Marusthali (Thar Desert)

Best meal of the day': Akshaya Patra's kitchen in Nathwara, Rajasthan is the newest of its high-technology ones across India
In a country of 1.2 billion people, fast moving towards economic superpower hood, it is a reality check, and a hard one too, that the mover and shaker of things here remains nothing but food. Indeed it is food alone that spawns a giant ripple effect – starting from the levels of education and health to eventually how development in the country finally shapes up. For, you cannot build a country on empty stomachs. Posted on 19 Mar, 2012 10:23 AM

Article and Image Courtesy : One World South Asia

Author : Madhusmita Hazarika

Rural water access: Governance and contestation in a semi-arid watershed in Udaipur, Rajasthan: A paper in EPW
Recent policy has encouraged a shift towards community management of water infrastructure through the creation of decentralised institutions.This also implies a shift from large to small structures and institutions. This however presumes the existence of a homogeneous 'community', and does not necessarily acknowledge the effect of various separate groups within such a community on these institutions. This paper published in Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) examines the impacts of this shift towards decentralised irrigation management on different groups residing in six villages in Rajasthan. Posted on 21 Feb, 2012 05:19 PM

Study area

This study is carried out in micro-watershed No.19, which comprises six villages in Jhadol tehsil of Udaipur district in Rajasthan. A minor irrigation project completed in 1980 serves these six villages

Rainfall, storage levels in reservoir and groundwater use

Changing currents: Plumbing the rights: A film highlighting water as a common good
Changing currents: Plumbing the rights ia a film that highlights water as a common good. Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 08:55 PM

Source: Culture Unplugged

A late twentieth century folk tale - How rainwater harvesting creates a river in Alwar, Rajasthan
The Alwar district of Rajasthan had become a desolate scene in the mid-1980s. A "dark zone". And sand had replaced water and trees. Then a group of volunteers led by Rajendra Singh took the cue from an old man. They started making johads, earthen dams that impound rainwater. By the hundreds. The result was a miracle, a river, the Arvari. Posted on 28 Jul, 2011 03:30 PM

Video courtesy: Soumitradey


A late twentieth century folk tale - Part 1

Water turns the tide - A barren district of Rajasthan is seeing development, thanks to rains last year and floods in 2006
In 2010, this part of the Thar saw rains as never before. Rainfall was recorded 98 per cent more than the average of the past 50 years. Posted on 12 Apr, 2011 11:31 AM

Article and Image Courtesy: Down To Earth

A barren district of Rajasthan is seeing development, thanks to rains last year and flood in 2006.

Administration has revived a man-made pond in Nagarda village that was drying up (Photo: Sayantoni Palchoudhuri)Administration has revived a man-made pond in Nagarda village that was drying up.
Photo: Sayantoni Palchoudhuri

Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation - Science for generating policy options in Rajasthan
This paper on climate change impacts in the context of Rajasthan seeks to address the issue of society's need for robust knowledge to pursue strategies for mitigation and adaptation to address the challenges associated with global warming and climate change. Posted on 20 Dec, 2010 09:14 PM

This paper by Rajasthan Pollution Control Board on climate change impacts in the context of Rajasthan seeks to address the issue of need of the society for robust knowledge to pursue strategies for mitigation as well as adaptation in order to address the challenges associated with global warming and climate change.

Accordingly, here a brief review of the available literature and an annotated bibliography of published research on climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation in order to facilitate the identification of policy options in Rajasthan is provided.

Also included is the literature on how human societies contribute to environmental change and how, in turn, become vulnerable to these changes. It also explores the available knowledge on how likely ecosystem goods and services are impacted to climatic oscillations (environmental sensitivity) and the ability of rural communities to cope (social resilience) with those changes.

Impact of climate change in India: An agro - ecological zone level analysis
A detailed look at the possible impacts of climate change on the different agro - ecological zones demarcated in India Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 06:04 PM

India is gifted with heterogeneous landforms and variety of climatic conditions such as the lofty mountains, the raverine deltas, high altitude forests, peninsular plateaus, variety of geological formations endowed with temperature varying from arctic cold to equatorial hot, and rainfall from extreme aridity with a few cms (<10 cm) to pre humid with world's maxim

India - Physical Map from the Survey of India (2002)
A definitive physical features map of the country from the Survey of India, showing elevation in metres of different regions and major rivers and land formations. Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 05:35 PM

Download the map from the attachment listed below:

Safe and sustainable clean water access - case studies by Whitman Direct Action examining the obstacles to water development in India
The book features a collection of case studies and essays contributed by NGOs working on clean water development projects in India Posted on 21 May, 2009 12:01 PM

This Whitman Direct Action water book examines the socio-political and technological obstacles to water development in India and has become a transparent resource for other NGOs, the government sector, academics, and interested individuals to glean the expertise of their contemporaries in the fields of water development and water purification technology.