
Right to water and sanitation - a manual by Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and United Nations Human Settlements Programme
The manual contains sustainable strategies, policies and solutions to address the right to water and sanitation, and distinguishes between the challenges facing urban and rural areas Posted on 01 May, 2009 11:34 AM

Access to water and sanitation is necessary for health, education, economic development and the environment. The international community has committed to meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

Roofwater harvesting: a handbook for practitioners by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
The handbook aims to assist NGO, government staff, organisations and individuals responsible for implementing domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes Posted on 01 May, 2009 09:07 AM

This handbook on roofwater harvesting by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre has been written to assist NGO and government staff responsible for implementing domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes. It is also meant to serve as a source of material for rainwater harvesting associations preparing national design guidelines in local languages.

Water to the people: drinking water and water for livelihoods - conflicts and alternative concepts in India – A report by Centre for World Solidarity (CWS) and Church Development Service (EED)
The study aims to facilitate the development of good practices in water management and to support people in their struggle for the right to access and control water as a common natural resource Posted on 30 Apr, 2009 12:21 PM

This study is a part of water and democracy programme initiated by the Centre for World Solidarity (CWS) as a joint initiative with Church Development Service (EED) in 2007 involving more than 50 partner organisations in South Asia.

Women’s collective action and sustainable water management: case of self employed women's association (SEWA) water campaign in Gujarat (2007)– working paper by CAPRi
This paper discusses the self employed women’s association’s (SEWA) women, water and work campaign which organizes women’s collective action in Gujarat to sustain local water management Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 05:36 PM

This working paper by Smita Mishra Panda, Institute of Rural Management (IRMA) on the case of SEWA’s water campaign in Gujarat that was presented at the CGIAR systemwide program on collective action and property rights (CAPRi).

Water democracy - reclaiming public water in Asia: collection of essays by reclaiming public water (RPW) network
The essays present examples of ongoing struggles against water privatization and commercialization as well as inspiring examples of people-centered public water management from across Asia Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 05:08 PM

The collection includes the following four case studies from India:

The water and sanitation management organisation (WASMO) of Gujarat
WASMO is an autonomous facilitating organisation, established by the government of Gujarat in 2002, for working towards drinking water security and habitat improvement Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 05:00 PM

The water and sanitation management organisation (WASMO) works by empowering communities to manage their local water sources, drinking water supply and environmental sanitation in the state.

Vacancy: NUNV project officer - UNDP
Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 03:34 PM

Forwarded to the Portal by: Sharadbala Joshi, UNDP India The Water for Asian Cities Programme is a collaborative initiative of the UN-HABITAT, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Governments of Asia. The WAC Programme was officially launched at the 3rd World Water Forum with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between ADB and UN-HABITAT in March 2003 in Osaka (Japan). The main objective of the programme is to promote pro-poor investments in water and sanitation to support Millennium Development Goals in Asian cities, specifically promoting pro-poor governance, water demand management, increased attention to environmental sanitation; and income generation for the poor linked to water supply and sanitation. Complete Terms of Reference / Job Profile: http://data.undp.org.in/jobs/UN-HabitatKarnataka.doc Description of Duties: Under the direct supervision of the Chief, Water and Sanitation Section II, WSIB, UN-HABITAT Nairobi and Regional CTA, South Asia WAC, the UNV will be responsible for implementing UN Habitat related activities as well as complement the wider activities under the Integrated Urban Water Management Programme in Mulbagal.

CEPT UWSS benchmarking and performance assessment project
CEPT University has received a major grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to research urban water and sanitation issues. Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 11:56 AM

CEPT University has received a major grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to research urban water and sanitation issues. The aim of this programme is to develop better information on water and sanitation performance at the local level. This in turn will be used by the state and local governments for extending services to the poor, strive for financial viability, and improve reliability and quality of services.

The research will focus on the use of performance indicators and benchmarks to facilitate consistent reporting, monitoring, planning, budgeting, and investing in water and sanitation services in all urban areas of Gujarat and Maharashtra states. Lessons from the project will be disseminated to other states and at the national level.

CEPT University with its partners will work with state and local governments to develop a reliable and sustainable Performance Assessment System (PAS) for urban water and sanitation services. The PAS envisaged in this project includes: Performance Measurement, Performance Monitoring, and Performance Improvement.

CHIRAG: Opportunity to work with a rural development agency in India
Posted on 23 Apr, 2009 12:42 PM

Image and Content Courtesy: Central Himalayan Rural Action Group

Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG) is a non-profit grass roots development organisation registered under Societies Act (1860). CHIRAG is dedicated to empowerment of rural communities through their integrated development and has been working in the Indian Central Himalayas since 1986.

CHIRAG & the Ford Foundation offers an opportunity to work with a rural development agency in India for a year in the following areas: 1. Primary education 2. Primary healthcare 3. Rural livelihoods 4. Environmental regeneration Eligibility:

Anyone between the ages of 21 and 28, with a graduate degree or a diploma (after 12th standard) and 2 years of work experience. Individuals who are likely to have examinations between July 2009 and June 2010 are not eligible. Leave will not be granted to take examinations during the year.

Young professionals initiative by Indicorps
Indicorps invites young Indian professionals interested in committing their time and skills to India to apply for its new sabbatical program: The Young Professionals Initiative (YPI). Posted on 23 Apr, 2009 12:40 PM

image001 Indicorps invites young Indian professionals interested in committing their time and skills to India to apply for its new sabbatical program: The Young Professionals Initiative (YPI). YPI is a pilot program designed to encourage young working professionals to contribute their skills and knowledge to the land of their heritage in a meaningful way. The core fellowship program aims to inspire a new generation of global Indian leaders through structured grassroot public service opportunities. Indicorps projects embody a firm and demonstrated commitment to promoting peace, inclusiveness, secularism, and the empowerment of Indians.
