
Featured Articles
February 12, 2021 The havoc points to the faultlines in the developmental planning of ecologically sensitive areas.
The glacial burst in Chamoli is nature’s way of telling the state not to play havoc with the local ecology. (Image: Down to Earth)
December 26, 2019 Policy matters this week
The Mandovi river disputed between Karnataka and Goa (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 27, 2019 Policy matters this week
An irrigation well at Randullabad, Maharashtra (Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
Relief in the time of flood
The flood in Bihar is getting worse by day. A grassroot organisation in Bihar, BJUP that rushed to the affected areas with relief, shares some pictures of the relief work in progress. Posted on 13 Sep, 2016 10:33 PM

Bihar is India's most flood-prone state, with 76 percent of the population in north Bihar living under the recurring threat of floods. North Bihar is home to eight major rivers, all of which end up in the Ganges.

Pahleja Ghat on the Hajipur-Sonepur road submerged in water.
Crores of rupees to be raised for irrigation projects
Policy matters this week Posted on 11 Sep, 2016 08:43 PM

NABARD to raise Rs 77,000 crore to fund 100 prioritised irrigation projects

Irrigation canal from the Bhima dam. (Source: Nvvchar on Wikipedia)
Power crisis: Time to go green
Hydro energy is a leading source of power in India. With severe water crisis looming large, isn't it time for us to look at renewable energy options? Posted on 08 Sep, 2016 06:33 PM

Despite the severe water management crisis India is going through, hydro energy continues to be the second leading source of power, next only to thermal-based energy in the country. Hydropower generates over 16 percent of India’s electricity.

Tehri, a hydropower dam in Uttarakhand (Source: Mayank Gupta, Wikimedia Commons)
People of two states join hands to save the Mahanadi
The issue at stake in the Mahanadi basin is not one of Chhattisgarh vs Odisha, but one of agriculture vs industry. Posted on 07 Sep, 2016 04:29 PM

The Mahanadi is the lifeline of the people of both Chhattisgarh and Odisha, as it the most important water source for the farmers and other citizens of both these states to meet their domestic and livelihood needs.

Panel Discussion on the inter-state water dispute between Chhattisgarh and Odisha
Water brings two villages alive
Easy access to water is one way to transform a village and help it prosper. Two Uttarakhand villages show us how. Posted on 07 Sep, 2016 11:23 AM

It had been a chaotic morning. With so many people bustling around the small house, Avani was looking forward to celebrating her only son's second birthday. Graciously, her husband agreed to have the celebration at Avani’s mother’s place this time. Her mother made all the arrangements for the pooja and prasadam while Avani was to take care of the guests.

Dangsari village in Uttarakhand.
SC urges Karnataka to share water with TN
Policy matters this week Posted on 06 Sep, 2016 09:18 AM

Release water to Tamil Nadu: SC to Karnataka

Cauvery river at Hogenakal, Karnataka. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos via Claire Arni and Oriole Henri)
Training Workshop on Understanding and Resolving Water Conflicts in India
Organised by The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India, The Energy and Resources Institute and Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
Posted on 05 Sep, 2016 04:36 PM

Water Conflicts ForumATREE logoTERI logo

Damn the dams, say the displaced
Many people have been displaced by major dam projects in the country. A bigger threat, however, lies in the ageing dams waiting to collapse. Posted on 30 Aug, 2016 12:28 PM

"If you are to suffer, you should suffer in the interest of the country.”

- Jawaharlal Nehru, speaking to villagers who were to be displaced by the Hirakud Dam in 1948.

The Hirakud dam
Poor dam management behind Bihar flood
News this week Posted on 29 Aug, 2016 12:17 PM

Farakka behind Bihar flood: CM

Farakka Barrage by Sudip Burman via Google Maps, Feb 2012
Telangana, Maharashtra sign pact for Godavari projects
Policy matter this week Posted on 29 Aug, 2016 09:44 AM

Telangana, Maharashtra sign pact for irrigation projects across Godavari

A dam in Maharashtra (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)