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December 4, 2019 To adapt well & build resilience, climate change strategies need to factor in efforts towards water security, writes Vanita Suneja, Regional Advocacy Manager (South Asia), WaterAid.
Image credit: WaterAid/Prashanth Vishwanathan
November 13, 2019 Policy matters this week
A domestic RO water purifier
October 1, 2019 Green capital at scale urgently needed for the energy transition and climate action in emerging economies - CEEW Centre for Energy Finance
Image credit: CEEW Centre for Energy Finance
September 30, 2019 The recently concluded 4 day conference in Bangalore looked at the current state of global water resource challenges & future pathways to achieve the SDGs, while ensuring equity in access to all.
Charles Vorosmarty, Chair, COMPASS Initiative, Water Future at the opening plenary on advanced water system assessments to address water security challenges of the 21st century.
September 24, 2019 Policy matters this week
Despite the ban, manual scavenging continues. (Image courtesy: The Hindu)
First-of-its-kind map depicts global forest heights - Update from NASA
Using NASA satellite data, scientists have produced a first-of-its kind map that details the height of the world’s forests. Posted on 08 Jun, 2011 10:54 AM

European Beech. Photo: of West Hungary/Norbert FrankEuropean Beech
Photo: of West Hungary/Norbert Frank

 Although there are other local-and regional-scale forest canopy maps, the new map is the first that spans the entire globe based on one uniform method.

The work - based on data collected by NASA's ICESat, Terra, and Aqua satellites - should help scientists build an inventory of how much carbon the world’s forests store and how fast that carbon cycles through ecosystems and back into the atmosphere. Michael Lefsky of the Colorado State University described his results in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

India's forests and REDD+ - A factsheet prepared by Ministry of Environment and Forests
The document explains another effort at climate change mitigation which is the concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) . Posted on 28 Apr, 2011 04:29 PM

The benefits of working with REDD and the need and benefits of getting more ambitious by accepting REDD+, which is about finding financial value for carbon stored in standing forests which therefore incentivises the positive elements of conservation is also elaborated here.

The Water Footprint Assessment Manual: Setting the global standard – Methods for water footprint accounting by the Water Footprint Network
It covers a comprehensive set of definitions and methods for water footprint accounting. Posted on 21 Apr, 2011 10:14 PM

WFNThis book by Earthscan contains the global standard for ‘water footprint assessment’ as developed and maintained by the Water Footprint Network (WFN). It shows how water footprints are calculated for individual processes and products, as well as for consumers, nations and businesses. It also includes methods for water footprint sustainability assessment and a library of water footprint response options.

A shared standard on definitions and calculation methods is crucial given the rapidly growing interest in companies and governments to use water footprint accounts as a basis for formulating sustainable water strategies and policies. The current manual is an updated, revised and expanded version of Water Footprint Manual: State of the Art 2009, published by the WFN in November 2009 (Hoekstra et al, 2009a). This new edition has been produced after intensive consultations with partners and researchers worldwide. Directly following the publication of the Water Footprint Manual, all partners of the WFN were invited to provide feedback on the manual.

Scaling up rural sanitation: Findings from the impact evaluation baseline survey in Madhya Pradesh – A report by the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank
It is part of a series of papers analyzing the baseline data from all countries where the Global Scaling Up Rural Sanitation program has been implemented. Posted on 18 Apr, 2011 08:20 AM

WSPThis report by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) of the World Bank presents the findings of the baseline and community survey conducted in two districts of Madhya Pradesh (MP) - Dhar and Khargone. The goal of the program is to reduce the risk of diarrhea and therefore increase household productivity by stimulating demand for sanitation in the lives of people. The program also seeks to stimulate the supply of appropriate sanitation program and services by conducting market research and training local artisans to build the relevant facilities.

In India, the program is supporting the Government of India’s (GoI) Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) in two States: Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The main components of the intervention include: Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), Social Marketing of Sanitation, Strengthening the Enabling Environment and Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP) Awards.

Our Oceans - A plastic soup - Earth Institute
"Humanity’s plastic footprint is probably more dangerous than its carbon footprint,” said Captain Charles Moore, who, in 1997, discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Posted on 28 Jan, 2011 05:07 PM

Photo credit:

Briscoe on the Indus treaty - A response from Ramaswamy Iyer - Economic and Political Weekly
The paper supports and sheds light on the efforts made by India to reach a solution on water issues with Pakistan Posted on 21 Jan, 2011 09:11 AM

This paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly, provides a critique of the writings by John Briscoe on the implementation of the Indus Waters Treaty and argues that it is a biased and a one sided presentation of issues, which ridicules and ignores the attempts made by India at negotiating with Pakistan and reaching a peaceful agreement over the water issue.

Embankments related compensation to drain Indian exchequer : Need to review the flood control policy of the Government
Government of Nepal has asked the Government of India to compensate its citizens badly affected by embankments and other flood control measures taken on river Gandak. Will this not lead to a flood of demands for compensation by the victims of similar problems in other river basins? Posted on 16 Dec, 2010 03:14 PM

Government of Nepal has asked the Government of India to compensate its citizens badly affected by embankments and other flood control measures taken on river Gandak. Will this not lead to a flood of demands for compensation by the victims of similar problems in other river basins like the Bagmati, the Kamala and the Kosi?

Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization: The Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada valley struggle
The analysis of the role of law and courts in the Narmada valley struggle to understanding the relationship between law, social movements and counter-hegemonic globalisation. Posted on 18 Oct, 2010 08:10 PM

This working paper by the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University offers an analysis of the role of law in the Narmada valley struggle, especially that which was waged by one of India’s most prominent social movements in recent years, Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), with a specific focus on India’s Supreme Court. The NBA rose in reaction to the Indian government’s plan to construct a large number of dams along the Narmada river, contesting the relief and rehabilitation provided for displaced families at first, and subsequently challenging the dams themselves as being destructive.

Water security vs national security published in Third Concept September 2010 : Countries that share a river face a higher probability of engaging in military disputes
Growing public and policy preoccupation worsens the impact on water security, especially with climate change impacts Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 10:15 AM

There has been growing public and policy preoccupation in recent years with potential climate impacts on water security in the wake of the worsening risk of global warming. In 1991, then–UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali pronounced that “the next war will be fought over water, not politics.” In 2001, Kofi Annan warned that “fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future.” And present UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon has argued that the ongoing Darfur crisis grew at least in part from desertification, ecological degradation, and a scarcity of resources, foremost among them water. Apart from this chorus of concern, many policy scholars have asserted that, as population growth and economic development raise pressures on demand and environmental pressures degrade supplies, resource scarcities could precipitate violent international conflicts, with shared rivers an especially dangerous flashpoint.
