
Unregulated sand mining threatens Indian rivers - Ground report article
This article takes a look at unregulated sand mining, which is supported by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, has lead to destruction of forests, land and rivers. Posted on 11 Dec, 2010 03:47 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Ground Report

Many in India, perhaps, are not able to foresee how lack of governance, virtually, in every sphere is going to hit them in not too distant future. Take for instance mining. Illegal mining of mineral resources, with generous help of political and bureaucratic big wigs, is so rampant that not only are the country’s precious natural resources being purloined in a big way, its forests are being clean-felled, land degraded and its rivers threatened with extinction.

Water conservation - A viable option to improve water availability - Solution Exchange paper
Expansion of irrigated areas and rapid industrialisation cause water shortages? A paper here argues the possibilities and contradictions of Water Conservation. Posted on 11 Dec, 2010 12:16 PM

This paper from the recommended documentation section of the  Solution Exchange for the Water Community Discussion Summary on the preparation of the strategic plan for rural drinking water by the Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development, is directed at stakeholders, planners, managers and consumers.

The paper argues on the importance of water conservation in the context of the increasing water shortages that the country has been facing in recent years because of expansion of irrigated areas and rapid industrialisation.

The article argues that water conservation practices need to be encouraged and improved through research, effective regulations, information dissemination and incentives to the end user and more emphasis needs to be placed on adequate coverage, quality monitoring and collection of field level data. 

Mitigation and remedy of groundwater arsenic menace in India: A vision document by NIH and CGWB (2010)
What should be gaps, focal areas of research, immediate measures to be taken up to provide arsenic safe potable water to the people? This document details and outlines Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 11:52 PM

This document, an outcome of the joint efforts of NIH and CGWB gives a detailed outline emphasizing the gaps, focal areas of research, immediate measures to be taken up to provide arsenic safe potable water to the people in the arsenic vulnerable areas, other activities to be initiated for attaining a logical conclusion of the arsenic problem and also to develop a roadmap delineating as to how the suggested activities could be initiated, coordinated, undertaken, including framing out a budget estimate to fulfill those activities.

Approach paper on water quality issues in islands – Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep by Central Ground Water Board
Assessing the water quality of the two big Indian Islands, detailing basic information pertaining to each group of islands separately. Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 09:18 PM

This approach paper by the CGWB on water quality issues in islands  (Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep) includes a detailed and comprehensive account of the basic information pertaining to each group of islands separately such as administrative set-up, population, climate and also the technical aspects like geomorphology, geological and hydrogeological conditions.

People's initiative in water - Olavanna village in Kerala (India) - Reclaiming public lives - Transnational Institute
A people's initiative fights acute drinking water crisis in their village, involves panchayat and forces support of the state government in their mission. Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 06:12 PM

This chapter from the book 'Reclaiming Public Lives' by Transnational Institute describes the case of a small village in the state of Kerala, India, which faced an acute drinking water crisis and describes how people’s initiative, together with the involvement of the local panchayat and the support of the state government, could successfully address the issue of scarce drinking water in the village.

International Symposium on “System Intensification towards Food & Environmental Security”, CWSS, BCKV, Nadia, West Bengal
Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 05:17 PM

                                           Crop and Weed Science Society (CWSS)

Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) 2011, TERI, New Delhi
Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 03:41 PM

Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) 2011

Theme: "Tapping Local Initiatives and Tackling Global Inertia"

Workshop on developing a groundwater policy for the state of Uttar Pradesh organised by Janhit Foundation
Benefiting the people of Uttar Pradesh, a dialogue to detail the proposed groundwater regulation for Uttar Pradesh. Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 12:04 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Janhit Foundation

In the context of the proposed groundwater regulation for Uttar Pradesh state, Janhit Foundation is organising a dialogue through a workshop to discuss challenges with the concerned stakeholders, so that the final policy/bill when prepared and implemented, can benefit the people of Uttar Pradesh.

The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules by Ministry of Environment and Forests (2010)
Ensuring better conservation and management and to prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India, Ministry of Environment and forests notifies Wetlands Rules Posted on 10 Dec, 2010 07:27 AM

The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules was notified in December 2010 by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to ensure better conservation and management and to prevent degradation of existing wetlands in India. Wetlands are critical for human development and wellbeing, especially in India where a large number of people are dependent on them for drinking water, food and livelihood. Despite their immense importance, wetlands are one of the most degraded ecosystems globally.

Farm Innovators – A compilation by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010)
Ideas and Techniques generated by rural youth and farmers largely go unnoticed, this publication attempts to share such and recognise Talent and Scientific Innovation Posted on 09 Dec, 2010 09:23 PM

This publication by ICAR on “Farm Innovators-2010” brings in a paradigm shift towards participatory technology development. Apart from innovations and scientific package of practices developed and transferred from R&D institutes, innovations in the form of grassroot level technologies and methodologies developed by some of the innovative farmers and rural youth have also been accepted across the system.
