
Training Course on 'Web Based Hydrological Tools', National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
A two-way interaction with personnel engaged in water resources planning, development and management in the country, regarding the utility of web based tools.
Posted on 18 Feb, 2014 04:26 PM

Get more information on 'Web Based Hydrological Tools'.

Know more about National Institute of Hydrology.

For further details on the event, please download the brochure from below.

Source: National Institute of Hydrology
Applications invited for 'Post-Graduate Diploma in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene', Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
This full time post-graduate diploma programme of one year duration is designed to impart both theoretical and practical aspects of social and technical aspects relevant to the WASH sector.
Posted on 17 Feb, 2014 08:07 PM

Programme Overview:

New law to save the Ganga
Policy matters this week: PMO orders framing of draft legislation to protect the Ganga; Narmada-Kshipra river linking scheme passes the test; World Bank to support low-income states. Posted on 17 Feb, 2014 02:22 PM

PMO approves law to protect Ganga river

Ganga river in Haridwar (Source: Anoop Negi)
Sikkim achieves 100% sanitation under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan scheme
News this week: Sikkim achieves 100% sanitation; Govt has only 2 months to cover 54.4% of rural India in its drinking water scheme; Maharashtra village gets community rights over dam reservoir. Posted on 17 Feb, 2014 02:21 PM

Sikkim achieves 100% sanitation

Sustainable sanitation
The great Indian toilet tracker!
Does rural India have enough toilets? Which state has built the most toilets and which state is still backed up? Our visualisations of the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan's data demystify it all! Posted on 16 Feb, 2014 10:57 PM

Women patiently wait for the sun to go down, to squat in open fields. Young children do so unabashedly on the roads under the open skies. Well into our 67th year of independence, the sanitation situation hasn't changed much in villages and towns across the nation.

Rural sanitation scheme - Progress & Performance
A new vision for Himalayan streams
Fish found in streams and rivers are a source of food to about 40% of the households in parts of the Himalayas. Including fisheries in local watershed management is crucial. Posted on 16 Feb, 2014 10:54 PM

Watershed management, which is an integrated set of soil and water conservation techniques that retain runoff and so increase water availability, can provide an environment for fisheries development for food or trade.

Fish harvested from a pond in Doon Valley
If you don't clean our shit, then who will?
Manual scavenging continues to exist in India even 67 years after Independence. Is it due to the lack of laws, lack of alternatives or lack of will? Posted on 16 Feb, 2014 10:53 PM

"Swaraj is a meaningless term, if we desire to keep a fifth of India under perpetual subjection, and deliberately deny to them the fruits of national culture". - Mahatma Gandhi

A manual scavenger at work (Source:Flickr Commons)
Invitation to the training on 'Inclusive, Gender and Justice Approaches to Water-Based Livelihoods', Utthan, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
The training will impart an analytical framework and practical strategies for integrating broad-based gender, religious, and socio-economic equity through decentralized and democratic mechanisms.
Posted on 13 Feb, 2014 02:26 PM

Get more information about the training on Inclusive, Gender and Justice Approaches to Water-Based Livelihoods and apply.

Applications invited for 'Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development (Round IV)', USAID, Government of Norway, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada and DFID'
The challenge seeks to identify and develop approaches that integrate new technologies in water and sanitation, better service delivery models and improved innovations that empower pregnant women.
Posted on 13 Feb, 2014 01:48 PM

Know more about 'Saving Lives at Birth'

Register for the challenge

Download the RFA for challenge from below.

Applications invited for 'Workshop/Training Programme on Groundwater', GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
The workshop/ training programme on groundwater aims to provide a platform for the participants to acquire knowledge about current technological developments in the field of groundwater.
Posted on 13 Feb, 2014 08:48 AM

How to Apply

Completed application form as per the given proforma may be sent to the address of communication by February 25, 2014. Advance E-mail applications are preferred in view of postal delay and only 25 participants are selected, based on various criteria.

