People and Organisations

Sevabharati Karnataka - Information on the organisation
Description of Sevabharati Karnataka,one of the organisations working on relief work in flood affected Karnataka Posted on 27 Oct, 2009 05:37 PM

Sevabharati Karnataka is one of the organisations working on relief work. They are planning to build 2349 homes at a cost of Rs. 1 Lakh each in 19 villages across 7 affected districts. More information is available at their site: 

Groundwater Foundation: Benefits of being a groundwater guardian community
The Groundwater Foundation provides useful information material to begin a groundwater protection campaign Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 02:28 PM

How can citizens or NGOs initiate a movement at the local level for the protection of groundwater?

Groundwater Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and motivating people to care for and about groundwater.

Click on to read more about the Groundwater Foundation

Sustainable sanitation for all: The GTZ ecosan programme
The concept of eco-sanitation, that is re-using human urine and fecal matter is gaining awareness but its acceptance depends on a change in the social mind-set. Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 11:39 AM

The GTZ Ecosan Program has developed guidelines for safe reuse of urine and feces, and publicity material to create awareness on the functioning of eco-toilets.

Megh Pyne Abhiyan: An initiative to promote rainwater harvesting to provide safe drinking water during floods
A brief introduction to what drives the Megh Pyne Abhiyan Posted on 21 Aug, 2009 12:15 PM

Megh Pyne Abhiyan - Baadh prabhavit sthalon mein varsha jal sangrahan

Read more about the effort in Hindi

Rashtrita Jal Chetna Yatra: Efforts of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Rajendar Singh in addressing water related concerns across the country
A detailed write up about the aims, aspirations and achievements of the Rashtriya Jal Chetna Yatra Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 02:20 PM

Tarun Bharat Sangh and Rajendar Singh started a massive campaign to spread awareness of traditional water harvesting structures in order to restore the water resources of arid Rajasthan. The aim was to popularize the use of such traditional structures across the country.

Information about Jalanidhi: A World Bank-assisted Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Link to Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project - Jalnidhi's - website Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 04:04 PM

Jalanidhi is the website of the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency which implements "Jalanidhi", a World Bank-assisted "Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project" for sustained delivery of adequate quantity of water and sanitation services in rural areas in four districts of Kerala.

The Baitarani river basin project in Orissa: A civil society initiative to explore options for futuristic resources management in the river basin
The project follows a holistic approach and tries to connect basin stakeholders’ across space and time, thereby addressing their livelihood concerns for present and future, across the basin landscape Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 05:06 PM

Baitarani River Basin Project is a civil society initiative to proactively explore options for futuristic resources management in this river basin. It also attempts to blend concerns for environment with livelihood, goals of local with global development, issues of rights with market and focus of sustainability with equity.

Megh Pyne Abhiyan: Popularizing rooftop rainwater harvesting in North Bihar
Details of an Arghyam supported rooftop rainwater harvesting initiative in North Bihar Posted on 07 Aug, 2009 09:14 AM

Arghyam has supported a Campaign for popularizing Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) in a flood prone region in North Bihar. The second phase of the Abhiyan has been designed based on the experiences from the first phase.

Transfer of power to rural communities : Initiative by Sambhav Trust
A write up on an experiment taken up by Sambhaav Trust with communities in Barmer (district of Rajasthan) Posted on 29 Jul, 2009 01:29 PM

This article is about an experiment taken up by Sambhaav Trust with communities in Barmer (district of Rajasthan), which tells us about the development of the rural area and how to bring about self sustainability to rural society. Readers may kindly write in with their feedback in the comments or to Comments & emails will be forwarded to Sambhaav Trust by the India Water Portal.


The word rural is synonymous with backwardness in the eyes of the upper urban community. A general impression that has been created is that people living in rural areas are economically poor, uneducated, do not have any sense of business, are not hardworking and hence they are much below those who live in urban areas who are monetarily rich. This perception is a biased one. We have never asked ourselves - what are the indicators that make a man backward or advanced? We have measured everything in terms of monetary advancement. In our experience there are a number of indicators one can associate with development like social, political, value system etc. It is therefore important that we check our perception before we talk of rural development. We are not debating on the urban-rural divide. However, from our experience in the rural field we believe that if we are interested in national development and not just sectoral development, then it is essential to assess the potentiality of the rural sector to move forward. Our contention is that this potentiality has not been probed into. On the contrary, a policy to downgrade this sector continues year after year. We have to broaden our perception if we truly want a just state.

Tribute to Narendranath, an organic farmer who passed away in Hyderabad
A tribute to Gorrepati Narendranath, well known human rights activist and organic farmer Posted on 19 Jul, 2009 05:36 AM

