
Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
October 22, 2022 Role of MGNREGA in the year after the 2020 lockdown: Survey findings from Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh
MGNREGA provided income support or security to vulnerable households during the pandemic (Image: UN Women)
October 14, 2022 Arthan organizes a fireside chat to highlight the need for more data talent for social impact
There is a need to integrate data science into the existing education system (Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Public Domain Pictures)
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
July 14, 2022 The river is faced with the dual problem of flood plain encroachment and growing levels of water pollution
Illegal transverse check dams (Badhals) built on Ichamati near a village in Basirhat (Image: Prithviraj Nath @ TheWaterChronicles)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
News updates - 15th October, 2009
News update for the 15 October 2009 Posted on 14 Oct, 2009 02:23 PM

Drinking water from tankers in Bellary district

Picture from : ( , drinking water being supplied by tanker in Bellary district

No fresh flood threat:


Several articles cover the post-mortem of the floods, triggered by CWC statements that their warning to the government of AP was ignored


PIL filed alleging negligence on the part of AP government

Major irrigation minister was in hospital on the crucial day
Dam manual of the government to be updated

Rosaiah reacts:

Young Climate Savers programme:Teacher's manual on climate change and energy
WWF-India has designed the Young Climate Savers programme, aimed at imparting education on climate change through teacher training workshops and mainstreaming climate issues in the academic curriculum Posted on 14 Oct, 2009 01:52 PM

In realizing this vision, WWF-India has partnered with Tetra Pak in designing the Young Climate Savers programme, aimed at imparting education on climate change in 200 schools across 10 cities in India through teacher training workshops and mainstreaming climate issues in the academic curriculum.

Jal Bhagirathi Foundation looking for a Project Manager
Posted on 14 Oct, 2009 12:58 PM

JBF is selecting a team of Development Professionals having administrative and project management skills in direct implementation of grass root projects with specialization in Water, Environment or NRM for a very large multi-donor project supported by UNDP.

Proceedings of the consultation on Emerging Water Regulatory Frameworks and Related Reforms in Water Governance in Karnataka
A note on the workshop held in Bangalore Posted on 13 Oct, 2009 11:56 AM

The proceedings of the Consultation on “Emerging Water Regulatory Frameworks and Related Reforms in Water Governance in Karnataka” that was held on 02 September 2009 at Bangalore. Please do send us your comments.

In continuation with our efforts within Karnataka we have taken up two initiatives:

  1. Review of the ongoing reform processes in Urban Water Governance, with a special focus on the establishment of the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Council.
  2. Preparation of a general reader on water governance in the form of a booklet with a special focus on regulatory reforms in Karnataka, available both in Karnataka and Kannada (targeted at non-academic audiences such as NGO's and CSO's).
Investor Forum 2009: 29 & 30 October 2009: Hotel Hyatt Regency, Mumbai
Posted on 13 Oct, 2009 10:37 AM

As you know that since 2006, NVI has been organizing an annual flagship event called “Investor Forum", that features information exchange and focused discussions on the issues affecting all stakeholders in the sustainability space and investor pitches by some of the most promising green businesses in India that are on look out for funding.

Assesment report in Mahbubnagar district
An assesment report of the status in Mahbubnagar district created by a team of civil society representatives Posted on 12 Oct, 2009 11:18 PM

Attached is an assesment report of the status in Mahbubnagar district created by a team of civil society representatives. The report makes reference to a networking effort of civil society organisations in order to co-ordinate their efforts, and the team promises to continue to survey the situation and make periodic reports.

"Water and The Laws in India": A book by Ramaswamy R Iyer
Review of the book that talks on water-resource policy, management, conservation, conflict-resolution, etc and water laws in the country Posted on 12 Oct, 2009 03:16 PM

Water and the laws in IndiaWater is a complex subject that gives rise to many issues, and several of them have legal aspects. The book proceeds from various water-related problems and issues to the legal questions that arise in those contexts, examines the adequacy and appropriateness of the relevant existing laws, if any, and considers the changes and reforms that are needed. It seeks to cover the ground extensively. The book also briefly raises and explores the case for a constitutional declaration on water and an over-arching national water law. This compendious volume thus straddles two domains, viz.,

(i) water-resource policy, management, conservation, conflict-resolution, etc (in itself a multiple domain encompassing many concerns and disciplines); and

(ii) water law

Press release: 467 projects approved and 40 projects completed under JNNURM
A press release giving details of the projects completed under JNNURM Posted on 11 Oct, 2009 05:53 AM

Ministry of Urban Development has approved  467 projects with  total cost of  Rs.50,340 crores under Urban Infrastructure Governance (UIG), Sub-Mission –I of  Jawaharlal Nehru National  Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) so far.

Request for Proposal from the Department of Science and Technology
Posted on 09 Oct, 2009 01:36 PM

Government of India
Department of Science and Technology


Request for Proposal from the Department of Science and Technology
Posted on 09 Oct, 2009 01:36 PM

Government of India
Department of Science and Technology

