
Budgeting every water cup
Marathwada village comes up with a novel idea to tackle water scarcity—water budget for each household. The result is for everyone to see. Posted on 17 Aug, 2017 04:10 PM

Till about a year ago, 52-year-old Kisan Jite would often wake up to his wife Sarla and other village women squabbling over who would fill their buckets first from the only well in Golegaon village.

The gram panchayat office of the Golegaon village where all the action takes place. (Source: 101Reporters)
Over 60 pc river stretches polluted: Government
News this week Posted on 16 Aug, 2017 06:09 AM

Govt says out of 445 river stretches, 275 are polluted

Polluted Yamuna river in Agra (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Draft of groundwater rules signal relaxation
News this week Posted on 08 Aug, 2017 12:23 PM

Groundwater rules might get relaxed

A well in Rajasthan (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Maharashtra wetlands face threat
News this week Posted on 01 Aug, 2017 01:49 PM

Illegal slums on Maharashtra mudflats cause loss to state

Sewri mudflts in Mumbai (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
How a poor labourer became a rich farmer
A video tells the story of a poor farmer who, through effective water conservation methods, became rich and a role model to other villagers. Posted on 27 Jul, 2017 07:59 PM

Vasant Baburao Parkale, a 52-year-old farmer, has become a role model for many farmers in the drought-prone Marathwada region. His determination and the will to excel in life have helped him to transform his dreams into reality.

Vasantrao Parkale (Source: India Water Portal)
Maharashtra mandates drip irrigation for sugarcane
Policy matters this week Posted on 25 Jul, 2017 04:32 PM

Maharashtra cabinet decides on drip irrigation for sugarcane cultivation 

A sugarcane farm (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
What ails Indian farmers
A study finds faulty agricultural policies and practices and not just indebtedness to blame for rising suicides among farmers. Posted on 24 Jul, 2017 08:03 PM

Over the last few months, we saw protests by distressed farmers of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and other states over farming crisis and farmer suicides.

Loans are not the only reason for farmers' distress. (Source: India Water Portal)
Locals create hurdle for the Ken-Betwa river link
News this week Posted on 11 Jul, 2017 11:36 AM

Panna locals stand against Ken-Betwa river link

A map of Ken-Betwa river link. (Source: Shannon via Wikipedia)
Loan waiver alone cannot solve farmers' woes: Experts
News this week Posted on 04 Jul, 2017 02:26 PM

Need to tackle core issues to end farm crisis: Experts

A farmer on his field. (Source: India Water Portal)
Every drop that matters!
A short film provides insight into the water sector situation in the Marathwada region in Maharashtra. Posted on 27 Jun, 2017 10:12 PM

The people of the Marathwada region have been facing severe water crisis for more than three decades. Despite adverse circumstances, the Akoladev panchayat in the Jalna district has set an example for other panchayats by solving their water woes through community participation and effective water harvesting measures that suit their geographic terrain.

Jivrekha river, Akoladev (Source:Dilasa)