
National water policy views water as an economic good: Resistance shown by civil society with the move towards increasing the water and sewerage tariff- Bimonthly newsletter by India WASH Forum
National water policy views water as an economic good: Resistance shown by civil society with the move towards increasing the water and sewerage tariff- Bimonthly newsletter by India WASH Forum Posted on 04 Jan, 2013 10:24 PM

This edition of the India WASH Forum has the following highlights:

An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development
An analysis of 2011 census data on household amenities with respect to drinking water sources and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country- A document by CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development Posted on 04 Jan, 2013 07:27 PM

This document by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation , Ministry of Urban Development, is an analysis of 2011 census data on of the drinking water and latrine facilities in urban areas of the country.

Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E. coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India
Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E. coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India Posted on 04 Jan, 2013 02:00 PM

Given the many problems associated with flush toilets and the sewerage system, pit toilets offer a viable solution in India. However, the use of soakpits raises the question of groundwater contamination. This paper assesses the impact of pit toilet leachate on groundwater quality in Mulbagal town (pop ~ 60,000) in Karnataka relies on pit toilets, and uses groundwater for drinking.View of the town of Mulbagal, Karnataka

Water monitoring challenge in Yamuna basin- Educating communites along the river about the importance of water testing & quality
Water, water everywhere, not a drop to drink! How truly these lines depict the picture of present scenario. There are lots of organizations, people and experts involved in the discussions and making efforts at international level to have safe, sustainable drinking water for all. Yet the efforts are not enough… Posted on 03 Jan, 2013 11:01 PM

Water, water everywhere, not a drop to drink!  How truly these lines depict the picture of present scenario. There are lots of organizations, people and experts involved in the discussions and making efforts at international level to have safe, sustainable drinking water for all. Yet the efforts are not enough…

An infographic on climate change: Country wise status, emission rates and targets as per Kyoto protocol
An infographic on climate change: Country wise status, emission rates and targets as per Kyoto protocol Posted on 03 Jan, 2013 06:01 PM

At the 2012 UN climate change conference, environmental ministers from nearly 220 countries met to reach a consensus on emission. This infographic depicts the status of the Kyoto Protocol country wise. A map identifying the signatory status of all the countries and their target for 2012 is given.

Collective marketing by poor farmers improve their livelihoods by increasing their income levels-Special edition on "Farmers Organisations" by Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) India
What are the real world problems faced by farmers holding small lands? It can vary from issues such as the costs and benefits of production choices made by farmers, method of practising agriculture, access to credit facilities, awareness about various government schemes and the support extended by them during the time of natural disasters. Making a deeper analysis to these issues will reveal the hidden problem of poverty among these farmers. It also epitomises the challenges faced by small farmers. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 08:58 PM

A community comes together to revive lakes and ponds in Valni village, Nagpur, Maharashtra
This story demonstrates how one person through his persistence and dedication can make a huge difference in solving water issues at a village level. A visit to Valni village with Yogesh Aneja ji shows us how local villagers have revived a lake that has transformed the village and helped in solving the long term water scarcity problems of the village, and improved the situation of farmers through increase in production. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 06:58 PM

Revived lake in Valni

The 200 old revived lake in Valni village, Nagpur

Join Matri Sadan in their fight to save the Ganga from indiscriminate mining!
A corrupt State, police, and mining mafia- these are the opponents that the members of Matri Sadan face as they struggle to save the Ganga. 'The saints of Matri Sadan' is a short film that documents this struggle. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 12:11 PM


Arghyam is looking for a Data and Research Intern for 3 months - Apply by January 20, 2013
Posted on 01 Jan, 2013 11:01 PM

Arghyam Logo

About Arghyam

Arghyam is an Indian public charitable foundation setup with an endowment from Rohini Nilekani, working in the water and sanitation sector since 2005 with the vision “Safe, sustainable water for all”.  ‘Arghyam’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Offering’. 

Place of work

The intern can work from home.

Internship profile

Arghyam is looking for a Data and Research Intern for 3 months. Arghyam is embarking on several projects related to water data, specifically to do with groundwater and sanitation. One of the themes we want to explore under sanitation is its relationship with health. To do this, we want to identify relevant data sets from rural health and look for correlations between relevant health indicators and rural sanitation. Once we have this data and understand the correlations, we will also be working to make the data more accessible to different communities like designers, journalists and developers and WatSan professionals.