Jobs and other Opportunities

Vacancies : Announcement from DevNetJobs India
Posted on 14 Sep, 2009 02:21 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by: DevNetJobs India

Listed below are relevant vacancies announced by DevNetJobs India. Kindly follow the link for more information regarding the listed position.

Project Survival Media: Call for entries from the youth !
Posted on 10 Sep, 2009 12:28 AM

An NGO called Project Survival Media has organized a terrific opportunity for young journalists and others. National origin is NOT a bar! Deadline September 11. More information is added herewith. Any further questions, please feel free to email the coordinators, Shadia Fayne Wood ( or Mayank Bubna ( directly.

ATREE: Faculty in Environment & Development Required
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 05:06 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: ATREE atree1

ATREE invites applications for faculty positions in the broad theme of Environment and Development, specifically in areas of Land and Water Resources, Forests and Livelihoods, Energy and Climate Change.

Qualifications: Candidates must be dynamic and highly motivated scholars, Ph.D. with one or more years of post-doctoral experience, with a strong track record of academically rigorous but socially relevant research in the areas indicated above. They could be trained in any branch of the social sciences or of the natural/ physical/ engineering sciences, or both. Applicants must have a strong interest in applied research, working in multi-disciplinary teams, and teaching on environmental issues.

Interested and qualified candidates should submit detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, copies of key publications, names and contact information of three references, and an outline of proposed future research. Please use 'Faculty position in E&D' in the subject head of your e-mail. There is no separate application form. The deadline for receiving applications is September 15, 2009.

SAWAS: Changing water governance in India
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 05:04 PM

Image and Content Courtesy: SaciWATERs, SAWAS

SAWAS (South Asian Water Studies) calls for papers on longer-term perspectives on water governance and management (reform) in India. The papers should not exceed 5000 words (including references and footnotes). We are inviting original, well argued and accessibly written analyses of water sector reform experiences, assessments of future developments, discussion of dilemmas and contradictions, accounts of policy processes and policy instruments, etc.

Papers are to be submitted to Dr Daphne Gondhalekhar at ZEF, Bonn ( not later than September 30, 2009. Papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted (and eventually revised) papers will be published in a forthcoming issue of SAWAS (South Asian Water Studies)

For more information on the broad thematic aimed at, please download the Information Click here

Call for Papers - IWA 2010 World Water Congress and Exhibition
Posted on 03 Sep, 2009 04:57 PM

Forwarded to the Portal by: WinrockWater Yahoo Group Image and Content Courtesy: IWA Congress Montreal The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is a high-profile international event attracting thousands of water professionals and organizations from across the globe. It is a biennial event organised by the International Water Association and previously hosted by Vienna, Beijing, Marrakech, Melbourne, Berlin and Paris. Montreal will be hosting the upcoming session from the 19th to 24th of September 2010. The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, the Associations main biennial event, is a valuable and unique opportunity for the community of world-leading water professionals to meet, exchange ideas, explore the state of the art and debate the key issues underlying the science and practice of water. It is also where the entire water community congregates and in particular IWA specialist groups showcase their work and plan for future activities.

ATREE: Faculty in environment & development required
Posted on 26 Aug, 2009 07:02 AM

Image & Content Courtesy: ATREE atree1

ATREE invites applications for faculty positions in the broad theme of Environment and Development, specifically in areas of Land and Water Resources, Forests and Livelihoods, Energy and Climate Change.

Qualifications: Candidates must be dynamic and highly motivated scholars, Ph.D. with one or more years of post-doctoral experience, with a strong track record of academically rigorous but socially relevant research in the areas indicated above. They could be trained in any branch of the social sciences or of the natural/ physical/ engineering sciences, or both. Applicants must have a strong interest in applied research, working in multi-disciplinary teams, and teaching on environmental issues.

Interested and qualified candidates should submit detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, copies of key publications, names and contact information of three references, and an outline of proposed future research. Please use 'Faculty position in E&D' in the subject head of your e-mail. There is no separate application form. The deadline for receiving applications is September 15, 2009.

APFEJ: Invites nominations for international green pen awards
Posted on 14 Aug, 2009 07:04 AM

Image & Content Courtesy: Sri Lanka Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum (SLEJF) se

The Asia-Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists(APFEJ) invites nominations for INTERNATIONAL GREEN PEN AWARDS.

The International Green Pen Award is presented each year at the APFEJ Annual World Congress for environmental journalists who have made a significant contribution in promoting environmental journalism.

The last date for receipt of nominations is August 31, 2009 Entries (including photocopies) must be submitted in the surface mail by August 31,2009 and sent to: Dharman Wickremaratne, Director, Asia-Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists(APFEJ), P.O.Box 26, 434/3 Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka. E-mail:

Vacancy: CSE needs programme coordinators/ senior researchers
Posted on 30 Jul, 2009 11:43 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by: WES-Net India Desk Image & Content Courtesy: CSE banner


CSE needs programme coordinators/senior researchers. To research, write, advocate and coordinate activities for environmental change

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), an established policy research institution based in New Delhi, is expanding its work on aspects of industrial pollution, domestic sewage, water management, green urbanization. We need colleagues with knowledge of environmental issues or pollution science or engineering or journalism combined with passion and commitment. Our teams are small but focused on the need to bring policy and practice change. So you will have to work in a collegiate environment and under pressure of deadlines.

Vacancy: CSE needs Programme Coordinators/Senior researchers
Posted on 24 Jul, 2009 10:38 AM

CSE needs programme coordinators/senior researchers. To research, write, advocate and coordinate activities for environmental change

Internship Opp. at Arghyam
Posted on 24 Jul, 2009 10:31 AM

Arghyam’s Grants Team is inviting applications from dedicated and talented students for their internship programme. Positions are open for data analysis, water writing and documentation. Both these positions are for 2 months. Only Bangalore based candidates or candidates willing to relocate to Bangalore for the duration of this project need apply.
