News and Articles

Strengthening institutional arrangements for faecal sludge management
Project Nirmal created sub-city level (slum and ward) engagement structures to enable meaningful participation of all house­holds, in the planning and management of sanitation service delivery. Posted on 20 Dec, 2020 06:09 PM

Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) has close linkages with a variety of development themes such as environment, health and human rights.

An assessment at the beginning of Project Nirmal indicated the absence of institutional mechanisms for effec­tive coordination and collaboration among the various government departments across state, district and local levels (Image: SuSanA Secretariat)
Putting faecal sludge management on track
The cost and revenue projections for both on-demand and scheduled desludging scenarios were elaborated upon in the faecal sludge management plan for Dhen­kanal Municipality. Posted on 20 Dec, 2020 12:44 PM

To fully leverage the health, well-being and environmental benefits of improved sani­tation access provision of safe, economical and sustainable emptying, transportation and treat­ment facilities for faecal waste become impera­tive.

Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant at Dhenkanal, Odisha
Crafts bloom in the parched Thar desert!
Communities from the harshest part of the country, the Thar desert, cope with drought, through their art. Posted on 19 Dec, 2020 11:58 AM

The parched land of great Indian Thar desert stands out invariably for its hue and colours. And the communities from one of the harshest regions in the country continue to show their remarkable pliability to calibrate with the demographic difficulties and still bring out the most from the available resources!

Art, to deal with drought (Image Source: Rituja Mitra)
Science, fiction and sustainability
Can science-based fictional narratives help us develop a vision of a sustainable future? Posted on 18 Dec, 2020 01:40 PM

Why science, fiction and sustainability? The title of this piece connects three words, concepts, thoughts and ideation and at the same time maintains their distinct identity.

Science fiction is interrelated to sustainability because it highlights to us about possibilities. (Image: Peter Fischer, Pixabay)
Plundered rivers, vanishing ecosystems: Sandmining in India’s west
While sandmining is increasingly killing rivers in India, what is the state of rivers in western India? Posted on 16 Dec, 2020 10:51 AM

Unsustainable sandmining practices continue to be rampant in India. This has not only threatened the river ecosystems, but also led to commodification of river sand, a product in high demand in the construction industry. The high profits involved have turned sand mining into a highly competitive business with the sand mafia dominating the scene.

River sand continues to be plundered for the construction industry (Source: P Jeganathan/Wikimedia Commons)
Embracing planning for faecal sludge management: The tale of two towns
How to plan for and implement FSM related initiatives in small towns? Posted on 12 Dec, 2020 10:51 AM

Under Project Nirmal, a detailed planning process was undertaken for designing Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) interventions in Angul and Dhenkanal Municipalities based on the existing sanitation situation in the towns, the techno-economic feasibility as well as cap

Project Nirmal demonstrates appropriate, low-cost, decentralized, inclusive and sustainable sanitation service delivery solutions for two small towns (Angul and Dhenkanal) in Odisha. (Image: SCI-FI, CPR)
Mobile technology for non-profits
What are the factors that need to be considered when procuring mobile devices? Posted on 12 Dec, 2020 09:47 AM

Mobile devices get increasingly used by frontline workers as non-profits procure and provide it to them. These devices need to be procured in bulk and hence it becomes important that the right decision is made.

Nonprofits generally operate on a tight budget and the right technology solution can be of great help. (Image: Pixabay)
Study using geo-tagged bottles unravels plastic pollution
News this week Posted on 09 Dec, 2020 04:53 PM

Plastic pollution can travel thousands of kilometres in just a few months, finds new study using geo-tagged bottles

Plastic pollution by a river (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
New packaged drinking water rules to apply from January 1, 2021
Policy matters this week Posted on 09 Dec, 2020 12:43 PM

Revised standards for packaged drinking water to apply from January 1st, 2021

Filtration plants in a packaging water units (Image source: Tushar Trivedi)
Connecting the dots: Reimagining water security at scale
Can digital technology aid in bringing samaj, bazaar and sarkar closer to solve water and livelihood issues? What do learnings from the ground show? Posted on 09 Dec, 2020 12:17 PM

While water sector actors from samaaj, sarkaar and bazaar have been working for decades on programmes that address water security issues in the country, making a sustainable impact at scale has continued to be a challenge.

Connecting the dots (Image Source:, kudumbashree via Wikimedia Commons)