Climate Change

Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
August 11, 2022 This could lead to water quality crisis reinforcing the need for basin-specific management strategies
Around the world, more than a fifth of nitrogen released by human activity ends up in aquatic ecosystems (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
July 29, 2022 New study from the University of East Anglia challenges the widely held view that restoring areas such as mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass can remove large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere
Mediterranean seagrass (Image: David Luquet, CNRS-Sorbonne University)
July 10, 2022 People in India fleeing disasters like drought more likely to have experienced trafficking or modern slavery than those fleeing floods or cyclones
The country's climate change assessment suggests things are only going to get worse (Image: Saurav Karmakar, India Water Portal Flickr)
July 8, 2022 Indian rivers are experiencing rising temperatures, which can lower the oxygen carrying capacity of their waters and spell doom for living organisms, small and large living in the waters.
The Karamana river in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala (Image Source: India Water Portal)
June 15, 2022 The River Front Development project planned by the PMC is nothing but a cosmetic makeover for the already choked Mula Mutha river in Pune, argues Dr Gurudas Nulkar while speaking to the India Water Portal.
The highly polluted and encroached Mula Mutha river in Pune (Image: Alexey Komarov via Wikimedia Commons)
Applications invited for UN-Water Best Practices Award, United Nations University
An award to promote efforts to fulfill international commitments made on water and water-related issues by 2015 through recognition of outstanding best practices
Posted on 15 Aug, 2013 08:24 AM

Further details of the announcement can be gathered from the link here

Power hub becomes pollution hub
Korba, Chhattisgarh ranks 5th in the ‘critically polluted area’ category according to the Central Pollution Control Board. Why aren't thermal power companies following pollution control mandates? Posted on 14 Aug, 2013 06:32 PM

‘Fly-ash’ refers to fine particles of ash sent up by the burning of solid fuel-like coal. Typically, this is the residue of ash generated by thermal power companies. Due to its toxic nature, the government has mandated that fly-ash must be dumped in ash ponds, which are specially made on vacant lands.

CSEB power plant in Korba
Invite for online blended learning programme 'Science and Policy of Climate Change', TERI, September 13 -16, 2013
A program that follows an interdisciplinary approach and is enriched by audio, video, and interactive web-based content.
Posted on 13 Aug, 2013 03:14 PM

For more information on the online course, please click here

To register for the course, please click here

The brochure may be downloaded from below

The Energy and Resources Institute
Invite to a Public talk on 'Uttarakhand Disaster: Can the nation learn any lessons ?', by Himanshu Thakkar, Environment Support Group, Bangalore
Himanshu Thakkar from SANDRP will discuss and try to answer some of the many questions that arise from the horrific Uttarakhand disaster
Posted on 11 Aug, 2013 09:37 AM

For more information on the event please download the invitation for the talk from below.


South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People
Invite for an International course on 'Farming, Natural home building and Self Sustainable Living', Krisit, Rajasthan, November 2013 - October 2014
A 12 month programme that will teach you to create and manage a 100%self-sustainable -profitable farm with a Vedic Vastu house
Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 02:11 PM

For details on this very interesting course please click here

Apply for online distance learning course on ' Water Safety Plans (WSPs)', The Water Institute
A course aimed at those in the water industry with management, engineering, or operational responsibilities, representing a new approach to managing risks of water system failure
Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 11:48 AM

For more information on the course, please click here

To access registration form, please click here

Invite to international conference on 'City of Kota - The Next Solar Destination', Cities Network Campaign, Kota, Rajasthan
The city of Kota, in its efforts to move towards using green technologies to nurture a sustainable planet, is unleashing the Solar Energy potential in eastern Rajasthan
Posted on 06 Aug, 2013 02:43 PM


Cities Network Campaign & The Green Mantra

About the conference

Cities Network Campaign
Call for Abstracts - International workshop on 'Climate Change Impact and Societal Adaptation', Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer,November 6-8, 2013
The workshop aims to strengthen the understanding of climate change impacts and link scientific insights to policies for promoting sustainability
Posted on 05 Aug, 2013 09:16 AM


Department of Environmental Science, Central University of Rajasthan & the Swedish Meteorology and Hydrology Institute, Sweden 

About the workshop

Applications invited for ICIMOD Media Fellowship 2013 for journalists from Northeast India
The primary goal is to help strengthen capacity of environmental journalists and facilitate a deeper understanding of issues related to climate change and sustainable mountain development.
Posted on 05 Aug, 2013 08:07 AM

Offered by 

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

About the Fellowship

Call for abstracts - International conference on Ecosystem Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Development (ECOCASD 2013), University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram , October 3-5, 2013
A platform to share innovative ideas on ecosystem conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation and sustainable development
Posted on 04 Aug, 2013 05:16 PM


Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala

Theme of the conference
