Rural Water

Featured Articles
October 15, 2022 Synthesis of water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) spatial pattern in rural India: an integrated interpretation of WaSH practices
People in rural areas lack potable water, and use unsafe sanitation and hygiene facilities (Image: Sebastian Dahl)
May 26, 2021 India needs water professionals to manage its water resources locally to be water secure. This needs focus and investment. Now.
Frontline workers get trained and acquire invaluable skills in the process of fulfilling their roles within one or multiple programs
May 18, 2021 Income loss top concern for rural communities, says study
Must have protocols for timely action and outreach in times of need (Image: DMD, Government of Bihar)
May 17, 2021 Practitioner's experiences in tackling the second wave in Indian villages
There is a need to strengthen the capacities of ASHA workers, and other healthcare and grassroots workers. (Image: DMD, Government of Bihar)
October 25, 2019 Groundwater use has doubled in Pune. Comprehensive mapping of groundwater resources and better management and governance is the need of the hour.
Groundwater, an exploited resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port
News this week: 200-crore penalty on Mundra port, Parliament passes Land Acquisition Bill and dengue spreads in Mumbai. Posted on 08 Sep, 2013 07:32 PM


200-crore penalty for Adani's Mundra port

Land reclaimation from the sea at the Mundra Port
Angioplasty for groundwater or a heart attack waiting to happen?
The Maharashtra Govt plans to invest Rs. 800 crore to extend the 'Shirpur Model' of groundwater recharge across the state. Is it recharge or withdrawal that this model promotes? Posted on 16 Aug, 2013 10:38 AM

“What is in a name? That which we call a rose, would smell as sweet by any other”, goes the line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. There is quite a lot in a name, Juliet, especially if attaching the wrong terminology to a process is used to appropriate public funds - Rs. 800 crores, in fact.

Shirpur, Maharashtra of the 'Shirpur Model' fame
Making leaders out of farmers
Farmers meet, talk, exchange ideas, watch films and more at the Pani Panchayat in Maharashtra, a voluntary movement to connect farmers and build knowledge and resource groups. Posted on 01 Aug, 2013 10:37 PM

The 1972 drought in Maharashtra affected several villages and talukas. Farmers in Purandhar taluka in Pune district decided to get together and discuss how to improve their situation so that they would not be as severely affected by poor rainfall in the future. Thus was born Pani Panchayat.

Farmers sharing priceless info Source: Hamsa Iyer
Touched by very little water
Anupam Mishra talks about how the desert societies of Rajasthan have managed their scarce water resources for over 1000 years. Posted on 01 Aug, 2013 11:54 AM

Author and conservationist, Anupam Mishra has spent decades promoting water conservation and management. Through his travels across various states of India, he has been studying and teaching the time-tested techniques of rainwater harvesting.

Kunds and tankas have been used to collect water
Help influence water and environmental policy for the Himalayan states: Sustainable Development Forum, Nagaland and India Water Portal invite contributions for the upcoming Mountain Summit at Kohima, Nagaland in September 2013
Send us technical papers, articles, photo essays or videos on topics related to water and development in the Himalayas, for inclusion in the Summit discussions by 01 September
Posted on 29 Jul, 2013 06:15 AM

The catastrophe at Uttarakhand in June 2013, was a hot topic of discussion for many of us across the country, but only those who live in the Himalayan states understand the significance and impact it has on their lives. Poor policies and governance were the root cause; much more than heavy rains.

3rd Sustainable Mountain Development Summit Kohima
Water for sale - to the highest bidder!
Water is a natural resource that should be 'free' for all or at least easily accessible but why is India allowing more and more companies to privatise it? Posted on 25 Jul, 2013 01:02 PM

Did you know that the planet would die in three days if it ran out of water? Water is a basic necessity and the United Nations recognized the right to it as a basic human right in 2010. Isn’t it ironic that we are still allowing a few utility companies privatise it, speculate over it and control it?

Rising cost of water Source: K.N. Balraj
Sacchidanand Bharti - in his own words
The environmental conservation efforts in Ufrenkhal have been written about for nearly three decades but always by others. Here is the story in the protagonist's own words. Posted on 15 Jul, 2013 07:12 PM

Reams have been written about Sacchidanand Bharti, of Ufrenkhal fame and his work on afforestation and water conservation. However, very rarely does he speak about his own efforts and experiences.

Sacchidanand Bharti in the Ufrenkhal forest
Extreme weather warning!
Climate change is manifesting itself through modified rainfall patterns, extreme events and temperature fluctuations. What effect will these have on water, sanitation and health in India? Posted on 11 Jul, 2013 04:04 PM

We sat in a plush climate-controlled room and deliberated climate change as the outside world collapsed around us..

The flooded Bagmati river
Breaking a centuries-old curse in Uttarakhand
A small village in Uttarakhand stands testimony to the fact that rooftop rainwater harvesting is a reliable, economical and logical way of ensuring self-sufficiency and dignity. Posted on 09 Jul, 2013 11:23 AM

Sudha Gunavante is a contented woman. She has reason to be. After all, she and her husband have managed to prosper on their farm, her children are well-educated and well-settled, and her rhododendron syrup is the pride of the village. If that is not enough, she has also managed to escape a centuries-old curse.

Sudha and Bhuvan at their home in Gauna village
Invite for an anti coke protest & yatra, Uttarakhand Nadi Bachao Andolan, Charba, Uttarakhand
A week long yatra through Uttarakhand marking an anti coke protest by the people affected the most
Posted on 12 Jun, 2013 06:57 PM


Uttarakhand Nadi Bachao Andolan


Charba village, Dehradun, Uttarakhand


An anti coke protest and a week long yatra is being organised by the concerned citizens and social activists, against the proposed take over of their land, forest and groundwater by the Coca Cola company.

Anti coke protest in Uttarakhand