
Water stories from around the world - A book from Tulika Publishers
This collection retells stories from mythology and folklore to focus on the need to protect, conserve and value water. Posted on 22 Oct, 2010 01:03 PM

Water Stories from around the world

We invite you to read and reflect on these stories. Teachers have expressed interest in using these stories in the classroom as a teaching resource.

River basin management: A negotiated approach - A report by Both ENDS and Gomukh
A report that builds its analysis on real life experiences, including both successful and less successful attempts to implement and scale up local water management techniques. Posted on 21 Oct, 2010 08:34 PM

This report by Both ENDS and Gomukh compiles and showcases a set of seven case studies where a ‘negotiated approach’ to River Basin Management was already being used in different parts of the world and in different geographical and socio-political environments. It builds its analysis on real life experiences, including both successful and less successful attempts to implement and scale up local water management techniques. It sets out to go beyond general policy analyses, which tend to describe `what is’ or propose recipes that are based on theoretical research. 

An illustrated collection of groundwater problems: A guide to a beginner in groundwater hydrology by CAREWATER
Understanding groundwater hydrology. Posted on 18 Oct, 2010 07:53 PM

This report by CAREWATER has been prepared as part of a component on Groundwater Governance in Asia: Theory and Practice under the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food. The purpose of this collection is to guide a beginner to groundwater hydrology through the basic concepts in this subject. The problems begin with fundamentals of the subject and are followed by those which test the comprehensiveness of understanding. Most problems are illustrated and a real-world situation is related with the problem.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) launches second Asia-Pacific video contest
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 04:40 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asia-Pacific Video Contest

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is launching its second video competition which is open to all aspiring filmmakers across the globe.

Analysis of the UN General Assembly's Resolution on Right to Water and Sanitation
Why historic UN General Assembly Resolution declaring Water and Sanitation as a Right, was opposed and vetoed by those who strongly have been professing for human rights Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 06:47 PM

The historic UN General Assembly Resolution declaring Water and Sanitation as a Right, was passed on the 28th July 2010. 

What is surprising is the complete silence to this UN Resolution from some of the countries who have been traditional champions of human rights, in terms of celebrating it as a historic achievement in advocating a basic right to water and sanitation. Instead some of them went one step short of openly opposing and vetoing the UN Resolution and have heaped criticism on Bolivia for tabling this UN Resolution.

BBC World Challenge Award 2010
Posted on 30 Sep, 2010 07:10 AM

Content and Image Courtesy: BBC World News

BBC World News

The finalists of World Challenge will be profiled on BBC World News in six 30 minute programmes. You can vote for your favourite project/business on this website. Voting will open on 27th September 2010 and will close at midnight (GMT) on 12th November 2010.

4th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN IV) in Srilanka
The South Asian Conference on Sanitation as a platform for dialogue and influence created by the governments of South Asian Countries reviews the progress made in the area of Sanitation. Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 12:27 PM


South Asian Conference on Sanitation

The South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), a government led biennial convention held on a rotational basis in each country, is a platform for dialogue and influence created by the governments of South Asian Countries to review the progress made in the area of Sanitation.  The SACOSAN process would help to generate political will to narrow the gap in Sanitation access and usage.

Grand Challenge: Create the next generation of sanitation technologies
Grand Challenges in Global Health innovates to address the sanitation challenge Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 10:56 AM

Grand Challenge: Create the Next Generation of Sanitation Technologies

Water security vs national security published in Third Concept September 2010 : Countries that share a river face a higher probability of engaging in military disputes
Growing public and policy preoccupation worsens the impact on water security, especially with climate change impacts Posted on 28 Sep, 2010 10:15 AM

There has been growing public and policy preoccupation in recent years with potential climate impacts on water security in the wake of the worsening risk of global warming. In 1991, then–UN secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali pronounced that “the next war will be fought over water, not politics.” In 2001, Kofi Annan warned that “fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future.” And present UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon has argued that the ongoing Darfur crisis grew at least in part from desertification, ecological degradation, and a scarcity of resources, foremost among them water. Apart from this chorus of concern, many policy scholars have asserted that, as population growth and economic development raise pressures on demand and environmental pressures degrade supplies, resource scarcities could precipitate violent international conflicts, with shared rivers an especially dangerous flashpoint.

Applications for Development Competition
The Open data initiative is a way forward towards better interaction between developer and development communities Posted on 27 Sep, 2010 12:21 PM

The World Bank