
A content bank on coronavirus


The COVID-19 pandemic is seeing overwhelming response from grassroots organisations, donors, multilateral agencies. As a part of its humanitarian response, Arghyam reached out to several organisations working on the ground to understand their most urgent needs and we realised that along with relief material the one thing that was glaringly absent was the right information to disseminate in appropriate regional languages/ dialects. 


A rapid assessment and conversations with other organisations led us to a rich set of material already created by other organisations. The Content Bank is a collation of context-relevant COVID-19 resources produced by several organizations in more than 20 Indian languages. Scroll down below the table for help on how to use it.


This content bank is also available in Hindi


Using this table:

  1.  Select a preferred language by clicking on filter, “Add Filter”
  2. Pick “Language” and pick a language for the available list
  3. (Click on filter button for the pop up box to disappear)
  4. You can add another filter along with it or replace the existing filter
  5. You can also use group by and sort similarly 


We sincerely thank all the organizations that have contributed content to the Content Bank. The source for each content has been provided - please ensure that they get credit when using the content. As indicated earlier, we are merely collating the content. If you have any feedback or comments on the content please write to us at and we will try and ensure these are shared with the content creators as well. 

While we have tried to take adequate care to collate the content, we do not vouch for the content and the responsibility and ownership of the content lies with the Organisation which created it. So please ensure providing credit to the Organisation when using the content. If you think that the content has been added by mistake or that any content piece is outdated, factually incorrect or if you have any other concerns, please email us and we shall do the needful.

Did you use the content bank? Loved it? Or confused? Tell us. We would love to hear from you!

Produced by: Sreechand Tavva

With support from Rakhi Mathai and Srinivasa BK


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October 22, 2022 Role of MGNREGA in the year after the 2020 lockdown: Survey findings from Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh
MGNREGA provided income support or security to vulnerable households during the pandemic (Image: UN Women)
April 7, 2022 Every year 13 million lives are lost due to avoidable environmental causes
South-East Asia has the highest number of deaths related to climate change (Image: Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay)
September 13, 2021 A new UN University report indicates how disasters around the world are interconnected
When a cyclone and a pandemic combine (Image: UNU-EHS/Tanmay Chakraborty)
May 18, 2021 Income loss top concern for rural communities, says study
Must have protocols for timely action and outreach in times of need (Image: DMD, Government of Bihar)
May 17, 2021 Practitioner's experiences in tackling the second wave in Indian villages
There is a need to strengthen the capacities of ASHA workers, and other healthcare and grassroots workers. (Image: DMD, Government of Bihar)
May 10, 2021 Absence of skill assessment and skill certification a major barrier
The study points out prejudices and discrimination against inter-state migrant workers and how most local people consider migrant labourers as outsiders. (Image: Paradiz, Pixabay)
Villagers in Rajasthan show resilience during national lockdown
Continuing to prepare rural communities for the most unprecedented events in Alwar. Posted on 16 Jun, 2020 09:40 AM

India’s national lockdown to curb the fast-expanding community transmission of coronavirus led to life coming to a standstill across the country. The long pause of over three months is starting to ease, and the new shift towards “normal” gives health and hygiene ultimate attention.

Repairing the school infrastructures before students return to their classrooms (Image: Sehgal Foundation)
Fire in Assam to have catastrophic effect on ecozones: Experts
News this week Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 09:04 PM

Fire breaks at an oil well in Assam damaging ecozones around the site

Migratory birds flock Maguri Beel, which is 500 m away from the incident site (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Battling Covid-19 in Jharkhand
While tribals in Jharkhand continue to struggle with the impacts of Covid-19, WOTR has been on the frontlines helping them cope with poverty and hunger. Posted on 11 Jun, 2020 04:07 PM

Jharkhand is a state dominated by tribal communities located in eastern part of India. Agriculture, NTFP (Non-timber forest produce) collection and daily wage laborers are the prime source of income for rural Jharkhand.

Distribution of ration to cope with the impacts of the pandemic (Image Source: WOTR)
Northeast fights Covid-19
While Northeast appears to be better off than the rest of India in the number of Covid cases, how are migrants from the North East coping? Posted on 09 Jun, 2020 11:34 PM

While Covid-19 has left many countries including India in the line of fire, the situation in India is now getting particularly alarming with the number of people infected by Covid-19 rising at a rapid pace.

Ration distribution to the migrants (Image Source: Sunbird Trust)
Living through Cyclone Amphan and Covid-19: Climate change and water security
In the face of frequent cyclones and floods in the region, investment and long term planning is needed on making basic services of drinking water resilient. Posted on 07 Jun, 2020 11:33 AM

The nomenclature of cyclones and hurricanes is developed much in advance through multilateral processes in the region. The name Amphan (Sky in Thai and Akash in Bangla) was chosen from a long list of potential disasters long back.

Millions of people in India and Bangladesh lost their means of employment, food, water and homes in one go during the cyclone (Image: Srikanth Kolari/ActionAid India)
Centre approves JJM funds to Odisha and Chhattisgarh for this financial year
Policy matters this week Posted on 05 Jun, 2020 05:23 PM

Government approves Jal Jeevan Mission funds for Odisha and Chhattisgarh

Child drinks water from a tap (Image: Imal Hashemi/Taimani Films/World Bank, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Covid-19 hits women’s access to menstrual hygiene products
The lockdown has adversely impacted access to menstrual hygiene information and products, reveals a survey by the Menstrual Health Alliance India. Posted on 04 Jun, 2020 08:49 AM

In an effort to raise concerns around effective menstrual health, Menstrual Health Alliance India (MHAI), a network working on menstrual health and hygiene in India, Dasra, a philanthropic organisation and, a technology platform for social change hosted an online workshop recent

Menstrual cycle and personal hygiene items (Image: Marco Verch, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0); Flickr Commons)
Packaged drinking water units' woes: A Covid -19 perspective
The sudden, prolonged and unplanned disruption in the operations of packaged drinkiging water units due to lockdown has left these units deal with a situation which they have never faced before. Posted on 01 Jun, 2020 05:03 PM

Novel Corona virus is constantly changing its symptoms, speed and scale with an alarming regularity and posing a stiff challenge to scientists, governments and frontline warriors as it assumes pandemic proportions around the globe. 

Filtration plants in a packaging water units (Image source: Tushar Trivedi)
Lockdown puts citymakers at risk
The forced exodus of the migrants who built our cities indicates how they were shortchanged on every front. Posted on 28 May, 2020 01:22 PM

Suddenly thrown out of work by a nationwide lockdown, the migrants who built our cities and our economies were forced to take the torturous walk away from the cities to their homes in rural India.

A worker at a construction site (Image: ILO/ Joydeep Mukherjee; NC-ND 3.0 IGO License)
Mumbai slums fight Covid-19
While sanitation in Mumbai slums presents unique challenges, MCGM joins hands with other sanitation warriors to fight Covid-19, with conviction! Posted on 26 May, 2020 06:43 AM

Anand Jagtap, ex Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), the winner of the Lingaraja Memorial Award and a PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai has been associated with the Slum Sanitation Programme (SSP) undertaken by MCGM with support from the World Bank since 1997 to 2005.

Flushing the virus, in times of Covid-19 (Image Source: Anand Jagtap)