Research Papers

When coal goes unheard
This paper tries to understand the effect of coal mining in the northeast India and ways to control its impact on the environment Posted on 01 Jul, 2016 12:21 PM

India has the fifth largest coal reserves in the world [1].

Coal mines in Meghalaya (Source: The Hindu)
Understanding farmer suicides in India
An analysis finds that the problem of farmer suicides is concentrated in a few states and not an all-India phenomenon Posted on 11 Jun, 2016 10:48 AM

Farmers and the agricultural crisis (Source: India Water Portal)
Environmental disaster in the face of climate change
Marathwada is a classic example of environmental disaster due to climate change which can get worse in the absence of sincere and planned action. Posted on 08 Jun, 2016 12:30 PM

Marathwada has been witnessing severe drought over the last few years. This year has seen the worst with many farmer suicides reported [1].

Farmers, stuck in the midst of a crisis (Source: India Water Portal)
Restructuring water governance for future
This paper argues that the recent restructuring of CWC and CGWB can be a good opportunity to introduce changes in the institutional structure for water governance in India Posted on 02 Jun, 2016 12:40 PM

With increasing concern over water security, water governance worldwide is undergoing a gradual change.

Water governance for future water security (Source: India Water Portal)
Changing seasons and diarrhoeal diseases
This study in urban and rural areas of Vellore, Tamil Nadu found that seasonal fluctuations had an effect on water quality and diarrhoeal disease risk. Posted on 19 May, 2016 09:07 AM

Access to safe drinking water and diarrhoeal diseases in India

Water quality, seasonality and diarrhoeal diseases (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Urban sanitation in India: Lessons from Brazil
Brazil’s trajectory of industrial growth & rapid urbanisation is akin to India. Then how has it managed to provide it’s urban citizens better sanitation facilities? Posted on 14 May, 2016 01:08 PM

Urban sanitation in India and the need to look at Brazil

Urban sanitation: A challenge for India (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Water management for climate resilient agriculture
Water management should be given number one priority in agricultural policy to prevent droughts, minimise risks due to droughts and build a climate-resilient agriculture. Posted on 12 May, 2016 11:04 AM

Although agriculture is the largest source of livelihood for people in India, its share in the gross domestic product (GDP) has been declining over time with

Agriculture and climate change (Source: India Water Portal)
Positive correlation between higher levels of education for women and toilet use
A study found that toilet use was higher in households that had a high standard of living, higher educational levels among women and that were located in urban areas. Posted on 21 Apr, 2016 10:07 AM

India continues to have the highest number of people defecating out in the open according to recent figures by the World Health Organisation

Toilet use in India (Source: Sourabh Phadke)
Copper and silver vessels are age-old bacteria killers
A study found that water stored in glass, plastic and ceramic containers, and coconut shells did not show a reduction in coliform bacteria. Posted on 21 Apr, 2016 09:42 AM

About 3 million children from developing countries below the age of 5 die every year due to diarrhoeal diseases caused by polluted water, poor san

Household drinking water and coliforms (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Low cost napkins: Are they a band aid in the absence of sanitation facilities?
Low-cost sanitary napkins can start a revolution, but only when factors like access to toilet, clean water, privacy for changing and sustainable disposal of used products is considered. Posted on 15 Apr, 2016 05:24 PM

Menstrual hygiene management continues to be a challenge for rural women in India and many women are forced to resort to unhygienic ways of managing menstruation thus affecting their health and well-being. The paper titled 'Menstrual management and low cost sanitary napkins' published in the Economic and

Women, menstrual management and sanitation (Source: India Water Portal)