Policies, Laws and Regulations

Management of landslides and snow avalanches - National disaster management guidelines by National Disaster Management Authority
The guidelines have identified nine major areas for systematic and coordinated management of landslide hazards. Posted on 02 Nov, 2011 08:15 AM

LandslideThese guidelines by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on management of landslides and snow avalanches aim to reduce the enormous destructive potential of landslides and minimize the consequential losses by institutionalizing the landslide hazard mitigation efforts. 

It is necessary that the hazard must first be recognized, the risk analyzed and an appropriate strategy developed at the national level to mitigate its impact. To achieve this objective, the NDMA initiated a series of consultations for drafting the national guidelines on landslides and snow avalanches to guide the activities envisaged for mitigating the risk emanating from landslides at all levels. The guidelines include regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks with defined time schedules for all activities. It is envisioned that all national and state disaster management plans and policies for landslides will be formulated and implemented keeping in view the overall framework of the guidelines.

Alternative national water policy - A critique - Economic and Political Weekly
Chetan Pandit presents a critique of the alternative national water policy by Ramswamy Iyer. Posted on 30 Oct, 2011 04:04 PM

This article published in the discussion section of the Economic and Political Weekly is a critique of the National Water Policy: An alternative draft for consideration, proposed by Ramaswamy Iyer, published in the Economic and Political Weekly, June 25th 2011.

Draft Jharkhand Industrial Policy (2011) - What does it say on water ?
The policy introduces the concept of differential water tariff. Posted on 06 Oct, 2011 09:50 PM


Image courtesy: Jharkhand State Industrial Development Corporation

The Jharkhand industrial policy (draft) 2011 has been formulated with the basic objective of optimally utilizing the available resources in planned and systematic manner for the industrialization of the state. It is aimed at enhancing value addition of the natural and human resources in an efficient manner to generate additional employment and resources for growth and development of the state.

Cabinet approves new Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation Bill (2011)
The new MMDR Bill, 2011, aims to introduce better legislative environment for attracting investment and technology into the mining sector. Posted on 01 Oct, 2011 11:42 AM

Content courtesy: Press Information Bureau


The Cabinet has taken a decision to place a proposal with Parliament to introduce the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill (MMDR Bill), 2011, in terms of the National Mineral Policy, 2008 and also repeal the existing Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. 

Regional plan for Goa - Interim report by the task force - Government of Goa (2008)
This interim report is an outcome of the initiative undertaken by the Government of Goa to prepare a broad based Regional Plan for Goa for the prospective horizon year 2021 AD. Posted on 27 Sep, 2011 04:52 PM

The Government of Goa notified a Task Force to develop this plan, which comprised of members of the government, architects, conservationists, and members of the Chambers of Commerce.

The report is divided into the following sections: 

Chapter 1: Planning for a better Goa

Revised guidelines for the centrally sponsored scheme of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) - Ministry of Environment & Forests, 2011
The Ministry of Environment & Forests has recently revised the guidelines for the centrally sponsored scheme of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs). Posted on 25 Sep, 2011 06:03 PM


Image courtesy: www.projectsmonitor.com

Under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, every industry has to provide adequate treatment of its effluents before disposal, irrespective of whether it is in stream, land, sewerage system of sea. The small scale industrial units (SSI), which are presently defined as units whose plant and machinery are valued at less than Rs. 5 crore occupy an important place in the country's economy. The SSIs are a major contributor to the total industrial pollution load of the country. However, only a small fraction of the effluent discharge from these units is estimated to be treated as on date.

Procedure to be followed for consideration of projects that involve forestland for grant of environment clearance
MoEF comes up with a new order prescribing the procedure to be followed for consideration of projects for environmental clearance, which involve forestland. Posted on 25 Sep, 2011 04:59 PM

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has based on consultation with stakeholders revised the procedure to be followed for consideration of projects that involve forestland for grant of environment clearance under EIA Notification, 2006. The requirement of information/data/documents for such projects is also outlined in the office memorandum.


Image courtesy: Ministry of Environment and Forests 

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) had earlier issued an office memorandum vide no. J-11015/200/2008-IA.II(M) dated 31.3.2011 prescribing the procedure to be followed for consideration of projects for environmental clearance, which involve forestland.

Himachal Pradesh state policy on disaster management (2011)
This document presents the disaster management policy for the state of Himachal Pradesh. Posted on 25 Sep, 2011 04:28 PM

Main hazards that the state is prone to consist of earthquakes, landslides, flash floods, snow storms and avalanches, droughts, dam failures, fires – domestic and wild, accidents – road, rail, air, stampedes, boat capsizing, biological, industrial and hazardous chemicals etc.

Odisha Groundwater (Regulation, development and management) Bill, 2011
A press release by Odisha Water Forum expressing concerns on the draft Bill. Posted on 09 Sep, 2011 06:44 PM

Content courtesy: Odisha Water Forum 

The Odisha Groundwater (Regulation, Development and Management) Bill, 2011 has been placed before the Odisha Legislative Assembly in this session. Odisha Water Forum has gone through the contents of this bill. While Odisha Water Forum appreciates the initiative of the Government of Odisha to regulate development and management of groundwater, it is concerned about the fact that this bill does not address the fundamental concerns regarding groundwater management.

Disaster management in India – A report by Ministry of Home Affairs
This report by the Ministry of Home Affairs on disaster management in India is the outcome of an in-house compilation and analysis of information relating to disasters and their management. Posted on 09 Sep, 2011 05:28 PM

The perception about disaster and its management has undergone a change following the enactment of the Disaster Management Act, 2005. The definition of disaster is now all encompassing, which includes not only the events emanating from natural and man-made causes, but even those events which are caused by accident or negligence.
