
A round-off of the U.S. climate legislation-Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act.
The United States of America gets to shape up their act with the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. Posted on 07 Oct, 2009 12:07 AM

After months of playing hide and go seek, the world's biggest polluter finally got working to shape up their act with the Clea

WQIN - Water Quality Knowledge and Information Network
Information on a portal to improve acommunication, hoping to have an impact on the way water professionals, at all levels, collaborate Posted on 05 Oct, 2009 10:38 PM

WQIN LogoWQIN is a collaborative community for the purpose of exchanging Water Quality Knowledge.

A presentation on storm water drains vs storm water infiltration
An Australian Company's permanent solution of Storm Water Drains. Posted on 05 Oct, 2009 10:55 AM


Please see attached PPT on an Australian Company's permanent solution of Storm Water Drains. They recommend infiltration of storm water at the point where rain falls rather than it being taken away to some other point through open drains.

Do you think this is workable in Bengaluru?


Interesting and informative material on water for kids
A post on how and where children can learn interesting facts on water Posted on 30 Sep, 2009 06:45 PM

I was looking for animation to create training material for the community to train them on the water condition of their town. This is for the Integrated Urban Water Management Project , a pilot project in Mulbagal.

Countdown to the U.S. climate change bill which is to be filed on September 30th
A post on the outcome of the Climate Change Bill in the US Posted on 30 Sep, 2009 12:18 AM

The past week shall go down in climate history as the most active period in climate parley, punctuated with a frenzy of debates and compromises on the international table. 

Water technologies for the Southern World, Erasmus Congress Centre, Rotterdam
Posted on 29 Sep, 2009 10:36 AM

Special Issue:

Symposium Water production in the Southern World with

Solar powered drinking water system:A video
A video on providing a solar powered drinking water system Posted on 29 Sep, 2009 01:24 AM

YouTube video

2010 Stockholm water prize: Final call for nominations!
Posted on 28 Sep, 2009 05:34 AM

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Image & Content Courtesy: SIWI

India's effort at breaking the stalemate in climate commitments,needs to be applauded
A post on India's commitment to climate change Posted on 23 Sep, 2009 11:15 AM

Last week’s strategically timed declaration by India’s Jairam Ramesh, to set numerical targets for emissions, is a coup of sorts. Coming on the heels of U.S. administration’s shelving of the much hyped Climate and Energy Bill, this not only proves that India’s commitments on the climate front are more than honourable, but also places pressure on U.S. to perform on its climate commitments.
