News and Articles

Don't have toilet, can't contest polls
Policy Matters this week: Bihar government makes toilet compulsory for contesting polls, Ganga Jal pitchers to collect religious waste and Rs 1,444 crore for rural water supply in Maharashtra. Posted on 24 Nov, 2013 10:43 PM

Don't have toilet, can't contest polls

Toilet mandatory to contest
After Phailin, Cyclone Helen hits Andhra Pradesh coast
News this week: Cyclone Helen devastates Andhra coast, built up area in the capital replaces green spaces and packaged water unit to come up near Sambhar lake. Posted on 24 Nov, 2013 02:42 PM

 After Phailin, Helen devastates Andhra coast 

Cyclone Helen hit Andhra coast Source: Wikimedia
Their world is hot, flat and crowded
Mountain farmers are reaping greater economic benefits but that is coming at the cost of traditional crops and natural resources. How long can this type of growth be sustained? Posted on 24 Nov, 2013 11:16 AM

Mountain farmers are facing a very volatile situation right now. Food crops are being replaced by cash crops, which return better dividends. Due to this, their overall economy has gotten much better. As a whole, more of them are migrating from rural to urban areas.

Terraced farming is the norm in mountain states
Money alone won't do for the mountain states
Exclusive policies, preservation of traditional practices and efficient trade linkages can help mountain farmers reap a good harvest. Posted on 24 Nov, 2013 11:14 AM

Can we really address the special needs of mountain states by allocating them more money? Isn't it essential that we leave the 'one size fits all' approach and recognise the exclusive challenges and opportunities which mountain farmers face as compared to farmers in the plains? 

Traditional crops need institutional support.
Athirapilly falls under threat
Another proposed power project blurs the lines between cost to environment and need for development. Will it ever cease to be a dichotomy and become a win-win situation for both? Posted on 23 Nov, 2013 07:54 AM

Athirappilly falls is situated 70 km from Kochi city in Kerala's Thrissur district. The 80 ft high falls is a part of the Chalakudy River and originates in the upper reaches of the Sholayar ranges in the Western Ghats. Lush greenery and little streams that cover the winding route up and down to the falls exhilarate and intimidate all at once.

Athirapilly waterfalls Source:Sangfroid, Wikimedia
Environment Ministry withdraws controversial amendment
Policy matters this week: Environment ministry withdraws amendments to waste rules, Odisha sanctions 12 crores for water in slums and the NGT halts dam construction in Manipur. Posted on 19 Nov, 2013 11:48 AM

Environment Ministry withdraws amendment to waste rules

New amendment to waste rules withdrawn (Wikimedia)
Phailin rain increases Andhra groundwater levels
News this week: Rainfall after Phailin increases groundwater level in Andhra, poor sanitation in eastern UP and activists rise against petroleum investment zone in Visakhapatnam. Posted on 19 Nov, 2013 10:21 AM

Phailin increases Andhra groundwater levels

Phailin raises groundwater in Andhra (EU-ECHO)
The unique 'Khachar' system explained
In spite of the high rainfall it receives, Mulshi taluka is one of Pune's more agriculturally backward talukas. Can the 'Khachar' system and other local methods change the scenario? Posted on 17 Nov, 2013 10:19 PM

India is one of the world's largest producers of white and brown varieties of paddy and contributes to around 20% of all the paddy production in the world. Rice (de-husked form of paddy) is the staple food in the eastern and southern parts of the country and is mainly grown in rain-fed areas that receive heavy annual rainfall [1].

Farmers transplanting paddy seedlings
Symbolic yet neglected
The 64 sacred teerthas at Rameshwaram are historically important and also contain a wealth of knowledge in water conservation methods. Can local communities continue to maintain them well? Posted on 17 Nov, 2013 10:17 PM

Rameshwaram is well-known as one of India's most sacred places and is an important pilgrimage centre. However, what isn't well-known is the history behind the 64 teerthas (holy water bodies) in and around the island.

The sacred teerthas at Rameshwaram
Can we build an alternative society?
There is no balance between the resources we demand and their available supply. Can we do something to halt and reverse this suicidal trend? Posted on 17 Nov, 2013 10:11 PM

Riverside apartments are in great demand these days. This has led to a surge in the number of apartments built along rivers that flow through urban areas. These same 'premium' apartments are encroaching on the river's channel and are therefore most vulnerable to the floods that they help create by constricting the river. This harm extends beyond the apartments in question.

A wastepicker sorts through waste (source: Chicu)