
Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
October 22, 2022 Role of MGNREGA in the year after the 2020 lockdown: Survey findings from Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh
MGNREGA provided income support or security to vulnerable households during the pandemic (Image: UN Women)
October 14, 2022 Arthan organizes a fireside chat to highlight the need for more data talent for social impact
There is a need to integrate data science into the existing education system (Image: Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, Public Domain Pictures)
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
July 14, 2022 The river is faced with the dual problem of flood plain encroachment and growing levels of water pollution
Illegal transverse check dams (Badhals) built on Ichamati near a village in Basirhat (Image: Prithviraj Nath @ TheWaterChronicles)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
Small hydro: Too small for a national mission - The need for an assimilated national mission for renewable energy in India
India has set high targets for solar energy through its Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission. However, this may take focus away from other renewable energy sources, especially small hydro which is a high density resource. This brief by the Observer Research Foundation examines whether small hydro qualifies for a national mission. Posted on 24 Feb, 2012 10:58 AM

Photo of a small hydropower plant

 Small hydropower plant  (Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy)

Trends in private sector participation in the Indian water sector: A critical review - A Water and Sanitation Programme publication
This report published by the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) involves a study that involved a review of PPPs in the urban water supply sector since the 1990s, explores the trends emerging in the sector and analyses the factors that have facilitated or impeded the development and implementation of PPPs in the sector. Posted on 23 Feb, 2012 05:54 PM

The study also analyses the direction in which the sector is heading with respect to private sector participation. Since most PPPs are at early stages of operation, this study focuses only on learnings from PPP design and transaction. This study does not seek to assess the operating or financial performance of PPPs.

Challenges for achieving conservation and development - A presentation by Elinor Ostrom at the Khoshoo memorial lecture, ATREE
The 2012 Khoshoo Memorial Lecture was delivered by 2009 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Dr Elinor Ostrom. In this presentation, she explains the need for a framework to assess complex socio-ecological systems. Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 06:52 PM

Portrait of Dr.Ostrom

"In search of old ideas" - A discussion of the draft national water policy 2012, by Jayanta Bandopadhyay in The Telegraph
In this article published in the Telegraph Jayanta Bandopadhyay discusses the draft national water policy 2012. Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 05:05 PM

Author: Jayanta Bandopadhyay

Article and image courtesy: The Telegraph

New water policy more contentious; least helpful in tackling existing issues
The new water policy (NWP) draft 2012 is reportedly replete with more contentious issues and least helpful in tackling existing issues. The formulation of new draft policy has been facilitated in an undemocratic way sans participation of all stakeholders. Undoubtedly the draft explicitly states that water needs to be managed as a community resource held by the state under public trust doctrine, but concurrently it underscores the need to treat water as an “economic good”. Instead of treating water as ‘economic good’, it should be treated as sustainable development instrument. Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 12:34 PM

Author : Dr. Arvind Kumar

ACMGIDF invites applications for Project Executive-Livelihood, Jaipur, Rajasthan - Apply by February 26, 2012
Posted on 22 Feb, 2012 09:23 AM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia


ACM GIDF works across India, and integrate in all our projects all four key sectors that lead to growth – education, health, livelihood and Environment.

Rural water access: Governance and contestation in a semi-arid watershed in Udaipur, Rajasthan: A paper in EPW
Recent policy has encouraged a shift towards community management of water infrastructure through the creation of decentralised institutions.This also implies a shift from large to small structures and institutions. This however presumes the existence of a homogeneous 'community', and does not necessarily acknowledge the effect of various separate groups within such a community on these institutions. This paper published in Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the impacts of this shift towards decentralised irrigation management on different groups residing in six villages in Rajasthan. Posted on 21 Feb, 2012 05:19 PM

Study area

This study is carried out in micro-watershed No.19, which comprises six villages in Jhadol tehsil of Udaipur district in Rajasthan. A minor irrigation project completed in 1980 serves these six villages

Rainfall, storage levels in reservoir and groundwater use

India Water Portal is looking for content writers and publishers, based anywhere in India - Apply by 15 March 2012
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 10:09 PM

The India Water Portal is an open, inclusive web-based platform for sharing water management knowledge amongst practitioners and the general public. It aims to draw on the rich experience of practitioners and citizens who have worked on water issues and themes, and use the internet to disseminate this information and knowledge, to a wider audience.

The Portal effort has grown significantly since its launch in 2007, and we are now looking for more people to join and help us expand our work.

Title of the position

Content writer / publisher - India Water Portal.

Nature of position

The position is on a part-time, consultancy basis, working from home. You must be able to put in at least 30 hours of work every week (120 hours a month). Work timings within the day are flexible.

After a 3-month induction period, your appointment will be confirmed for one year, and can be extended.

India Water Portal is looking for content writers and publishers, based anywhere in India - Apply by 15 March 2012
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 10:09 PM

The India Water Portal is an open, inclusive web-based platform for sharing water management knowledge amongst practitioners and the general public. It aims to draw on the rich experience of practitioners and citizens who have worked on water issues and themes, and use the internet to disseminate this information and knowledge, to a wider audience.

The Portal effort has grown significantly since its launch in 2007, and we are now looking for more people to join and help us expand our work.

Title of the position

Content writer / publisher - India Water Portal.

Nature of position

The position is on a part-time, consultancy basis, working from home. You must be able to put in at least 30 hours of work every week (120 hours a month). Work timings within the day are flexible.

After a 3-month induction period, your appointment will be confirmed for one year, and can be extended.

India Water Portal is looking for editors, based in East and North-east India - Apply by 15 March 2012
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 08:27 PM

The India Water Portal is an open, inclusive web-based platform for sharing water management knowledge amongst practitioners and the general public. The Portal effort has grown significantly since its launch in 2007, and we are now looking for more people to join and help us expand our work.

Title of the position

Editor - India Water Portal.

Nature of position

The position is on a part-time, consultancy basis, working from home. You must be able to put in at least 25 hours of work every week (100 hours a month). Work timings within the day are flexible.

After a 3-month induction period, your appointment will be confirmed for one year, and can be extended.
