Nalgonda District

Prevalence of dental caries and dental fluorosis among 12 and 15 years old school children in relation to fluoride concentration in drinking water in an endemic fluoride belt of Andhra Pradesh- Article in Indian Journal of Public Health
This article presents the case study on the negative effects of fluoride on the dental health of school going children Posted on 24 Aug, 2012 06:46 PM

This article in the Indian Journal of Public Health is a case study on negative effects on fluoride on 12- 15 years old school going children.

Fluorosis in an urban slum area of Nalgonda - Andhra Pradesh - An epidemiological study - Indian Journal of Public Health
This paper describesa study undertaken in Nalgonda to explore the impact of a new water source, the water from the Nagarjunsagar dam. Posted on 07 Jun, 2011 10:09 AM


World Bank Report and AP High Court Writ Petition on Flourosis situation in Nalgonda District
The World Bank (WB) report on the website, highlights the seriousness of the high fluoride content of the water in Nalgonda district, its impact on the health of the population and the attempts that are being made to deal with the situation. Posted on 01 Jul, 2010 04:17 PM

The fluorosis section of this website dedicated to Nalgonda district, highlights the acute problem of very high levels of fluoride in the ground water resources of the district and its impact on the health of people - a high prevalence of severe and crippling bone and skeletal deformities. The site has information on the status of the affected people, flouride levels and various articles, petitions and pictures.

Incidence of fluorosis: Map showing states affected by fluorosis in india
Incidence of fluorosis has reached alarming levels in certain pockets of the state while the problem is acute in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 12:44 PM

These two maps indicate the percentage of districts affected by fluoride, in each state of the country and also gives data of the range of fluoride concentration in drinking water in each state.

The Andhra Pradesh farmer managed groundwater system project
Several thousand farmers voluntarily takes number of steps to reduce groundwater pumping, to overcome groundwater depletion without sacrificing on returns, while still improving overall efficiency Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:23 PM

The Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Groundwater System (APFAMGS) project is an enabling intervention for managing groundwater depletion through voluntary self regulation. The project has demonstrated its impact in 7 districts of Andhra Pradesh spread over 650 villages, on a significant scale. Read more
