source: India Water Portal Flickr photos)
July 29, 2021 Experiences from participatory groundwater management efforts in Maharashtra
Unless work on managing the demand is undertaken, the notion of ‘infinite’ groundwater will be hard to address. (Image: Rucha Deshmukh, ACWADAM)
December 4, 2019 The 2015­-2018 drought, the longest, but less severe of droughts experienced by India raises alarm on the negative effects of future droughts on water security in the country.
India will see more droughts in the future. (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
October 25, 2019 Groundwater use has doubled in Pune. Comprehensive mapping of groundwater resources and better management and governance is the need of the hour.
Groundwater, an exploited resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
October 1, 2019 Deconstructing the traditional narrow engineering based policy discourses around floods and droughts and connecting them to social and cultural realities is the need of the hour in India.
Water talk Series at Mumbai (Image Source:Tata Insitute of Social Sciences)
September 30, 2019 The recently concluded 4 day conference in Bangalore looked at the current state of global water resource challenges & future pathways to achieve the SDGs, while ensuring equity in access to all.
Charles Vorosmarty, Chair, COMPASS Initiative, Water Future at the opening plenary on advanced water system assessments to address water security challenges of the 21st century.
Influence of Chalukya architecture on Hampi stepwell - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture (2007)
The water storage systems indicate the knowledge of geology, soil engineering, construction engineering and structural engineering in ancient times. Posted on 29 Dec, 2010 04:16 PM

Stepwell in Mukhed constructed in the 12th century

This paper discusses the reasons for building tanks in ancient India and mentions ancient texts like 'Samarangan Sutradhar' to indicate how wells and other water bodies were constructed.

These water storage systems indicate the knowledge of geology, soil engineering, construction engineering and structural engineering in ancient times.

Saltscapes - Dholavira, Gujarat - A guest post by Amitangshu Acharya and Ayan Ghosh
Watch the beautiful Kachch unravel itself and its treasures in a video documentary. Posted on 27 Dec, 2010 11:41 PM

Guest Post: Text by Amitangshu Acharya, Photographs by Ayan Ghosh

Kachchh – a brilliant halfway between a turmeric yellow Rajasthan and the emerald green Sahyadris – offers an upside down version of life. It tells you that seeds of life and civilisation are often hidden beneath the sands of time in inhospitable terrains.

Guidelines for water safety plans for rural water supply systems by the Sulabh International Academy of Environmental Sanitation
Developing a village security plan for providing drinking water to rural households is now the focus. Posted on 27 Dec, 2010 07:20 PM

This document by the Sulabh International Academy of Environmental Sanitation presents the guidelines for water safety plans for rural water supply systems. The revised National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) Guidelines 2009-2012 issued by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation has shifted the focus from source development and installation of water supply system for providing drinking water supply to rural household to focus on development of village security plan.

Rainfed areas and rice farming Crucial agricultural water issues
Making up-gradation of rainfed areas a priority for food production and poverty alleviation Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 08:30 PM

John Thompson works on power, policy and sustainability issues in food and agriculture, water resource management and rural development. He is a STEPS Centre member, IDS Fellow and joint Co-ordinator of the Future Agricultures Consortium. He presents two crucial agricultural water issues to take priority on World Water Day.

Understanding groundwater - A course by ACWADAM
How does the groundwater form? How does it move, flow and store? A six module course designed to detail these and more questions on groundwater Posted on 20 Dec, 2010 01:01 AM

The  Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM) has created a power-point course to explain the formation of groundwater and its management.

The course consists of 6 modules; it includes the basics of understanding groundwater, study of geology, groundwater level and movement, planning and management of groundwater, storage and flow of groundwater and water quality. The modules have been made into succinct power-point presentations that include charts, diagrams and photographs besides the written word.

Mining - An increasing threat to our rivers - Article by Nitya Jacob
Mining constitutes a major, and largely unrecognized, threat to our rivers. It takes away what we have and also destroys whatever is left of it. Posted on 20 Dec, 2010 12:29 AM

Content Courtesy: Solution Exchange and Nitya Jacob
Author: Nitya Jacob

India’s arteries are choking. Her rivers, the lifeline of hundreds of millions, are over-taxed, polluted and encroached. They are being mined, dammed and emptied of water. Save for the four monsoon months, most rivers are streams of drains, depending on how many cities they pass through. This year people gaped in awe at the River Yamuna (I am sure they were over-awed by other rivers elsewhere too) as for the first time since 1978 looked like a river and not a drain.

Water management across space and time in India – A working paper by the University of Bonn
This paper links development of water management and its practices with social, religious, economic development with the rise and fall of the ruling regime. Posted on 17 Dec, 2010 10:09 PM

This working paper by the University of Bonn attempts to give a spatial and temporal overview of water management in India. It traces how people and the successive regimes made choices across space and time from a wide range of water control and distribution technologies. The paper divides the water management in India into four periods –

  • the traditional system of water management before colonial times;
  • response from the colonial rulers to manage the complex socio-ecological system;
  • large scale surface water development after independence; and
  • finally, the small-scale community and market-led revolution.

Groundwater quality in shallow aquifers of India – A report by the Central Ground Water Board
Summarizing various aspects of Ground water quality with a special reference to six parameters - salinity, chloride, arsenic, fluoride, iron and nitrate. Posted on 14 Dec, 2010 07:54 AM

This report by the Central Ground Water Board entitled ‘Ground Water Quality in Shallow Aquifers of India’ is an outcome of the follow up of one of the important recommendations of the second meeting of the Advisory Council on Artificial Recharge to Ground Water during September 2007. It attempts to summarize various aspects of groundwater quality in the shallow aquifers in the country with special reference to six parameters viz. salinity, chloride, arsenic, fluoride, iron and nitrate.

E-newsletter from Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) - November 2010
The November edition of e-newsletter published by the Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) features the cultural heritage of step-wells. Posted on 29 Nov, 2010 12:57 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC)

Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC)

The November edition of e-newsletter published by the Indian Farm Forestry Development Co-Operative Limited (IFFDC) has the following highlights:

An illustrated collection of groundwater problems: A guide to a beginner in groundwater hydrology by CAREWATER
Understanding groundwater hydrology. Posted on 18 Oct, 2010 07:53 PM

This report by CAREWATER has been prepared as part of a component on Groundwater Governance in Asia: Theory and Practice under the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food. The purpose of this collection is to guide a beginner to groundwater hydrology through the basic concepts in this subject. The problems begin with fundamentals of the subject and are followed by those which test the comprehensiveness of understanding. Most problems are illustrated and a real-world situation is related with the problem.