
Book Shelf : "World Bank as a Knowledge Producer - Full Study "
Book Shelf : "World Bank as a Knowledge Producer - Full Study " Posted on 15 Sep, 2008 11:39 AM


The World Bank as a Knowledge Producer: How the Bank Uses Flawed Processes to Generate Unsound Knowledge for Promoting Disastrous Policies Book

Report from the Disaster Management Division on the Southwest monsoon and the daily flood situation as on 13.09.08
The Ministry of Home Affairs, (Disaster Management Division) has released an summary of events regarding the Southwest monsoon and the daily flood situation Posted on 14 Sep, 2008 10:08 PM

The report ( current as on 13th September, 2008 ) provides a concise overview of the daily flood situation, action taken so far and provides detailed statistics on the issue. The report also includes meteorological forecasts and analysis of current and possible flood situations in the different areas of concern.

The Coca-Cola company: "Replenish" report
The Coca-Cola company: "Replenish" report Posted on 14 Sep, 2008 09:29 AM

untitled.jpg The Coca-Cola Company is committed to the good health and well being of communities around the world.

Resources: Water & sanitation for the flood affected
The article provides a concise look at precautions, useful resources and general tips regarding drinking water, sanitation, relief measures in the flood affected regions. Posted on 13 Sep, 2008 09:43 PM

Parineeta Dandekar spent some time to find resources on the web for people involved in relief efforts in flood situations.The following provides a concise look at precautions, useful resources and general tips regarding drinking water, sanitation, relief measures in the flood affected regions. Water and Sanitation during floods: Some resources for relief workers and flood affected population With more than 300,000 people in relief camps and two mega relief camps planned in Bihar, consideration of issues related to water and sanitation is urgent. Epidemics and water borne diseases can spread rapidly and easily in the present situation.The information below is collected from various sources and aims to help of flood affected population, people in relief camps, volunteers, relief workers working in Bihar. Relief and aid workers should take the necessary precautions to assure their health and safety while working on rescue and clean up procedures. While conducting rescue and clean up operations, it should be assumed that the all surfaces have been contaminated with disease-causing organisms. This important assumption must be considered in decisions involving personal safety of rescue and cleanup personnel . ( for more information, please see here) Personal Protection Measures ( For more information, please see here)

Download the resource document as a doc file: Water & Sanitation for the Flood Affected

The sanitation crisis - Addressing challenges in India and globally
The sanitation crisis - Addressing challenges in India and globally Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 11:14 PM

One in four girls does not complete primary school - compared to one in seven boys - and the lack of proper sanitation is partially to blame.

Locations of relief camps in flood affected areas of Bihar: Guidelines and contact details
Details of mega camps and other relief camps that are being run by the Government at the wake of the Bihar floods Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 11:03 PM

Two documents giving the details of the mega camps and other relief camps that are being run by the Government. Thanks to Eklavya Prasad of Megh Pyne Abhiyan for forwarding these documents.

Situation report from the UN on the 2008 Bihar floods
A comprehensive situation report from the UN dated September 10, 2008
Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 10:50 PM

Among lot of other data it gives the current government estimate of affected people (40lakh people, from 2350 affected villages, in 16 districts of Bihar, with the  number of deaths as 87). There is a district-wise breakup. Information about food and other material and cash being distributed, details of the relief camps, UN activities are mentioned.

Discussion forum news !
Why are all the laundry powder and dish washing products still allowed to pollute unchecked all waterways with millions of tons of said salts.
Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 10:27 PM

A very interesting thread has been initiated on the Discussion Forum on the Portal by Bob Eibl.

Drinking water treatment technologies and approaches -- Solution Exchange
An invitation for discussions and questions from NGOs and other organisations working in flood relief related to the problems they are facing and questions that they would like answered.
Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 03:11 AM

In response to the flood situation a query was started on Solution Exchange regarding the available approaches to water purification in flood situations. A very large range of technologies and approaches were suggested by various practitioners based on their experience in the field.

Offer of water filters by Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar
Distribution of TERAFIL water filters among the victims of Bihar flood affected areas for supply of drinking water. Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 03:06 AM

Please see message below: ======= We are in process of distributing 1,000 sets of TERAFIL water filters among the victims of Bihar flood affected areas for supply of drinking water. These filters can provide at least 50,000 litres of clean drinking water every day, which can be operated without electricity by the victims easily, like any other candle filters.
