
Institute of Water Policy's 2nd Global Water Policy Dialogue, Singapore
Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 01:04 PM

Institute of Water Policy

Organizer: Institute of Water Policy

Venue: Raffles City Convention Center: Canning Ballroom, Singapore


  • Index of Drinking Water Adequacy (IDWA)
Training Course on Advanced Techniques for Hydrological Investigation, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
Posted on 25 Jun, 2010 03:23 PM

National Institute of Hydrology

Organizer: National Institute of Hydrology


  • Need for Hydrological Investigations
  • Conventional Techniques and methods for Hydrological Investigations;
  • Application of Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Application of isotopic techniques in surface water and groundwater investigations;
  • Advance techniques for measurement of soil erosion and reservoir sedimentation
  • Advance instrumentation for hydrological investigations; and
  • Advance computing techniques for hydrological data analysis.
National Seminar on Water Security, WEDO, Chennai
Posted on 25 Jun, 2010 11:57 AM

Water and Food Equitable Distribution Organisation (WEDO)

Organizer: Water and Food Equitable Distribution Organisation (WEDO)


  • Making more surface water available
  • Sustainable and enduring solutions for water

Venue: Anna University, Chennai

Sustainable sanitation and water management ‘Training of Trainers’ course, ECOSAN, Pune
Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 10:23 AM

Ecosan Services Foundation

Ecosan Services Foundation in collaboration with the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Resources Management Network Asia (SSWRMNA) is offering a SSWM Trainers course.



The training of trainer’s course modules will focus on teaching methods and the design of target group oriented SSWM modules to optimize knowledge transfer. It will enable trainers to design and conduct their own SSWM courses incorporating the philosophy and principles of adult learning in sustainable sanitation and water management scenario.

Sustainable sanitation and water management ‘Expert training course’, ECOSAN, Pune
Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 10:04 AM

Ecosan Services Foundation

Ecosan Services Foundation in collaboration with the Sustainable Sanitation and Water Resources Management Network Asia (SSWRMNA) is offering a SSWM Expert course.

Venue: Pune


Water resources are under increasing pressure. Population growth, urbanization and a steep increase in water consumption for domestic uses, agriculture and industry has created a water crisis. Climate change is exacerbating the problems of water availability. This scenario leads to water scarcity and water-conflicts worldwide and seriously undermines progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Agilent Technologies: India Innovation Initiative - i3
i3 aims to capture the innovative ideas from the Indian innovators in the age group of 18 years and above, including students and professional innovators. Posted on 18 Jun, 2010 12:41 PM

Content and Image Courtesy: India Innovation Initiative

India Innovation Initiative

The objective of the India Innovation Initiative project is to create an innovation eco-system in the country by sensitizing, encouraging and promoting innovators and facilitating commercialization of the innovations.

DST and CII jointly launched the Young Inventors initiative "Steer the Big Idea" in the year 2004. It was aimed at capturing the innovative ideas from young innovators for the benefit of Industry & society. In 2005, CII & DST joined hands with Industry to form IRIS - Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science. IRIS has been focused so far on school students i.e. innovators below the age group of 18 years. Agilent has been organizing the Agilent Engineering and Technology Awards through which it has been encouraging engineering students towards hands-on engineering in India and recognizing innovation.

CII & DST have now joined hands with Agilent to launch the nation-wide innovation competition for all innovators above the age group of 18+.

Training on groundwater, ACWADAM, Pune
Posted on 14 Jun, 2010 12:40 PM


Organizer: ACWADAM

Main Topics:

Water and the City : Towards Sustainable Solutions, Singapore International Water Week, Singapore
Posted on 14 Jun, 2010 11:35 AM

Water and the City : Towards Sustainable Solutions

Theme: “Sustainable Cities: Clean and Affordable Water”

Singapore International Water Week

Water is life and yet, this natural resource is often taken for granted. With increasing urbanisation around the world exacerbated by climate change, water has become one of the world’s most precious commodities. Rapid industrial, economic, and social development has put additional strain on many countries’ limited water resources.
