
Monthly magazine-Dams, Rivers & People, Sep-Oct 2009, Oct-Nov 2009, Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
Issue of the monthly magazine from South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and People (SANDRP) - Dams, Rivers & People Posted on 25 Jan, 2010 12:56 PM

Dams,Rivers & People

Rainwater harvesting in India: Traditional and contemporary
A brief look at the historical development of traditional rainwater harvesting systems of India ans also issues, need and relevance of RWH in the urban context Posted on 21 Aug, 2009 12:41 PM

The document informs that traditionally Indians worshipped both water and rain as “Jala” and “Varuna”. Even rivers were worshipped. Till 3000 B.C., RWH happened without human effort as rain got collected in rivers and natural depressions. Civilizations flourished on river banks all over the world Indus valley civilization in India.

An overview of the water-related aspects of Sikkim
The presentation provides an overview of the water-related aspects of Sikkim from CGWB Eastern Region.
Posted on 14 Aug, 2009 04:30 PM

An overview of the water-related aspects of Sikkim from CGWB Eastern Region

Click here

The Sikkim State of the Environment Report from the ENVIS site
The link to the Sikkim State of the Environment Report from the ENVIS site. Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 03:11 PM

The Sikkim State of the Environment Report from the ENVIS site. 

Click here

Source South Asia: Issue 13 (15 Dec 08)
Source South Asia: Issue 13 (15 Dec 08) Posted on 22 Dec, 2008 08:45 AM

Since its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better suppo
