People and Organisations

Catch water when it falls
Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling are simple steps to achieve water sufficiency. India Water Portal along with local partners spread this message in Chennai on World Water Day. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 10:24 PM

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A temple tank in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
The water-energy nexus
Meerut celebrated World Water Day with speakers talking about the connection between the two topics. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 10:20 PM

The theme of this year’s World Water Day was “energy-water nexus”. It was almost as if the topic was chosen keeping Western Uttar Pradesh in mind because the conflict between water and energy users in agriculture and industry has heightened here in the recent past.

Rise of tubewells in western UP (Source: DTE)
Does tapping regional springs affect the Western Ghats?
Dr. Jared Buono, hydrologist at NGO Gram Pari, spoke of a project that helped revive springs in the Western Ghats at an event organised by IIT Mumbai and India Water Portal to mark World Water Day. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 10:08 PM

The Western Ghats are made of up basalt rocks, which were formed from lava flows. These rocks are also known as water buckets as they are able to retain a lot of water. This unique feature helps create springs. At an event organised by IIT Mumbai and India Water Portal to mark World Water Day, Dr. Jared Buono talked about how springs were revived in Panchgani with the help of spring boxes.

World Water Day at IIT-Bombay
And the 2014 UN ‘Water for Life’ award goes to …
... IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program, a project that focuses on water and energy, and throws light on how the fortunes of groundwater and energy economies are intertwined. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 09:52 PM

IWMI-Tata Water Policy Program (ITP), a project that focusses on policy research in the co-management of energy & groundwater, has been awarded the 2014 UN ‘Water for life’ award!

Project leader Tushaar Shah with the award
When it rains, it stores!
In the four years since a programme called 'Mazhapolima', meaning bounty of rain, was launched in Thrissur, Kerala, the district has seen an increase in the quality and quantity of water in its wells. Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 09:03 PM

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Rainwater diverted into an open well in Thrissur
Barter by the beel
The centuries old Jon beel mela in Assam has a unique ritual- a barter between the tribes of the nearby hills and plains. Will urbanisation let the historic festival thrive? Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 08:33 PM

This was my first time here. I had heard of this festival, perhaps the only existing one in India, where barter takes place at such a scale. Jon Beel mela in Jon Beel, Jagiroad Assam- a historic festival where people from the hills and plains come together for a unique exchange of goods and agricultural produce near a moon-shaped wetland.

Eatables laid out for exchange at Jon beel mela
Their land lost to a dam, 2,000 farmers take to fishing -- in cages
The rush for caged fish culture of one variety has created a glut in the market, crashing prices. How will the farmer-fishermen cope? Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 08:28 PM

The Chandil dam reservoir is located 30 kms from Jamshedpur on the Subernarekha river in Jharkhand. While this dam is a 'tourist hotspot', its construction has resulted in the displacement of more than 20,000 families from 116 surrounding villages. “We lost our farmlands because of the project and now, to support our families, we have to take any job available", says Narayan Gope. 

Modular cages used for cage culture in Chandil
A pathway for water
Pophala, a village that was dry land farming in Aurangabad, channeled the rainwater it harvested by way of trenches. The drinking water wells are now full and their crop variety has increased. Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 08:18 PM

Pophala is a dry land farming village with 73 families that cultivate 290 acres. The people would spend as many as 5 hours to go to another village and get water. In the year 2013, the Gram Sabha in Pophala village, decided on something unique. They decided to figure out a way to get and keep water in their village so as to not be dependent on anyone else. 

From dry land farming to Water conservation
The key to successfully managing groundwater in India
Dr.Himanshu Kulkarni who was Chairman Working Group on Sustainable Groundwater Management for the 12th Plan, suggests measures to mitigate the poor groundwater scenario in the country. Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:47 PM

Dr. Himanshu Kulkarni is the Executive Director of the Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), a non-profit organisation in Pune. It is a premier education and research institution, which facilitates work on groundwater management through action research programmes and training.

A study group observing groundwater in a well
No water, no power - no problem!
Sea-Line Co-operative Society, an apartment community in Mumbai, is now completely water and partially power-secure thanks to good initiative, planning and management. Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:46 PM

Sea Line Co-operative Society, is a residential complex with 25 apartments in Bandra-a suburb in Mumbai. The 70 residents required 6000 kilolitres (KL) water per year but they managed to procure just about 5000 KL while paying through their noses - Rs. 20,000 per month, to be exact.

Navin Chandra, near the water treatment plant