
IPCC alarms India of a severe water shortage
News this week: IPCC releases its Fifth Assessment Report on climate change; Hydropower plants in Himachal find it tough to sell power; No toilet facilities in 20% of Goa households. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 06:23 PM

IPCC releases its climate change report, alarms India of severe water shortage

Himalayan lake in Sikkim (Source: Wikimedia)
The key to successfully managing groundwater in India
Dr.Himanshu Kulkarni who was Chairman Working Group on Sustainable Groundwater Management for the 12th Plan, suggests measures to mitigate the poor groundwater scenario in the country. Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:47 PM

Dr. Himanshu Kulkarni is the Executive Director of the Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), a non-profit organisation in Pune. It is a premier education and research institution, which facilitates work on groundwater management through action research programmes and training.

A study group observing groundwater in a well
Invitation to the fifth edition of 'Aquatech India 2014', New Delhi, India
Aquatech India 2014 will feature the best possible range of new and proven products on process, drinking and waste water.
Posted on 17 Mar, 2014 04:29 PM

About Aquatech India 2014:

Call for Papers for the 'International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration & Separation Technologies- FILTECH -2015', Cologne, Germany
FILTECH 2015 Conference will feature once again the latest advances and techniques in liquid/solid and gas/particle separation (dust, gas & air filtration) in three days of indepth exposure.
Posted on 13 Mar, 2014 08:46 AM

About FILTECH-2015:

Water fables from around the world
This collection of stories around the theme of water makes useful teaching material for children and adults alike. Posted on 12 Mar, 2014 09:55 AM

Children love bedtime stories. Fairy tales about kings, princesses, ogres and other magical creatures. For a change, what if we could tell them stories to make them aware of pressing issues that we are faced with. Like water, for example. 'Water Stories from Around the World' is one such compilation. It is a neat mix of stories with simple messages on conserving, using and respecting water.

Book cover (Source: Tulika Publishers)
India's dykes on Kaliganga cause misery to Nepal
News this week: Nepal blames India for causing floods in former's territory; Study says Ganga is loaded with superbugs; Slowdown affects water use in Pune industries. Posted on 24 Feb, 2014 04:18 PM


India builds dykes on Kaliganga, causes misery to Nepal

Floods in Darchula in Nepal (Source: Wikipedia)
Rainwater and You: 100 ways to use rainwater
Rainwater and You is a compendium of knowledge on rainwater harvesting from Japan and other places in the world. Posted on 20 Feb, 2014 11:30 PM

Rainwater and You:

  • contains ideas that anyone can use anywhere
  • gives essential details about hte background of rainwater utilisation in urban, rural and islands
  • gives designs for rainwater utilisation systems and points of maintenance
  • gives examples of actual uses in individual homes, large buildings and community facilities


Rainwater harvesting and utilisation
My experience with e-learning courses
Online courses have opened up a world of possibilities for learning while working from virtually anywhere. Explore some of these courses. Posted on 20 Feb, 2014 12:55 PM

The Internet and mobile revolutions have combined to give birth to whole new generations of tools that put skills that were squarely in the domain of specialists a decade ago, in the hands of laypersons and amateurs.

Massive Open Online Courses
Invitation to the 'Technical Training in Water & Sanitation Infrastructure', BushProof, Madagascar
The training is a broad, intense 6-day course with a heavy practical bias, providing a rare opportunity to learn through both theoretical and hands-on practical sessions.
Posted on 19 Feb, 2014 10:10 PM

About the training:

Applications invited for 'Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development (Round IV)', USAID, Government of Norway, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada and DFID'
The challenge seeks to identify and develop approaches that integrate new technologies in water and sanitation, better service delivery models and improved innovations that empower pregnant women.
Posted on 13 Feb, 2014 01:48 PM

Know more about 'Saving Lives at Birth'

Register for the challenge

Download the RFA for challenge from below.
