
Flood plain mapping in a part of Yamuna basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study deals with flood plain mapping in a part of Yamuna basin between Gangoh and New Delhi, which is inundated by a flood of given frequency. Posted on 30 Jul, 2010 07:47 PM

The study deals with flood plain mapping in a part of Yamuna basin between Gangoh and New Delhi. A flood is a markedly high stage of flow in a river and may inundate adjoining lands, which is called the floodplain of a river. So, floodplain is land inundated by a flood of given frequency. Alternately it is also defined as flat land between valley walls.

Optimal operation of groundwater skimming wells A study of 90 wells along the river Yamuna at Palla,North Delhi
This report examines the problem involving the pumping of groundwater from a group of 90 existing wells along the banks of the Yamuna River, northwest of Delhi (India), underlain with geologically occurring saline water. Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 04:49 PM


Groundwater quality in adjoining areas of River Yamuna at Delhi - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study assesses the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation use and examines the likely impact of Yamuna river water quality on groundwater in New Delhi. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:41 PM

The study assesses the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation use and examines the likely impact of Yamuna river water quality on groundwater. Delhi is faced with severe problems associated with groundwater quality and quantity. The quality varies spatially and seasonally, with depth and is primarily governed by the extent and composition of dissolved solids present in it. Surface water bodies play a role and the hydraulic gradient determines the lateral and vertical migration in the groundwater flow system.

Groundwater samples were collected through extensive field surveys covering entire Delhi area representing various geo-hydrological and land-use conditions. The data has been analysed with respect to BIS and WHO standards to examine its suitability for various uses. The area has a peculiar feature of infiltration of surface water to groundwater from river Yamuna and from various drains.

Statistical analysis of water quality data of river Yamuna: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 01:58 AM

The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95 and makes projections for the year 1996. The results obtained for different water quality variables have been compared with the observed values and were found to be satisfactory. 

A plan to clean and stop pollution in Yamuna within 7 months
Posted on 01 Apr, 2010 11:29 AM

Delhi, India

I, Gopi Dutt, want to draw your attention to problem that Delhi has been facing since as long as 10 yrs now. I am talking about the pollution in Yamuna caused by devotional material, Polybags, Flowers etc. Our govt., different NGOs and now Maharaja Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have put their best efforts to clean up the river. We all have been trying to clean it up for the past 10 yrs but it hasn’t stopped yet. Does anyone have a plan to stop this that here is no further need to clean n re-clean the river? The problem is that we only create awareness that people should not pollute the river but there are no measures taken to stop this pollution.

Ganga Yamuna Panchayat held on February 2010 at the Nehru Memorial Museum
A charter of demands presented to minister of Environment for the effective implementation of the New Ganga & Yamuna Action Plans Posted on 15 Feb, 2010 03:24 PM

Charter of All India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat submitted to Minister of Environment8-10 February 2010

In its concluding session on 10th February, the all India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat organized by Tarun Bharat Sangh and Manushi Sangathan presented a Charter of Demands to Minister of Environment, Mr Jairam Ramesh for the effective implementation of the New Ganga and Yamuna Action Plans.  The Panchayat was inaugurated on February 8th by Shri Digvijay Singh, General Secretary, All India Congress Committee at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library which hosted the Panchayat.

An invitation to celebrate World Wetlands Day at Yamuna Biodiversity Park on 2 February
An invitation by Yamuna Diversity Park Posted on 02 Feb, 2010 03:10 PM

Yamuna Biodiversity Park

The Yamuna Biodiversity Park (YBP) invites all citizens to celebrate the World Wetlands Day on the 2nd of February. This date marks the signing of the ‘Convention on Wetlands’ in 1971 at Ramsar, Iran. The 2010 Wetlands Day theme is “Caring for Wetlands – an Answer to Climate Change”. The theme highlights the fact that wetlands, with their biodiversity, can help mitigate climate change.

The plight of the Yamuna river
The article reflects the sad plight of the River Yamuna, who is being polluted by the rapid urbanisation and whose flow is being restricted by dams. Posted on 24 Jan, 2010 03:12 PM

(Last to last year in frustration, this letter came out. Now when Commonwealth Games are at the door Mother Yamuna is asking for justice on her death bed)

Revered Citizens of India,

I am mother of one sixth of humanity, But now a stigma on my own sons. My own sons are raping me for their own prosperity and development. I want to tell you what is my story and what are my ideas while sitting on the death bed.

My story starts from a myth and a reality. My sons believe that I came from heaven while scientists say that I have originated from the glaciers of Himalayas. I believe in both. My father is Himalaya and I originate from Yamunotari glacier, now in state of Uttarakhand. My birth was considered as the end of vows of Aryan civilization. The oldest civilization started flourishing on my banks and sister Ganges also supported this cause. World’s greatest religion was founded in my territory.

ROW foundation is joined by a Water expert + Yamuna-Potomac team to conduct field workshops in India
An amalgamation of experts from ROW foundation, Yamuna Potomac team for conducting field workshops and identifying projects with high priority water quality improvement needs Posted on 16 Nov, 2009 12:30 PM

Dear Yamuna Lovers:

We are pleased to announce that Dr Satinder Ahuja has recently joined the Executive Committee of Rivers of the World Foundation (ROW).  Dr. Ahuja will lead the Water Quality Improvement projects for the Rivers of the World Foundation...

To see details Click Here

Impact of climate change on major river basins in India: The Indo-Gangetic-Plains
The effect of climate change on the Indo-Gangetic-Plain region will primarily be by the glacier melting impacts and heat waves and extreme climates Posted on 28 Aug, 2009 02:14 PM

The Indo-Gangetic Plains, formed by the drainage systems of the rivers Indus and the Ganga, stretch across the countries of Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Pakistan covering approximately 401.72 million hectares of land.
