
Simple water use accounting of Ganges basin - A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Assessing interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment in the Indo-Gangetic Basin with water use accounts Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 05:50 PM

This paper deals with basin water use accounting and is a contribution to the synthesis work of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) Basin Focal Projects. It applies principles of water use accounts, developed in the first of the series to the Ganges river basin in South Asia. It provides a means to assess the interactions between water, food, poverty, and the environment and helps develop sound information about water availability in a basin, where it goes and how it is used.

The neocolonial path to power - Article in the Himal Southasian
Nepal’s power sector based on capacity- building to meet the needs of its own commerce and industry is far from perfect, but it is a better long-term bet than Bhutan’s much- touted model. Posted on 13 Aug, 2010 10:15 AM

This is a translation from the Nepali of an article that first appeared in Nepal magazine on 11 July 2010. Dipak Gyawali is member of the panel of experts reviewing the Mekong River Commission’s Basin Development Plan and vice-chair of the technical committee of the UN’s World Water Assessment Programme. He was Nepal’s Minister for Water Resources during 2002-03.


Many Nepalis would be shocked to hear that Bhutan will face load- shedding from the coming winter. The citizens of Nepal have, after all, been told for decades that Bhutan has done a great job of developing hydroelectricity, that it has earned significant money by exporting electricity to India, and thus it has been able to achieve the highest per capita income in Southasia. Conversely, Nepal has been ridiculed for wallowing in ‘empty nationalism’ and stirring ‘needless’ controversies over the Mahakali Treaty of 1996 (for water sharing on the Mahakali River) as well as hydropower projects such as the West Seti, both of which involve export of electricity to India.

Decentralisation and water resources management in the Indian Himalayas: The contribution of new institutional theories - Conservation and Society paper
The real decentralisation: a complex adaptive process with voluntary participation from all actors in the existing unequal power managing water Posted on 02 Aug, 2010 01:31 AM

This paper discusses the relevance of the process of decentralisation in water resources management. The paper argues that decentralisation is not about formulating a top-down reform package to transfer power from central government to other actors to manage water resources, nor is it about emphasising the existence of the bottom up agency.

Rather, the paper draws on "New Institutionalism" and argues that decentralisation is a complex adaptive process that involves natural as well as political actions of actors and agents who draw on existing structures to negotiate and renegotiate the existing unequal power relations to manage water.

The encroaching Ganga and social conflicts: The case of West Bengal
This report deals with the social conflicts emerging out of the encroachments owing to the change in course of the Ganga upstream and downstream of the Farakka barrage. The barrage was built with the intention of diverting water into the Hugli river with a view to flush the sediment load into the deeper part of the estuary and revive the navigational status of Kolkata port Posted on 01 Aug, 2010 01:39 AM

This report deals with the social conflicts emerging out of the encroachments owing to the change in course of the Ganga upstream and downstream of the Farakka barrage. The barrage was built with the intention of diverting water into the Hugli river with a view to flush the sediment load into the deeper part of the estuary and revive the navigational status of Kolkata port. During the last three decades of its operation, the silt-management in the barrage was given scant or no attention. The sediment movement in the tidal estuary of Hugli is a function of a complex fluvial system that can hardly be governed by inducing 40000 cusec of water.

Private investment in groundwater irrigation: Do the public institutions matter? - The case of West Bengal
This paper by Centre for Studies in Social Sciences and Jadavpur University, aims at explaining the factors that determine private investment in groundwater irrigation in West Bengal. It also addresses the issues pertaining to institutional arrangements, particularly provision of facilities by the government. The study, largely empirical in nature, is based on data collected from surveys conducted in close to one thousand moujas (villages) spread across the major agro-climatic zones in West Bengal. Posted on 01 Aug, 2010 01:34 AM

This paper by Centre for Studies in Social Sciences and Jadavpur University, aims at explaining the factors that determine private investment in groundwater irrigation in West Bengal. It also addresses the issues pertaining to institutional arrangements, particularly provision of facilities by the government. The study, largely empirical in nature, is based on data collected from surveys conducted in close to one thousand moujas (villages) spread across the major agro-climatic zones in West Bengal. It begins with a descriptive account of the changes in the agricultural scenario in West Bengal over the last thirty years. The research questions are discussed and the econometric methodology presented.

Relevance of Meltwater in River Basin Hydrology
Much talked about disappearing Himalayan glaciers, little is done and more is debated. In this ongoing discourse, we lose the rate of river flows. Seeking facts... Posted on 23 Jul, 2010 10:53 PM

peer paper in Science Magazine focuses on the core of a riverine system, the upstream basin, and its impact on the entire river basin.

Proposing a National River Authority of India (NRAI)
In hope of a better river management Posted on 23 Jul, 2010 04:29 PM

Intervening at the urgency of the water situation of the country and need in larger interest of the people and nation from political, legal, social, administrative, commerce,trade,cultural, world tourism angles, apart from agricultural and drinking water angle; annual devastation by floods,and loss by drought. One single Authority, with P.M. as Chairman may hopefully bring expected and good results in river management; riverine rejuvenation - National River Authority of India

Here is a draft proposal for such an authority to be created.

We are looking for collaborations on making this a reality.

Please post your comments.

Development of regional flood frequency relationships using L-moments for South Bihar – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
In this study, regional flood frequency relationships have been developed using L-moments for the alluvial plains of Indo-Gangetic basin and Kaimur-Chhotanagpur Santhal Pargana plateau. Posted on 14 Jul, 2010 10:55 PM

In this study, regional flood frequency relationships have been developed using L-moments for South Bihar, in the alluvial plains of Indo-Gangetic basin and Kaimur-Chhotanagpur Santhal Pargana plateau. The annual maximum peak flood data of twenty-two gauging sites whose catchment areas vary from 11.7 to 3171 sqkm have been used. The mean annual peak floods of these sites vary from 29.15 cumec to 1293.2 cumec. Comparative regional flood frequency analysis studies have been carried out using some of the commonly used frequency distributions viz Extreme Value (EV1), General Extreme Value (GEV), Normal, Log Pareto (GPA) and Wakeby based on L-moments approach.

Optimal operation of groundwater skimming wells A study of 90 wells along the river Yamuna at Palla,North Delhi
This report examines the problem involving the pumping of groundwater from a group of 90 existing wells along the banks of the Yamuna River, northwest of Delhi (India), underlain with geologically occurring saline water. Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 04:49 PM


A study of saline freshwater interface phenomenon in the Mahanadi delta region, Orissa
The subsurface aquifer systems in Mahanadi delta region in Orissa (India) is largely characterized by two groups of freshwater aquifer systems: 1. The south western Mahanadi delta region is represented by unconfined to semi-confined freshwater aquifers underlained by brackish/ saline aquifer systems with a diffusion boundary 2. The north eastern parts of Mahanadi delta is represented by deep freshwater confined aquifers overlained by brackish/saline water aquifers with aquitard/ aquiclude boundary. Both the systems are prone to saline water mixing/ migration with time and development. The present paper incorporates results of a simulation study using a finite element based FEFLOW model and examines saline water migration scenarios when subjected to increasing rates of pumping under steady state conditions with the help of a calibrated groundwater model. The results indicate the unconfined and semi-confined aquifer systems in the south western part of Mahanadi delta are prone for faster rates of saline water mixing of the contamination when compared to the deep confined systems in the north eastern parts of Mahanadi delta. Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 04:47 PM

