
Featured Articles
February 12, 2021 The havoc points to the faultlines in the developmental planning of ecologically sensitive areas.
The glacial burst in Chamoli is nature’s way of telling the state not to play havoc with the local ecology. (Image: Down to Earth)
December 26, 2019 Policy matters this week
The Mandovi river disputed between Karnataka and Goa (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 27, 2019 Policy matters this week
An irrigation well at Randullabad, Maharashtra (Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
Environmentalists voice concerns against the draft EIA notification 2020
Policy matters this week Posted on 09 Jul, 2020 11:33 AM

Draft EIA notification 2020 attracts criticism from experts

Work in progress in coal mines in Jharsuguda (Image source: IWP Flickr album)
UP tops in providing employment under MGNREGS
Policy matters this week Posted on 25 Jun, 2020 07:38 AM

UP emerges as the top state in the country to give employment under MGNREGS

MGNREGS helps to reduce rural distress in times of Covid-19 (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Dams spell doom for freshwater fish
A global study finds that freshwater fish suffer more due to fragmentation and loss of connectivity of rivers due to building of dams. Posted on 19 Jun, 2020 08:27 AM

Dams threaten freshwater biodiversity

Dams can threaten biodiversity (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Railway stations to be categorised based on wastewater generation
Policy matters this week Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 09:08 PM

Railway stations to be classified based on wastewater generation

A wastewater treatment plant in Bengaluru (Image source: Vishwanath Srikantaiah)
Northeast fights Covid-19
While Northeast appears to be better off than the rest of India in the number of Covid cases, how are migrants from the North East coping? Posted on 09 Jun, 2020 11:34 PM

While Covid-19 has left many countries including India in the line of fire, the situation in India is now getting particularly alarming with the number of people infected by Covid-19 rising at a rapid pace.

Ration distribution to the migrants (Image Source: Sunbird Trust)
5-star rating for garbage free-cities to Navi Mumbai, Rajkot, Indore
Policy matters this week Posted on 27 May, 2020 08:26 AM

Swachh Survekshan for urban India: Navi Mumbai, Rajkot, Indore among the top

Clean road near Pardesipura, Indore. (Source: India Water Portal)
MGNREGA gets additional Rs. 40,000 crore funds
Policy matters this week Posted on 20 May, 2020 10:55 AM

Additional Rs 40,000 crore allocated to MGNREGA

Rural employment scheme gets Rs 40,000 crore boost (Image source: IWP Flickr photos))
Covid-19 could push 260 million Indians into poverty: Research
News this week Posted on 20 May, 2020 10:42 AM

Nearly 260 million Indian could be pushed to poverty due to Covid-19: Researchers

Covid-19 could push 260 million Indians into poverty (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Relief with dignity to the vulnerable, in the times of Covid
Samerth Charitable Trust is responding to the needs of vulnerable communities from remote locations of Gujarat and Chhattisgarh in these difficult times with empathy and compassion Posted on 29 Apr, 2020 12:59 PM

While the COVID-19 pandemic is putting humanity through its most testing times, there are stories of hope, resilience, and unwavering human spirit. We have seen volunteers from the general public, NGOs and other community-based organisations, governments, philanthropies and private entities coming together in unprecedented ways.

Local police support in the distribution of relief kits (Image Source: Samerth Trust)
Providing safe drinking water, in difficult times!
How does Piramal Sarvajal plan to deal with the water crisis in the country? Posted on 24 Apr, 2020 03:36 PM

Piramal Sarvajal, seeded by the Piramal Foundation in 2008, is a mission driven social enterprise which designs and deploys innovative solutions for creating affordable access to safe drinking water in underserved areas.

Safe drinking water, in difficult times (Image Source: PIramal Sarvajal)