
Satellite map images showing the impact of the 2004 Tsunami on Tamil Nadu
Satellite images from UNOSAT show the impact of the 2004 Tsunami at different locations on the Tamil Nadu coast Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 11:08 AM

These "before-after" satellite map images from the UNOSAT website depict the impact of the 2004 Tsunami on the Tamil Nadu coast.

CGWB's district groundwater atlas of Rajasthan
Comprehensive groundwater Atlas of Rajasthan published by the Central Groundwater Board Posted on 14 Aug, 2009 01:00 PM

CGWB's groundwater atlas all the basic information regarding Rajasthan's groundwater including the following:

Groundwater monitoring network of CGWB for Raipur
This page has information about the groundwater monitoring network of CGWB for Raipur Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 02:40 PM

The bottom of the page has links to some maps showing groundwater levels and variations in Chhatisgarh state in 2005-2006

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Central Ground Water Board's hydrogeological survey of West Bengal
A map of West Bengal from the CGWB showing groundwater yield prospects Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 01:26 PM

Courtesy: CGWB

West Bengal at a glance

Satellite maps of the flood affected areas in the state of Bihar (2007 and 2008)
Map from UNOSAT of the flood affected areas in Bihar Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 12:56 PM

These images from the UNOSAT site, are an example of flood detection based on satellite maps of the affected state of Bihar, both in 2007 and 2008. These maps are based on preliminary analysis and not validated in the field.

Image of flood water over the affected state of Assam in 2007
Map showing satellite image of areas covered with flood water over the affected state of Assam in 2007 Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 11:03 AM

This image from the UNOSAT site is an example of satellite-based flood detection and illustrates satellite detected flood water over the affected state of Assam in 2007, and shows areas that are likely to be covered with flood water, based on pre-flood water level data.

Impact of the 2004 Tsunami on the Nicobar Islands
The before-after satellite imagery from National Remote Sensing Agency depicting the impact of 2004 Tsunami on Nicobar Islands Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 11:41 AM

These "before-after" satellite map images from the UNOSAT website depict the impact of the 2004 Tsunami on the Nicobar Islands.

Percentage of coverage of safe drinking water
The map gives a district level picture of the percentage of coverage of habitations having access to safe drinking water within the country. Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 09:51 AM

This map gives a district level picture of the percentage of coverage of habitations having access to safe drinking water within the country. Safe drinking water availability reduces the risk of deaths due to diarrhoea, jaundice and other water borne diseases. In India still a very large proportion of people have no access to safe drinking water.

Map: Aquifer zones in Chennai, Tamilnadu
A map of Chennai showing depth of aquifer zones which can be used to find areas favourable for rainwater harvesting Posted on 07 Aug, 2009 12:41 PM

Information may be out of date


Directory of rainwater harvesting structures in Bangalore
Directory of rainwater harvesting structures and groundwater recharge structures in and around Bangalore Posted on 07 Aug, 2009 12:24 PM

A visual directory of some rainwater harvesting installations in Bangalore is attached below. There are links to descriptions and photos of many of the structures. You are welcome to submit more entries to this map, and start similar maps for other cities in the country.
