Lifting and Extraction
Dipping water table in Kolar, Karnataka, leaves a Persian wheel forlorn and frustrated
Posted on 14 May, 2008 09:45 AMAs ground water levels decline in India, Persian Wheels cannot reach the water to draw them out from open wells. One such Persian wheel stands forlorn and frustrated as the water table has dipped in Kolar, Karnataka India. This wheel has worked for the last 80 years and 2007 was the first time that the water table fell and the wheel could not work for the day.
SAFEWAT: Water purification system by Population Services International
Posted on 18 Feb, 2008 11:15 AMMost drinking water projects are designed for supply of treated water through pipes to communities ; this requires investment on infrastructure such as pumps, overhead tanks, supply pipes, water purification equipment and after the project, maintenance staff and funds; while all this calls for planning, funding and time to execute, yet we cannot be certain that the water delivered remains uncon
Persian wheel : The water lifting device in Kolar, Karnataka
Posted on 22 Jan, 2008 11:26 PMWhat exactly is a Persian wheel? Also known as Rahat (in Urdu), it's a simple water lifting device, where a number of small pots are attached to a long chain. Two gear wheels make up the system and as the first one is revolved, the pots each dip and swallow water from the well and soon after pours itself out to a metallic shaft which in turns empties into an intricate network of troughs that distributes water adequately through the cropped area. It is believed that the technology originated in Egypt and as world shrunk through extensive trading, it spread to India and China.
Foot powered centrifugal pumps
Posted on 27 Jun, 2007 03:45 AMTwo instances of foot-powered water pumps that we have come across. Have readers come across others and do they feel that these are a useful invention?
Read about Treadle Pump Programme