
Featured Articles
December 11, 2019 Dry toilets have long been hailed as a sustainable solution to the sanitation and waste management crisis facing India today, but have been overshadowed by more modern toilet designs.
A traditional dry toilet. Image: India Science Wire
November 27, 2019 Policy matters this week
An irrigation well at Randullabad, Maharashtra (Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
November 11, 2019 Study points to vulnerabilities faced by women in the mountains and plains of Uttarakhand, which is likely to only increase with climate change.
Ganga's riverflow at Rishikesh in Uttarakhand (Image courtesy: Ankit Singh; Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 6, 2019 The number of people vulnerable to floods triggered by climate change by 2050 is triple that of previous estimates, according to a new study.
Aerial view of Chennai during floods 2015 (Image: Veethika, Wikimedia Commons, CC-SA 4.0 International)
October 22, 2019 A forum discusses the need to stop illegal land transfers and land alienation of the poor.
The maldharis from kutch on their own road trip (Image: Malay Maniar, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
October 21, 2019 In this interview, Joy talks about his work as an activist working in rural Maharashtra, and how he came to work on water conflicts in India.
KJ Joy speaks at a felicitation for the late Professor Ramaswamy Iyer.
Ajunhi kordech aad (The wells are still dry) - An article in marathi - Anubhav magazine
This article discusses the problems related to water scarcity. Posted on 03 Dec, 2011 11:53 AM

A large part of the state of Maharashtra continues to face acute scarcity of water due to scanty rainfall, which has had a serious impact on the livelihoods of people who live in these areas. This article "Ajuni Kordech Aad" meaning "The wells are still dry" published in the magazine Anubhav highlights the extreme hardships, lack of employment opportunities, forced migration due to negative impact on agriculture and livestock, and poverty and deprivation that people living in these areas have to face due to this water scarcity.

Encephalitis deaths in India - The same story of poverty, neglect, disaster and disease, how long will this continue ?
Providing temporary fixes to deal with situations such as this epidemic in Gorakhpur cannot help in finding long term solutions. Posted on 02 Dec, 2011 10:15 AM

Guest post by : Aarti Kelkar-Khambete

Trouble in Tigerland: Why conservation efforts continue to fail
Nitin Rai explores how conservation projects have produced marginalised communities and erased social and cultural histories. Posted on 30 Nov, 2011 11:53 AM

Guest Post: Nitin Rai, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Drawing upon his experience working with the Soligas who live within the Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary, Nitin Rai talks about the ‘wilderness’ myth and explores the origins and impacts of the belief that people and animals cannot co-exist. 

map showing the Soliga lands within the BRT

Harvest of rain - A CSE film
This video by the Centre for Science and Environment is dedicated to India's traditional water harvesting systems and practices. Posted on 28 Nov, 2011 04:13 PM

The camera wanders through the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and records the profound traditional science of the people. “Harvest of Rain” analyses a wide variety of water harvesting systems as a function of differing ecological terrains

Bringing life back to Chilika lagoon in India
This video describes the efforts undertaken to restore the Chilika lake in Orissa, which is the largest lagoon on the east coast of India Posted on 28 Nov, 2011 10:34 AM

Content and Media Courtesy: International Union for Conservation of Nature

This 116,500 hectare brackish lagoon separated from the Bay of Bengal by a long sandy ridge was added to the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance in 1981.This was because the lagoon was facing serious degradation due to siltation and choking of the seawater inlet channel, resulting in the proliferation of invasive freshwater species, the decrease in fish productivity, and an overall loss of biodiversity [1].

6 day course on "Re-imagining the world-class city", IIHS, December 1 - 6, 2011, New Delhi
Posted on 25 Nov, 2011 08:44 AM

Organizers: IIHS


The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) is a national education institution committed to the equitable, sustainable and efficient transformation of Indian settlements. IIHS is India’s first prospective independently funded and managed national university for Innovation that focuses on its ongoing urban and development transformation. It is a first-of-its-kind, practice and innovation-oriented knowledge institution that seeks to bridge the conventional excellence, scale and inclusion divide.

Gravity based spring water supply systems in Andhra Pradesh: Lessons and steps towards the future
Current studies and activities indicate that indigenous knowledge is appropriate for local situations and that it is efficient and sustainable to springboard from such knowledge and practices. Posted on 22 Nov, 2011 07:35 AM

Guest post by – Rahul Bakare, Arghyam

 This article details an example where local knowledge has been used to develop access to safe water in the tribal areas of the Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh

Mining India: Sustainably for growth – A report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM
This report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM on “Mining India: Sustainably for growth” gives insights into the mining sector in India. Posted on 20 Nov, 2011 09:36 AM

MineralsIt deals with issues around capital raising, policy framework, efficiency and sustainability and provides a way forward for strategic acceleration of the benefits.

A river runs through us: An award-winning film on the threats faced by our rivers
A River Runs Through Us' by Carla Pataky offers hope and optimism to the many people struggling to save their rivers from being consumed by dams and other mega-projects. Posted on 18 Nov, 2011 03:32 PM

Article and media courtesy: International Rivers

Living rivers, dying rivers: Rivers in North East India
The fourth lecture in the ten-part series titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" was delivered by Dr. Chandan Mahanta, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 'Rivers in North-East India'. Posted on 15 Nov, 2011 03:29 PM

Rivers in North-East India

The majestic Brahmaputra river (Source: Wikimedia Commons)