
ACT one: Anti-dam, pro-people
Along with protesting against dams, the ACT leaders are leading by example and showing people of Sikkim more constructive ways to live. Posted on 23 Apr, 2018 02:22 PM

Tenzing Lepcha, the lead activist of Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT), is proud of his work in the last year. “All this was overgrown,” he says pointing at the orderly farm.

Tenzing Lepcha sits at the hearth of his farmstay. (Pic courtesy: Chicu)
Village heads come together to save Dzongu
In a rare show of solidarity, the panchayat leaders of Dzongu have formed a group, Save Dzongu, that cuts across political differences to save their river. Posted on 15 Mar, 2018 06:12 PM

As we sit sipping tea with him, Ugen Lepcha calmly spells out his stand. “Even if it means having to leave my (political) party, I will continue to be against dams,” he says. Ugen Lepcha, the president of Passingang gram panchayat in the Dzongu area of Sikkim, clearly has courage when it comes to his political convictions.

River Rongyoung which is sacred to the Lepchas is not yet dammed.
Opposition to Teesta Stage IV hydel project
News this week Posted on 30 Jan, 2017 04:20 PM

People of Sikkim stand against Teesta hydel project

The people of the northeast India protest against dams. (Source: SANDRP)
South Sikkim adapts to climate change
Climate change is causing heavy, brief rain spells in many parts of the world. Rain-shadowed South Sikkim is bearing the brunt of it in Northeast India. The video shows how the people are adapting. Posted on 02 Apr, 2014 12:11 AM

Climate change poses a threat to all. Be it forests, water or agriculture- it affects everything. India's Northeast, particularly, has witnessed a great deal of this impact. Sikkim, the physical bridge between the Northeast and mainland India, is also bearing the brunt of climate change in a myriad ways with agriculture and water bearing the most pronounced repercussions.

Climate change affects agriculture