
ECSI-IISC requests participation in a one-day workshop on ‘Wealth from Waste’
The Symposium will include expert lectures on the state-of-art technologies to handle and manage various types of wastes generated by the urban society.
Posted on 26 Apr, 2015 10:26 PM

The Electrochemical Society of India (ECSI) at Indian Institute of Scienceis organising a one -day workshop on “Wealth from Waste During on 15 May 2015 at Bengaluru.   

For more details on the workshop, dowload the brochure from below. 

Invitation to the workshop on ‘Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Areas’
The objective of this course is to give participants an insight into the concept of rainwater harvesting (RWH) in rural areas. It will specifically focus on various techniques used for RWH.
Posted on 26 Apr, 2015 08:24 PM

Workshop on ‘Rainwater Harvesting in Rural Areas’ by RuTAG IIT Bombay and Jalvardhini at Panvel, Maharashtra. For more details on the workshop download the brochure from below. 

Watershed development in India: Learning through experience
Implementing good watershed management practices can go a long way in dealing with the increasing water crisis in India in recent years. Lessons learned from three World Bank projects are detailed. Posted on 25 Apr, 2015 11:18 PM

India's water availability in the future is predicted to be bleak if proper steps are not undertaken to deal with the management of the available water resources in the country. The report titled 'Watershed development in India

Water, a valuable resource
An intimate relationship: how rivers, humans and animals coexist
Most people believe that human needs should not be included while assessing the environmental flows for a river. Here is why they are wrong. Posted on 25 Apr, 2015 06:55 PM

“Every inch of our planning is directed towards human beings. At least leave environmental flows alone!”, said the professor, revealing a side to himself that I had not dreamt existed.

On the banks of the Gomti at Lucknow
Causes of agrarian stagnation: A tale of two regions
Agrarian stagnation was the same in Saurashtra and Vidarbha until 1990. However, Saurashtra’s agriculture has been growing, while Vidarbha’s farmers continue to suffer. Why? Posted on 25 Apr, 2015 06:25 PM

Vidarbha region in Maharashtra has continued to be in the news over the years because of its severe agrarian crisis with reports of severe droughts, loss of crops and increasing farmer suicides. Relief packages have done very little to solve these problems.

Farmer couple ploughing their fields
The Maharashtra Groundwater (Development and Management) Act 2009
Shashank Deshpande, Deputy Director GSDA, talks to the India Water Portal on the background and features of the recently passed Maharashtra Groundwater (Development and Management) Act 2009. Posted on 25 Apr, 2015 02:16 PM

Please provide us some background on the hydrogeology of Maharashtra and its special features, which make it stand out as compared to the other parts of the country.

View of an open well
SaciWATERs calls for a research grant in South-Asia for Grounded Gender-Agriculture Research
The theme for this research is “Poverty Squares and Gender Circles: Unravelling Agriculture Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities in the Eastern Gangetic Plains”.
Posted on 24 Apr, 2015 12:50 PM

Research scholarships for ‘Promoting Young Researchers in South Asia for Grounded Gender-Agriculture Research’ is now opened for applications from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. The scholarship is funded by the Consortium Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) Water, Land and Ecosystems in partnership with SaciWATERs.

Kalpavriksh invites you to the Monsoon School on Perspectives on Environment, Society and Well-being
The course will comprise of a series of sessions focusing on sharing of experiences by people involved in research, advocacy and interventions through discussions, readings, screenings and field trip.
Posted on 24 Apr, 2015 07:58 AM

Kalpavriksh is organising a week long residential course on 'Perspectives on Environment, Society and Well-being'. The course, being organized for the second year, attempts to reflect on the Indian environmental history and contemporary perspectives including ideas and practices in conservation, development and governance.

88% irrigation projects lying unused in Maharashtra
News this week Posted on 20 Apr, 2015 09:27 PM

Nearly 88% irrigation projects lying unused in Maharashtra

A water-deprived region
Task force appointed to forge consenus on river interlinking
Policy matters this week Posted on 20 Apr, 2015 09:22 PM

Centre appoints task force, with an aim to speed up implementation of river interlinking

River interlinking (Source: AmyNorth)