
Adaptive water resource management in the Lower Bhavani project command area in Tamil Nadu – A research report by IWMI
This study by IWMI explores the theory and practice of adaptive management based on a detailed field study in the Lower Bhavani project command area. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 11:07 PM


To what extent farmers and water resource managers already practice adaptive management and whether it is practiced in an optimal manner or could there be areas for improvement based on recent advancements in the theory of adaptive management are some of the questions that are particularly appropriate in the light of rapid changes in river basin water use and also in relation to basin closure.

This paper draws on the development and use of water resources in the Lower Bhavani Project (LBP), with the LBP reservoir and the 84,000 hectare (ha) LBP command area. The project diverts water from the Bhavani River, a tributary of the Cauvery River in Tamil Nadu.

Groundwater, self-supply and poor urban dwellers - A review with case studies of Bangalore and Lusaka by IIED
This paper by IIED explores the extent to which urban dwellers, and especially those living in low income areas, depend directly and indirectly on groundwater. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 08:32 PM

It investigates the difficulties they face and emphasizes the need for better integration of groundwater in the planning and management of urban water resources.

Sea level rise – Impact on major infrastructure, ecosystems and land along the Tamil Nadu coast – A report by IFMR and IIT Madras
Sea level rise will affect the Tamil Nadu coastline in India in a variety of ways, the report says. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 03:53 PM

CoastThis report by Institute of Financial Management and Research (Madras) and Indian Institute of Technology (Madras) deals with the impact of sea level rise on major infrastructure, ecosystems and land along the Tamil Nadu coast.

The Tamil Nadu coastline is about 1,076 km, with thirteen coastal districts, and it forms a fairly large contiguous and narrow coastal strip dotted with fragile ecological features and rampant development activities. There are major, existing and proposed, economic and infrastructure developments, including ports, power plants, highways and even airports, which are being planned very close to the shoreline along India’s coast.

Hydrology of the Upper Ganga river – A report by the International Water Management Institute
This report by International Water Management Institute deals with the hydrology of the Upper Ganga river - the upper main branch of the river. Posted on 21 Aug, 2011 10:43 PM

To provide the background hydrological information for the assessment of environmental flow requirements at four selected ‘Environmental Flow’ sites, a hydrological model was set up to simulate the catchment in the present state (with water regulation  infrastructure) and to generate the natural flows (without water regulation infrastructure).

Fishing crafts and gear in river Krishna - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
This paper documents the commonly used crafts and gears along the entire stretch of the Krishna. Posted on 21 Aug, 2011 10:40 AM

This paper published in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge makes an attempt to record the fisheries related indigenous technological knowledge in terms of fishing crafts and gears used in river Krishna.

Establishment of missing stream link between the Markanda river and the Vedic Saraswati river in Haryana – A paper in Current Science
The study reveals that once the Markanda basin was a part of the Vedic Saraswati river system. Posted on 05 Aug, 2011 04:11 PM

This paper in Current Science attempts to establish a missing stream link between the Markanda river and the Vedic Saraswati river in the plains of northern Haryana based on geoelectrical resistivity surveys. Resistivity surveys in the Gangetic Plains around Pehowa region in Haryana, have revealed different subsurface geological formations composed of fine, medium and coarse sand with gravel. Resistivity section between the lower part of the Markanda basin and the Saraswati river around Pehowa region indicates the presence of buried sand bodies connecting the two rivers.

Wetlands conservation and sustainable management in the Nilgiris - Final project report and local management plan by Keystone Foundation
This document presents the final report of the Keystone Foundation’s Small Wetlands Programme of IUCN-The Netherlands Committee. Posted on 02 Aug, 2011 07:48 PM

The initiative on hill wetlands in the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve is supported through this. The area is located at the junction of the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats, or Sahyadris, the two prominent mountain ranges that run almost parallel to the coastlines of Peninsular India and is home to indigenous forest people and is a rare repository of mountain biodiversity.

The Nilgiris is home to unique wetlands that are the source of sustenance of numerous animals and human communities. Wetlands are among the more important reservoirs of biodiversity that nature has painstakingly crafted over millions of years.

A late twentieth century folk tale - How rainwater harvesting creates a river in Alwar, Rajasthan
The Alwar district of Rajasthan had become a desolate scene in the mid-1980s. A "dark zone". And sand had replaced water and trees. Then a group of volunteers led by Rajendra Singh took the cue from an old man. They started making johads, earthen dams that impound rainwater. By the hundreds. The result was a miracle, a river, the Arvari. Posted on 28 Jul, 2011 03:30 PM

Video courtesy: Soumitradey


A late twentieth century folk tale - Part 1

Introducing a new farming technique (SRI) in the Gangetic plains,Bihar
Nagasubramanian works for the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), a non-denominational, non-government development organization working in Gujarat since 1984. AKRSP (India) works as a catalyst for the betterment of rural communities by providing direct support to local communities to enhance their livelihood and develop models for sustainable natural resource management and human resource development. Its operations in Bihar were started in mid-2008 and in this narration; Nagasubramanian shares his experience of promoting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) among the farmers in Bihar during the initial phase. Posted on 28 Jul, 2011 03:19 PM

Article and Image courtesy: BodhiCommons

The changing Himalayas - Impact of climate change on water resources and livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas – A report by ICIMOD
This report by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) deals with the impact of climate change on water resources and livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas. Posted on 27 Jul, 2011 09:56 PM

CoverThe greater Himalayan region “the roof of the world” – contains the most extensive and rugged high altitude areas on Earth, and the largest areas covered by glaciers and permafrost outside the polar regions.
