Climate Change

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November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
August 11, 2022 This could lead to water quality crisis reinforcing the need for basin-specific management strategies
Around the world, more than a fifth of nitrogen released by human activity ends up in aquatic ecosystems (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
July 29, 2022 New study from the University of East Anglia challenges the widely held view that restoring areas such as mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass can remove large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere
Mediterranean seagrass (Image: David Luquet, CNRS-Sorbonne University)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
July 8, 2022 Indian rivers are experiencing rising temperatures, which can lower the oxygen carrying capacity of their waters and spell doom for living organisms, small and large living in the waters.
The Karamana river in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala (Image Source: India Water Portal)
June 15, 2022 The River Front Development project planned by the PMC is nothing but a cosmetic makeover for the already choked Mula Mutha river in Pune, argues Dr Gurudas Nulkar while speaking to the India Water Portal.
The highly polluted and encroached Mula Mutha river in Pune (Image: Alexey Komarov via Wikimedia Commons)
Climate change and its impact on groundwater – A presentation by ACWADAM
How climate change will alter the groundwater, and the best options we have to save it. Posted on 13 Nov, 2010 09:38 PM

This presentation by ACWADAM deals with climate change and its impacts on long-term replenishment of groundwater. The presentation provides an overview of the current insights and knowledge on climate change impacts and gives an overview of best options for developing and safeguarding groundwater resources.

Policies and laws related to climate change and environment - A collection
Our use and over use of the abundant Nature's resources has lead to drastic altercations in the balance and cycle of nature. These policies help combat from further deterioration Posted on 13 Nov, 2010 01:03 AM

India Water Portal has recently uploaded a set of important policies and laws. This collection pertains to climate change, environment, disaster management and more.

Heavy rains, cyclones and floods affect the life of millions; News Roundup (1-7 November 2010)
Cyclone disrupts life and living in three states, Posted on 09 Nov, 2010 08:09 PM

Recent news indicates extensive reports on the threat and destruction unleashed by cyclone Jal in the three states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka being affected the most. Cyclone Jal has led to heavy rainfall in both these states leading to floods and a heavy death toll in the coastal districts of both the states, besides reports of destruction of agricultural produce in the state of Karnataka.

South India

Andhra Pradesh

A training manual on integrated management of watersheds by ICRISAT
Watersheds are natural. Human intervention forces the changes in ecology and management practices . The training manual provides an account for socio-technical aspects of watershed. Posted on 05 Nov, 2010 12:05 PM

The training manual by ICRISAT on integrated management of watersheds is meant for watershed development practitioners and provides an account of the socio-technical aspects of watershed. To begin with, the definitional aspects of watershed are spelt out -

  • The term “watershed” strictly refers to the divide separating one drainage basin from another. However, over the years, the use of the term watershed to signify a drainage basin or catchment area has come to stay.
  • Hydrologically, watershed could be defined as an area from which the runoff drains through a particular point in the drainage system.

Gully control in semi arid tropical watersheds – A report by ICRISAT
Gully erosion is more difficult and expensive to control than other types of soil erosion. 4 million ha land in India is affected by its severity. Posted on 04 Nov, 2010 09:21 PM

This report prepared by ICRISAT under its Global Theme on Agroecosystems deals with the problem of gully erosion, which is common in the semi-arid region, characterized by denuded landscape and flash floods. An estimated 4 million ha land in India and 29 million ha of land in Africa are affected by severe gully erosion. Gully erosion is more difficult and expensive to control than other types of soil erosion.

The Indian Summer Monsoon - Past, Present and Future - A presentation
This presentation on the Indian Summer Monsoon broadly deals with what the monsoon means for the people of India and the basic science of monsoon. Posted on 03 Nov, 2010 02:56 PM

Indian Monsoon

The history of the United Kingdom’s interest in the Indian monsoon is discussed as also the challenges of climate change for India. Some basic facts regarding the Indian socio-economic context are presented to underline the importance of rainfed agriculture and hence the dependence on monsoons.

"Climate change and rainwater harvestng - Brainstorming " : Newsletter of International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance, October 2010
Newsletter focuses on all activities concerning rainwater harvesting, the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) and its partners. Posted on 28 Oct, 2010 11:31 AM

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)

Newsletter focuses on all activities concerning rainwater harvesting, the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) and its partners.

National Water Mission - National Action Plan on Climate Change - Volume I and II - Ministry of Water Resources (2009,2008)
This comprehensive mission document by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) highlights the objective of the National Water Mission, which is to conserve water through minimising wastage and ensuring equitable distribution of water across and within states through integrated water resources development and management. The document is presented in two volumes. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 03:20 PM

Volume I is divided into six chapters and includes:

Chapter 1: Provides a brief introduction on the background of the National Water Mission in the context of the threat of climatic change and its impact on reduction in the water resources in the country.

Chapter 2: Describes the objectives or features of the National Water Mission

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) - Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change (2008)
This document published by the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change (Government of India), aims at creating awareness among the representatives of the public, different agencies of the government, scientists, industry and the community as a whole, on the threat posed by climate change and the steps proposed at the level of India to counter these changes. Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 03:01 PM

The  document is guided by the following principles: