
Map: International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre's global overview of salinity in groundwater
This map consists of a description, characterization and geographical delineation (map) of global occurrences of saline groundwater Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 10:20 AM

In India, salinity has three types of genesis - one, by dissolution (areas concentrated in Kutch, North Rajasthan and bordering Punjab, South Rajasthan and bordering areas of Madhya Pradesh and parts of Western Uttar Pradesh; two, by irrigation (areas concentrated in the Deccan Peninsular region of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) and parts of Orissa and West Bengal; and three, by late

Rainwater harvesting basics: How to direct roof top rainwater into the sump
This page provides you with the basics of how to direct the roof rainwater into the sump for effective storage Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 10:00 AM


International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre's trans boundary aquifers of the world
The transboundary aquifers shows the present state of information regarding the occurrence and extent of TBAs world-wide Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 05:53 PM

Trans-boundary aquifers (TBAs) of the world: This map shows the present state of information regarding the occurrence and extent of TBAs world-wide. The intention of the map is to provide a global overview of these important shared water resources and to encourage their further assessment.

In India, TBAs are located on the India-Pakistan, India-Nepal and India-Bangladesh borders.

India - Physical Map from the Survey of India (2002)
A definitive physical features map of the country from the Survey of India, showing elevation in metres of different regions and major rivers and land formations. Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 05:35 PM

Download the map from the attachment listed below:

Land use map of India: National Institute of Hydrology
The National Institute of Hydrology has mapped the various land use regions of the country to indicate the percentage of land under forests, non-agricultural, plantation and grass lands Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 05:20 PM

Land is used for agriculture, for growing forests, for grazing animals, for mining, for installing industries and for construction of houses, roads, railways, etc. For sustainable development and prosperity of any country, the proper and wise use of the land is required.

Toolkit on rainwater harvesting: Basics, overview and related technologies
Learn the basics of rainwater catchment systems, components, collection for domestic water supply and the socio-economic as well as health aspects Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 04:25 PM

Rainwater harvesting is an option which has been adopted in many areas of the world where conventional water supply systems have failed to meet the needs of the people. Examples of RWH systems can be found in all the great civilisations throughout history.

Here's an eToolkit on rainwater harvesting that tells you all that you need to know to harvest rain successfully.

Rainwater harvesting basics: All you need to know about recharge pits
A recharge pit allows the rainwater to replenish groundwater by recharging the underground aquifers. It can be built to recharge a borewell or just to help the water infiltration in an area. Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 04:09 PM

1) Overview:

How to construct a rainwater tank: A comprehensive design and performance guide
The guide gives a detailed overview about the design aspects, different types of systems, costing, performance, water quality and regulatory issues of rainwater tanks Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 04:06 PM

Water Sensitive Urban Design in the Sydney Region has come out with a comprehensive brochure which details out the system overview, design, costing and water quality issues in the construction of rainwater tanks

Click here to download the guide

Map: Annual average rainfall of India
The annual rainfall map of India indicating the volume of rain different regions in the country receive Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 03:57 PM

Over a range of under 20cm to over 800cm, these two maps, give an idea of the average rainfall received by different regions in the country.

The lowest rainfall receiving areas are Rajasthan, Gujarat, Western Uttar Pradesh, parts of Haryana and Punjab, and the central peninsular region of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.

All things Ecosan: A comprehensive tookit on the subject
A compilation of information relating to Ecosan from various organizations working on sustainable sanitation Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 02:10 PM

GTZ Ecosan Program (www.gtz.de/en) has compiled ecosan materials from several organisations into a CD of capacity building resource material. This CD can be downloaded from this page in its entireity.
