Droughts and Floods

Featured Articles
December 12, 2022 Study looks at behavioral biases in crop insurance adoption
Adoption rate of crop insurance low in India despite government efforts (Image: PxHere, CC0 Public Domain)
October 30, 2022 This book by Dr. Mitul Baruah presents a fascinating, ethnographic account of the challenges faced by communities living in Majuli, India, one of the largest river islands in the world, which has experienced immense socio-environmental transformations over the years, processes that are emblematic of the Brahmaputra Valley as a whole. This is an excerpt from the book.
Floods are recurrent phenomena in Assam (Image: Mitul Baruah)
September 13, 2022 Heavy rains and floods have battered Bengaluru yet again. Uncontrolled and unregulated development and concretisation of the city that pays no heed to the ecology and hydrology of the region needs to stop!
Urban flooding in Bangalore (Image Source: Thejas via Wikimedia Commons)
August 21, 2022 Floods are not feared, but rather welcomed by the Mishing communities from Majuli island in Assam as they bring bountiful fish- a rich source of food, nutrition and livelihood for the community.
The Majuli island, a haven for fish (Image Source: Usha Dewani, India Water Portal)
August 10, 2022 The irrigation at all costs mindset and narrow policies for drought protection during the colonial rule ignored rainfed agriculture and local practices that sustained agriculture in the Bombay Deccan. This continues even today.
Recurrent droughts and the struggle for survival (Image Source: Gaurav Bhosale via Wikimedia Commons):
August 2, 2022 The frequency and intensity of floods is on the rise in Assam spelling doom for fish biodiversity.
Life during floods in Assam (Image Source: Kausika Bordoloi via Wikimedia Commons)
Sacchidanand Bharti - in his own words
The environmental conservation efforts in Ufrenkhal have been written about for nearly three decades but always by others. Here is the story in the protagonist's own words. Posted on 15 Jul, 2013 07:12 PM

Reams have been written about Sacchidanand Bharti, of Ufrenkhal fame and his work on afforestation and water conservation. However, very rarely does he speak about his own efforts and experiences.

Sacchidanand Bharti in the Ufrenkhal forest
One year course in ' Science and Management for Sustainable Living', Bhoomi College, Bangalore
A programme meant to foster an interest in green careers in those who wish to explore the possibility of learning and action connected with sustainable living.
Posted on 15 Jul, 2013 02:44 PM

About the organisers

Bhoomi College

Course period

Extreme weather warning!
Climate change is manifesting itself through modified rainfall patterns, extreme events and temperature fluctuations. What effect will these have on water, sanitation and health in India? Posted on 11 Jul, 2013 04:04 PM

We sat in a plush climate-controlled room and deliberated climate change as the outside world collapsed around us..

The flooded Bagmati river
Floods in Assam affect one lakh people - Dhemaji worst hit
Floods in Assam, bio-toilets in Konkan railway stations and damage of hydropower project in Uttarakhand are highlights of this week's news. Posted on 08 Jul, 2013 11:31 AM

 Flood fury hits Assam


The flooded plains of Brahamputra
Call for 'Prabha Dutt Fellowship in Journalism' for women, Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi
An initiative that encourages young women who wish to investigate and research on any topic of contemporary relevance
Posted on 06 Jul, 2013 05:36 PM

Offered by 

Sanskriti Foundation

Objective of the Fellowship

The purpose of the Fellowship is to encourage young mid career women journalists to develop their potential by pursuing meaningful projects without having to work under the pressures of short deadlines.

Call for abstracts, International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM - 2014), CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala
IWRM is the process of supporting the synchronized development and management of water, land and related natural resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare
Posted on 04 Jul, 2013 12:11 PM


Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM)


Kozikhode, Kerala

About the symposium

IWRM 2014
The Himalayan states - are they India's crown jewels or distant cousins?
People in India revere the Himalayas but most may not know much about its people. A common platform to highlight issues that the mountain peoples face is the need of the hour. Posted on 04 Jul, 2013 10:25 AM

Left, right, up, down...bump, bump, bump! That was me… being thrown about on all sides of the jeep that I was in. No, I wasn’t off-roading! I was on an investigative mission to Pinrow, a village in Nainital district, Uttarakhand from my home. I was investigating the impact of the state government's push for 100% of child births to happen in the hospitals.

Nandadevi at sunrise
Tech for Seva'- Call for abstracts for the socio-technical conference on inclusive and sustainable development, Seva Shayog, Pune
Tech' means technology and 'Seva' means selfless service for the greater good of the society at large - An objective to provide an integrated platform for inclusive development in the society
Posted on 01 Jul, 2013 07:05 PM


Seva Sahayog, Vijnana Bharati,GIST & Maharishi Karve Stree Sikshan Sanstha

Tech for Seva
Toilet under the open sky for 73% of rural India
Continuing open defecation in rural India, possible epidemic outbreak in Uttarakhand and draft bills on water laws are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 01 Jul, 2013 10:00 AM

Toilet under the open sky for 73% of rural India

The Planning commission has found that 73% of rural India practices open defecation despite many sanitation programmes encouraged by the government. The main reason for this is the unavailability of toilets.

Open defecation continues due to lack of toilets
An appeal to donate generously for the Uttarakhand tragedy, Peoples Science Institute, Dehradun
Following the aftermath of the Uttarakhand deluge, come and be a part of the solution, donate generously
Posted on 27 Jun, 2013 12:01 PM

Appeal by

People's Science Institute

About the appeal

Havoc created by the Uttarakhand deluge is unprecedented. Cloudbursts, heavy rainfall and losses incurred in terms of human life and property have turned an exceptional natural phenomenon into an ongoing grieving tragedy.
