News and Articles

Heavy metals and pesticides pollute Ganga: CPCB
News this week Posted on 19 Sep, 2016 09:40 AM

Ganga polluted with heavy metals and pesticides: CPCB

Ganga near Gadmukteshwar. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Release 12,000 cusecs of water to TN: SC to Karnataka
Policy matter this week Posted on 19 Sep, 2016 09:20 AM

Cauvery river dispute: Karnataka to share less water, SC raps the two states over protests

Cauvery river in Karnataka (Source: AmyNorth via Wikipedia)
Cauvery row: When source is the cause
Karnataka and TN are sparring over the dwindling Cauvery water. Kodagu, where the Cauvery begins its journey, is witnessing landscape changes which is impacting the water inflow to the river. Posted on 17 Sep, 2016 09:27 PM

Even as Karnataka and Tamil Nadu fight over their rights on Cauvery water, not much thought has gone into the place where the river originates. Kodagu district, earlier known as Coorg, lies on the eastern slope of Western Ghats, a biological hotspot which is home to the Cauvery and is also the primary catchment area of the river.  

Cauvery river at Kodagu. Source: Rameshng/Wikimedia Commons
A river on fire
Communication, based on sound scientific information, involving farmers as well as other stakeholders, is the only way to solve the Cauvery dispute. Political mandate, too, is important. Posted on 17 Sep, 2016 05:52 PM

River Cauvery has been in the epicentre of agitation and violence in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu--both fighting over their share of the Cauvery water. Thanks to the deficit monsoon this year, the Cauvery basin reservoirs in both these neighbouring states are only filled half as much as they should be![1].

Cauvery river at Hogenakal, Karnataka. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos via Claire Arni and Oriole Henri)
Delhi enters uncharted waters
The national capital is setting standards on water supply by promising uniform service to the residents. Though the government is taking many steps in the right direction, there are a few hiccups. Posted on 15 Sep, 2016 11:44 AM

If you are a resident of Delhi, it wouldn’t matter if you have a residence proof or not; neither would it matter if your settlement is illegal. You will get individual water connection that will supply enough water for your daily use.

Residents of Kusumpur Pahari, a slum in south New Delhi, fill containers with water from a DJB tanker Source: Columbia Water Center/flickr
When Osaka comes to Lucknow
The UP government is on a mission to replicate Osaka's riverfront in Lucknow. This spells doom for the families dependent on the Gomti for sustenance. Posted on 14 Sep, 2016 10:14 AM

Raghunath Lakhpat is a terrified man. He can only watch warily as the land on either side of his modest home is being dug up by huge earthmovers. “We are stuck in the middle. Sooner or later, we will have to leave. But where will we go? What will we eat?” he asks helplessly.

Earth movers cluster on the riverbed of the Gomti, engaged in channelizing the river
Relief in the time of flood
The flood in Bihar is getting worse by day. A grassroot organisation in Bihar, BJUP that rushed to the affected areas with relief, shares some pictures of the relief work in progress. Posted on 13 Sep, 2016 10:33 PM

Bihar is India's most flood-prone state, with 76 percent of the population in north Bihar living under the recurring threat of floods. North Bihar is home to eight major rivers, all of which end up in the Ganges.

Pahleja Ghat on the Hajipur-Sonepur road submerged in water.
When in drought, save the livestock
What is the impact of drought on farmers and their livestock? Expert Sajal Kulkarni speaks to India Water Portal. Posted on 12 Sep, 2016 06:31 PM

The Marathwada and Vidarbha region of Maharashtra have been witnessing drought and drinking water crises for a long time. A drought situation always makes headlines for its impact on human lives, but rarely for the effect it has on the livelihoods of these farmers. Livestock are their lifeline and extreme climatic variations are bound to affect them adversely.

Sajal Kulkarni
Crores of rupees to be raised for irrigation projects
Policy matters this week Posted on 11 Sep, 2016 08:43 PM

NABARD to raise Rs 77,000 crore to fund 100 prioritised irrigation projects

Irrigation canal from the Bhima dam. (Source: Nvvchar on Wikipedia)
Majuli, world’s largest river island
News this week Posted on 11 Sep, 2016 08:34 PM

Guinness World Records names Assam’s Majuli world’s largest river island

The Majuli river island in Assam. (Source: IWP Flickr Photo)