
Reviving dying springs in Sikkim
A video shows the effort of the Dhara Vikas initiative in rejuvenating the dying springs of Sikkim. Posted on 28 Mar, 2013 11:48 AM

Pure and beautiful, mountain springs confer lives. With change in climate conditions and rainfall patterns, rural habitations in Sikkim face drinking water shortages. Many of these springs are drying up or their discharge declining. But there is hope at the end of an endeavour, where science, government and community come together to revive springs of their local region.

Expanding access to improved water sources through watercredit - A report on the stakeholders engagement forum, organised by water.org, New Delhi,19th February 2013
This one day session on the challenges faced in access to water and improved water sources through water credit initiatives was organised by water.org Posted on 22 Mar, 2013 09:33 PM

Uday Shankar from water.org welcomed the audience and introduced the issue of access to safe water and sanitation. Gary White, water.org, set the tone of the seminar by explaining his organisation’s vision of ‘getting safe water’ for everyone.

A farmer intrinsically trusts the land, says 'Timbaktu' : A national-award winning film on an organic farming movement in Andhra Pradesh
This beautifully shot film narrates the history of Timbaktu in Ananatapur District, and through it also describes the impact of the Green Revolution on the land. Posted on 22 Mar, 2013 09:58 AM

'Timbaktu' describes the motivation, efforts and results of the Timbaktu collective started in the 1980s by Mary and Bablu Ganguly.  Just as important, it narrates the story of a couple with a dream, and how they made it come true.

Alternative and sustainable drinking water and sanitation security in flood prone areas of north Bihar- Report on the groundwater seminar organised by Megh Pyne Abhiyan and ACWADAM (2011)
The report 'Drinking water & sanitation security' is a post seminar document on arguments, processes and technologies for establishing alternative and sustainable drinking water and sanitation security in flood prone areas of north Bihar discussed during the seminar held from Nov 30 to Dec 1, 2011, in Patna. Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 10:02 PM

The report is divided into the following sections:

Study of performance of indigenous paddy varieties under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional growing practices
This report published by the National Consortium of SRI presents the findings of a study that compares the performance of indigenous paddy varieties under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional growing practices Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 09:55 PM

This study of performance of indigenous varieties of rice under conventional and SRI practices was commissioned by National Consortiumof SRI (NCS) to assess and document the experiences of various organizations and farmers in regard to the on-site yield performances of IPVs under the SRI.

Safe water for all - Some ways we can preserve this natural resource
Maya Ramaswamy shares her views on how discussing "water rights"will be meanigful only if all of us collectively contribute towards preserving and conserving our environment and in turn save our water sources Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 09:36 PM

Water rights are being discussed today as a possibility. This will lead to civil war in this country. Rights are meaningless without paying attention to duties. It is our constitutional duty to preserve and heal our environment. 

If we pay attention to freeing our waters:

Well-being quotient in India: A report on the disparity & diversity in the quality of life across various districts of the country, by TATA Strategic Management Group
This report deals with two major indicators, the well being of the individual household and the female security concept, to gauge the well being of 588 districts in the country Posted on 21 Mar, 2013 02:38 PM

To reach a consensus on the well being of districts across the country, 2 indexes have been calculated using the per capita expenditure as a surrogate for incomes in this report that include:

Well Being Index (WBI): Measures the well being of an individual household

A commerce ex-lecturer from Karnataka's Udupi district converts 25 acres of barren land into a lush green farm through rainwater harvesting
This article by Aarti Kelkar - Khambete narrates the story of a commerce ex-lecturer, who successfully transformed a barren piece of land into a self sustainable farm Posted on 20 Mar, 2013 05:46 PM

This story of the untiring efforts of a commerce ex-lecturer to convert twenty five acres of a barren piece of land into a self sustainable green farm, provides an ideal example of a model for rainwater harvesting and demonstrates how persistence and the sheer determination to go on till the end, can yield miraculous results.

AR Farms
Residents of Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh, resist public private partnership in their water supply project- A press release by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
With no single example across the world to cite for successful model of water privatisation, the irony remains that it continues to grow in developing countries. India is witnessing a range of private sector participation in various water schemes, these come under different forms and shapes but the motive remains the same- make profit out water.
Almost all privatisation endeavor in water sector has met with obstacles, Khandwa is no exception! The teething problem of the project doesn't appear to settle as the rising discontent and resistance among people continues to grow.
Posted on 20 Mar, 2013 09:58 AM

The bad track record of the public sector to provide water has increasingly led to private sector participation in water supply system. The proponents of privatization state that private sector would increase efficiency, bring adequate finance and help build the infrastructure that is required to run the utilities properly in an effective manner.

Traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries - A compilation by the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
What are the different ways through which water can be purified before it can be consumed? Read on to know more about the traditional and household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries. Posted on 19 Mar, 2013 09:15 PM

This article published in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems includes a collation of traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries.
