Industrial and other Manmade Disasters

Featured Articles
October 26, 2021 Flash flood fury in Uttarakhand, a classic example of extended stay of monsoon
Floods in Uttarkashi, India. June 2013 (Image: Oxfam International)
May 6, 2021 81% of the workers reported that work has stopped due to locally declared lockdowns: SWAN study
Jeevan Rath 2.0 helped people get back home in June 2020. Migrants from Chhattisgarh were stuck in Pune when CYDA came in contact with them and arranged their transportation and food through support of Jeevan Rath and SwissAid. (Image: Maha C19 PECONet Collaborative/IWP Flickr)
May 6, 2021 A coalition of nonprofits highlights the unique challenges that confront rural India and provides suggestions on how to respond to the second wave of COVID-19.
As healthcare systems in urban cities across India grapple with the second wave of COVID-19, smaller towns and villages too are facing devastating consequences. (Image: ©Gates Archive/Saumya Khandelwa)
February 10, 2021 The Uttarakhand disaster reaffirms earlier warnings on the fragility of the Himalayan region calling for more careful planning and preparedness in the future!
A view of the Himalayas. (Source: IWP Flickr photos--photo for representation purpose only)
December 6, 2019 Dr. Aradhana Yaduvanshi, a hydro meteorologist at WOTR, talks to us about what current research on global warming shows, and possible adaptation and coping mechanisms.
Flooding in Mumbai during the monsoons (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Vulnerable, in the time of Covid-19!
Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), Pune has designed a Covid-19 response programme for vulnerable communities. Posted on 21 Apr, 2020 09:30 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc worldwide and India continues to be in the line of fire. While cases continue to rise, India is also experiencing a crisis of another kind, that of the lockdown affecting the livelihoods of a large number of workers from the informal sector.

Meeting the basic needs of vulnerable communities during Covid-19 (Image Source: SOPPECOM)
Covid-19 leaves women in the line of fire
While the Covid-19 pandemic has affected both men and women from the informal sector differently, gender analysis is missing from India’s Covid-19 response strategy Posted on 19 Apr, 2020 06:30 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc worldwide and India continues to be in the line of fire. While cases continue to rise, India also is experiencing a crisis of another kind, that of the lockdown affecting the livelihoods of a large number of workers from the informal sector.

Covid treats women differently (Image Source: Simon Williams/ Ekta Parishad via Wikimedia Commons)
Combating Covid-19 collectively: DHAN’s way
DHAN Foundation has been responding to the crisis, reaching out to the most vulnerable communities. Posted on 10 Apr, 2020 12:21 PM

As the Covid-19 pandemic reaches new corners of the country, the NGO community in India has been preparing itself to respond to the unexpected needs that the crisis is producing. DHAN Foundation, a professional development organisation working in several states of India with the communities has begun to develop a strategy.

Creating awareness about the pandemic as well as about the measures essential to be safe (Image: DHAN Foundation)
Basics of COVID-19 by Sphere India COVID-19 Academy
An online platform that aims to build capacities of volunteers and outreach workers across India on a range of orientation and technical sessions related to COVID-19 response.
Posted on 09 Apr, 2020 05:01 PM

About the course:

The COVID-19 Academy is a joint initiative of NDMA, UNICEF, WHO and Sphere India. It is an online platform that aims to build capacities of volunteers and outreach workers across India on a range of orientation and technical sessions related to COVID-19 response.

Outreach of current disaster-related apps in India poor
Technology and crowdsourced data need to play a greater role in disaster management in India. Posted on 17 Mar, 2020 11:17 AM

With the rise in frequency and intensity of unexpected disasters, the need for effective communication technologies such as the use of social and mobile tools seems to be growing for responding to disaster situations in emergency, rescue and relief efforts.

Floods in Uttarakhand in 2013 severely damaged hundreds of villages across Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Chamoli and Tehri regions (Image: Oxfam International, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Parasite – the film and India’s disaster management
How different populations face different levels of risk and vulnerability during disasters? Posted on 25 Feb, 2020 02:36 PM

Parasite, the South Korean movie released in 2019 has gained attention worldwide especially after its historical win at the Oscars 2020. The film takes on two different worlds co-existing in a country but set apart by class and wealth.

A still from the movie Parasite (Image: Christiano Betta, Flickr Commons: CC BY 2.0)
Climatic shocks wreak havoc on the Mahanadi delta
Much of the Mahanadi's deltaic coast is experiencing varying degree of erosion, a situation which is expected to worsen by 2050. Posted on 24 Jan, 2020 05:06 PM

The Mahanadi delta in Odisha is a composite delta fed by water, sediments and nutrients from a network of three major rivers: Mahanadi, Brahmani and Baitarini. The coastline of the delta is approximately 200 km long, extending from the Chilika lagoon in the south to the Dhamara river in the north.

The people living in the Mahanadi delta are forced to cope with frequent disasters, but recent progress in warnings, evacuation and shelters seems to have reduced losses. Urban areas in the delta are expanding and there is rural to urban migration which can be expected to continue. These urban areas will have important implications for the future of the delta. (Image: Helmer, Flickr Commons)
The Karnataka State Water Policy 2019
The Karnataka Jnana Aayoga (KJA) set up a Task Group to draft a new water policy for Karnataka in December 2017 and the report is now in public domain. What are the suggestions that the report makes? Posted on 20 Jan, 2020 11:42 AM

The water crisis in Karnataka has not only led to severe agrarian distress in the eastern plains region but also created an acute shortage of domestic water, in both rural and urban areas. The 21st century has seen significant changes in demography, economy and agriculture, increasing the demand for water in the state.

Groundwater depletion, a growing challenge (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Parliamentary committee expresses disappointment over slow pace of Namami Gange
Policy matters this week Posted on 19 Dec, 2019 10:31 AM

Panel expresses displeasure over slow pace of Namami Gange

The Ganga at Varanasi (Source: India Water Portal Flickr Photos)
India’s tryst with climate change
Dr. Aradhana Yaduvanshi, a hydro meteorologist at WOTR, talks to us about what current research on global warming shows, and possible adaptation and coping mechanisms. Posted on 06 Dec, 2019 04:23 PM

Global warming has given rise to unprecedented extreme events such as cyclones, floods, heatwaves and droughts in India. Why are these threats increasing?

Flooding in Mumbai during the monsoons (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)