
Pollution levels rising post-lockdown in cities in south India
How clean air gains of the lockdown and monsoon periods have been now lost with the reopening of the economy and with the onset of the winter. Posted on 08 Feb, 2021 11:23 AM

An analysis was done by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) of winter pollution (until January 26, 2021) in India’s five southern states - a vulnerable but poorly monitored region from the air quality perspective.

Air quality management requires regional approach to implement clean air action plans, says CSE (Image: Pixy)
Multi-purpose cyclone shelters in India
A study finds if multi-purpose cyclone shelters within the neighbourhood are considered safe for cyclone evacuation. Posted on 06 Feb, 2021 03:53 PM

An ‘Extremely Severe Cyclone Fani’ made landfall during morning hours on May 3, 2019, near Puri in Odisha. The landfall location was forecast accurately much in advance by India Meteorological Department.

The Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department  looks into the repairing of cyclone and flood shelters across Odisha (Image: Odisha TV)
Jharkhand launches scheme to revive rural economy
Policy matters this week Posted on 13 May, 2020 02:32 PM

Jharkhand government launches three schemes to revive rural economy under the MGNREGA

Jharkhand launches scheme to revive rural economy. Image for representation only. (Image source: IWP Flickr photos)
Maharashtra wetlands: Govt withdraws plea against construction ban
Policy matters this week Posted on 17 Jul, 2016 03:13 PM

Maharashtra government withdraws plea against ban on construction on wetlands  

India's wetlands under threat (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
River restoration to be the focus of the first 'India Rivers Week'
News this week Posted on 23 Oct, 2014 04:49 PM

First 'India Rivers Week' to be held in Delhi from November 24-27

Cauvery river in Karnataka
It's cyclone Hudhud's turn to cause damage!
News this week Posted on 14 Oct, 2014 11:40 AM

Hudhud lands in Vizag at 195 kmph

Tropical cyclone of 2013 (Source: NASA WorldView)
Red Hills reservoir leaks Chennai's water supply!
News this week: Chennai's Red Hills reservoir is leaking water; quantum of uranium in 'Thummalapalle' groundwater poses no threat to people; Kerala has the cleanest Anganwadi toilets. Posted on 10 Feb, 2014 04:49 PM

Chennai's drinking water seeps down the drain

A reservoir in Tamil Nadu (Source: Wikipedia)
Phailin rain increases Andhra groundwater levels
News this week: Rainfall after Phailin increases groundwater level in Andhra, poor sanitation in eastern UP and activists rise against petroleum investment zone in Visakhapatnam. Posted on 19 Nov, 2013 10:21 AM

Phailin increases Andhra groundwater levels

Phailin raises groundwater in Andhra (EU-ECHO)
EIA Resource and Response Centre invites applications from interested individuals to work on Environment Impact Assessment and related issues in Kotagiri and Vishakapatnam
Posted on 21 Dec, 2012 09:55 PM

eRc LogoLocation

1) ERC Western Ghats Field unit at the Keystone Foundation : Kotagiri, Nilgiris District, Tamil Nadu
2) ERC Eastern Ghats Office at Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

About eRc India

eRc is a Resource and Response Centre that keeps a watch on the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) processes and ensures that the impact of developmental activities on India's Environment and Communities is properly accessed and accounted for. The Environment Impact Assessment Resources & Response Centre was established in the year 2007, in response to the felt need to keep a watch, as well as to challenge, Environment Impact Assessment-EIA reports which are based on inadequate and improper assessment of the impacts of proposed developmental activities on natural India including, wild flora and fauna, rivers, wetlands etc.

Gravity based spring water supply systems in Andhra Pradesh: Lessons and steps towards the future
Current studies and activities indicate that indigenous knowledge is appropriate for local situations and that it is efficient and sustainable to springboard from such knowledge and practices. Posted on 22 Nov, 2011 07:35 AM

Guest post by – Rahul Bakare, Arghyam

 This article details an example where local knowledge has been used to develop access to safe water in the tribal areas of the Eastern Ghats in Andhra Pradesh
